経済 |
英国の経済史学会(Economic History Society)のサイトで、「GERMANY’S OBSESSION WITH INFLATION: How post-war central bankers manipulated national memories to assert their power(ドイツのインフレ強迫観念:戦後の中央銀行家が権限を行使するためにいかに国家の記憶を操作したか)」というプレスリリースが上がっている(Economist’s View経由のmainly macro経由)。
Germany’s current obsession with inflation has little to do with the so-called ‘national trauma’ of the 1922-3 hyperinflation. Rather, its origins can be traced to a post-war clash of interests between the West German central bank and government concerning the monetary authority’s independence.
That is the central finding of research by Simon Mee to be presented at the Economic History Society’s 2015 annual conference. He writes:
‘Historical narratives of 1922-3 and the second inflation entered the public discussion primarily due to a clash of interests between Frankfurt and Bonn.
‘These narratives remained thereafter because an increasingly powerful institution – the Bundesbank – had a strong interest in propounding them. The memory of the hyperinflation has survived so well in Germany in part because it proved to be a useful one.
‘My research provides a clue as to why the Weimar inflation is remembered to this day in Germany, while other ‘traumas’ of Weimar – such as mass unemployment – are largely forgotten.’
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