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[–]CatNamedJava [スコア非表示]  (23子コメント)

Communist nations are atheist. They banned alot of reglious activities.

[–]QuouarQuite the arrogant one. [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

As I said in another comment, just because Communist nations ostensibly banned religion - not always entirely successfully - doesn't mean religion is absent from them. In China, for instance, traditional religions like Buddhism or Taoism were replaced by a civil religion, which included veneration of images of Mao Tse-Tung. Think of it as similar to the way the Kim dynasty is revered in North Korea - civil religion can and does come in and provide the same sort of spiritual ideas that a more traditional religion can.

[–]Historyguy81archaeologist of new, week 23 [スコア非表示]  (18子コメント)

Being Atheist isn't the same as non religious. the Dali Lama is Atheist.

[–]migarthdude [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Athiesm is the disbelief in the concept on theism, it does not mean you dont have spiritual beliefs. (Just trying to clarify)

[–]Historyguy81archaeologist of new, week 23 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Exactly, Theism is the belief in a god. Religions can exist without gods (but this seems lost on westerners.)

[–]nhingy [スコア非表示]  (9子コメント)

That's true - interesting. Are there any other religions which don't believe in a god/gods? I can't think of any.

[–]randomcoincidences [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

It depends on your view of what constitutes a religion.

Stoicism could be considered a religion - its lack of gods also makes it a candidate for being a philosophical school of thought. Theres a lot of examples like this.

[–]nhingy [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I see what your saying - like Epicureanism. I don't know if I'd define these as religions though. I'm not sure what makes these movements not a religion when Buddhism is though. They're both to do with how you live your life - not what happens afterwards. very interesting.

[–]randomcoincidences [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Stoicism has its roots in being a religion though - its just evolved or changed into a philosophical belief at this point. It was one of the first 'religions' to allow you to worship any God or none at all, one of the first movements to push for womens rights among other great things. Our definition of what constitutes a religion has shifted towards deist religions.

[–]Historyguy81archaeologist of new, week 23 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Buddhists don't have a god, The shinto worship spirits, not gods. many animistic faiths (what few remain) worship spirits, not gods. There are also growing amounts of new atheists who I will debate up and down about the amount of religion in their lives, but that is a moot point here.

[–]bunchajibbajabba [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

Hinduism and Paganism can be depending on the followers.

[–]nhingy [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Hindus have shit loads of gods - pretty sure pagans do too. I understand what you're saying about the followers - but there is a Christian Vicker in Norway/Sweden who doesn't believe in god....are there other religions that specifically have no gods?

[–]screenpoet [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

There are several sects or schools of Hinduism that are atheistic or pantheistic.

[–]nhingy [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I'd say Pantheists believed in a god, as the idea still seems to exist? Just reading about Atheism in Hinduism now very interesting - thanks.

[–]bunchajibbajabba [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

There are atheistic Hindus and Pagans. I'd suppose religion is largely about feeling connected with others and something bigger, so it was probably inevitable the followers would assume there to be a god or gods, some universal leader(s). But you definitely can be religious and be atheistic, as I'd consider myself one in a way. My view of a god, if I had to say I believed in one, is so far removed from the typical that it isn't really defined well and irrelevant in my life.

[–]monkey_man_ [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

Take China. By and large they are atheist, but they are also very superstitious to the point of it being like a religion.

[–]Historyguy81archaeologist of new, week 23 [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Atheism isn't the same as non religious. Atheism means no gods. If your religion lacks gods, like Buddhism, Shintoism, Taoism, or any religion grouped into animism you are still religious, just atheist.

The confusing part for westerners is that in eastern religions, like I mentioned, are not exclusive, you can be Buddhist and also follow other religions with gods. Also the Shinto worship the Kami, which are spirits, not gods.

[–]monkey_man_ [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Something like half of China is non-religious if I recall correctly. Been a while since I looked it up though.

[–]Historyguy81archaeologist of new, week 23 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

when you look it up again, look up how they define "religious". People confuse religion with having a God.

In China, historically, Gods were optional.

[–]aeternitatisdaedalus [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Nontheist might be more accurate.

[–]Historyguy81archaeologist of new, week 23 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Atheist means no god, nontheist means no god. Theo is greek for god and a means lacking, like "aseptic" or "asexual". A and Non are identical prefixes from different roots.

[–]hoodatninja [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Yeah but as societies that generally didn't really happen

[–]thisisATHENS [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I'm gonna go the other route and say communist nations weren't civilizations.

[–]nmgoh2 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Does that count though? As far as I know, all communist cultures were already well established before going red.