




I feel just a little bit left out sometimes…

“AkoiromanticSomeone who experiences romantic attraction, but doesn’t wish to act upon it or for it to be reciprocated.e.g., “I had a huge crush on her, but as soon as we got into a relationship, doing romantic things with her felt uncomfortable. I think I might be akoiromantic.””

wait…w-whatI…well fuck

………what, huh, uh, huh?

Aaah!! It makes me happy that this seems to be going around again, and it makes me even more so happy to see people in the tags realizing they might be akoiro/lith!! I’m going to reblog this one with the definition, so everyone if you would, please spread this one around!! Spread awareness for Akoiromantic/Lithromantic!!!!






I feel just a little bit left out sometimes…


Someone who experiences romantic attraction, but doesn’t wish to act upon it or for it to be reciprocated.

e.g., “I had a huge crush on her, but as soon as we got into a relationship, doing romantic things with her felt uncomfortable. I think I might be akoiromantic.””


I…well fuck

………what, huh, uh, huh?

Aaah!! It makes me happy that this seems to be going around again, and it makes me even more so happy to see people in the tags realizing they might be akoiro/lith!! I’m going to reblog this one with the definition, so everyone if you would, please spread this one around!! Spread awareness for Akoiromantic/Lithromantic!!!!

(via all-aboard-the-shingeki-ship)

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    Shit son. And all this time I thought I had commitment issues. But this makes sense now.
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