Let's entertain a thought experiment...
Imagine that we could all get Brain Reduction Surgery.
This surgery would remove all of our ability to think abstractly and to imagine things of the future or remember and reprocess things from the past. Some old people get this when their brains are effected by Alzheimer's disease and they essentially live in an "eternal now" state of mind.
Most animals have mental capabilities of equal measure and live on instinct almost entirely. Only the highest primates have abstract thoughts and can actually hold the concept of time.
So where am I going with this?
Animals only know Lust. The Animal simply acts on his natural instincts and when the visual clues are there for fucking they fuck. It's really uncomplicated.
Man has a massive intellect compared to the Animals.
But when we deal with Lust the human mind has a problem. When a man has Lust and he can act on it immediately then he satisfies his Lust and loses interest until his appetite returns. (15 minutes later at least)
However if that Lust is frustrated... if a time element is introduced between the time the Lust begins and the fucking begins, then the male brain is flooded with chemicals that distort our thinking process. This Lust can gradually be reborn as romantic Love.
The longer the Lust exists and is frustrated the more powerful is the distortion of the male mind because we have massive intellects that can be reconfigured.
Our brain becomes our worst enemy.
The Beta is entirely unaware this happens. He represses his awareness of his initial Lust and repurposes this energy into romantic Love.
And this is why women find this so objectionable.
Can't you figure yourself out? ...the woman thinks.
How can she respect that? (how can she be attracted to this?)
Some men are naturally of minimal intellect and "naturally animal" (Alpha) and that's great, they aren't slowed down by a brain that works against them. The lack of intellect can hurt in other ways in life, so don't envy these men without intellect. (often rapists have IQ's around 50 when tested in jail)
Red Pill teaches you to be disciplined. Do not allow yourself to linger in your mind with Lust over a woman because that creates Oneitis. The longer you passively wait and hope while bathed in Lust the worse it gets.
Red Pill more than anything erases the common fantasies that the passive Lusting mind creates. We pretty much know all the standard traps men fall into because we have been there ourselves.
Lust is good... it's natural... it's healthy... it's simple.
Romantic Love is potentially dangerous because it's often an illusion you created while "under the influence" of Lust.
(add in the focusing single mindedness of alcohol and you get "beer goggles")