
Wednesday 10 June 2015

'The missus'? Prince William needs to ditch this casual sexism fast

The Duke of Cambridge has told Match of the Day presenter Gary Lineker he'll have to ask 'the missus' for permission to take son to a football match. Claire Cohen can't stop cringing

It was the moment that reduced an entire nation (well, half of it at least) to a groaning, cringing mass.

Yes, I’m talking to you Prince William.

Yesterday, during an interview with Gary Lineker for Match of the Day, Wills made a slip-up so almighty that he might as well have been David Beckham being shown a red card during the 1998 World Cup.

His crime? Our future monarch referred to his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge, as ‘the missus’.

Let me share the full horror with you.

When asked by Lineker when he might take his son, 22-month old Prince George, to a football match, William replied:

“I don’t know, I’ll have to pass that by the missus, see how I can get away with it”.


Look, the missus can play football too

Now look, some of you might think I’m overreacting. But hear me out.

Because as outdated, crass terms go, ‘the missus’ surely tops the list.

There’s nothing affectionate or complimentary about it. How would we have reacted had William called Kate ‘the ball and chain’ or ‘her indoors’?

And that’s before we even mention the ‘see how I can get away with it’ part.

It’s like Wills is positioning himself as a 'lad' in every sexist beer advert we’ve ever seen – where a group of blokes engage in some mutual backslapping and congratulate themselves on ‘escaping’ from ‘the little woman’ for a few hours.

Frankly, this is the sort of casual misogyny that the future monarchy really needs to ditch. Fast.

Of course, we all know that William probably doesn’t call Kate ‘the missus’ to her face, let alone when referring to her in front of their families.

(I’d like to image the Queen giving him a cold, hard stare - one eyebrow slightly raised - were such a faux pas to occur over the canapés).

One does not call one's wife 'the missus' (PA)

No, what makes the whole thing even more cringeworthy is that this was no throwaway comment. It was an ill-judged attempt, by a young royal, to connect with his future subjects.

And it flatlined quite spectacularly.

Talk about out of touch. I’m not saying that the Prince should grab the nearest ‘this is what a feminist looks like' t-shirt and join Emma Watson’s #HeForShe campaign. But if he really wants to capture the public mood, a little respect for his wife would go a long way.

It’s charming that William wants to empathise with the British people – to ape the language he thinks we all use on a daily basis.

But whichever PR gurus advised him that using this sexist term was bound to make him seem ‘more accessible’ should crawl back into whichever Neanderthal cave they came from.

(Presumably they weren’t the same who said he should be the one to strap his new-born son into the car when leaving hospital – a stroke of genius for this supposedly modern monarch-to-be).

William driving Prince George home from hospital

Because, the thing is Wills, we all know you’re posh. You don’t have to pretend to be a ‘man of the people’ like David Cameron and stumble over the name of whichever football team you claim to support (oddly, like the Prime Minister, it’s said to be Aston Villa – why the claret and blue obsession among our upper classes?)

You were born into royalty and there’s nothing you, nor we, can do about that.

So let’s make the best of it. And that starts with behaving like a human being, not some puerile pastiche of the British ‘bloke’.

Of course, there are still people who refer to their partner as ‘the missus’. I’ve been on the receiving end of it myself and was mortified. In fact, until I’d been called it, I probably wouldn’t have expected my reaction to be so strong. But it made me feel small. Generic. Replaceable.

‘The missus’ is the sort of phrase that women tolerate. It’s not overt, vile, abhorrent misogyny – but it is the sort of creeping, benevolent sexism, that needs stamping out.

And where better to start than on a football programme watched by millions.

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