全 9 件のコメント

[–]pirateundies 16ポイント17ポイント  (2子コメント)

I sometimes ask him about his depressing existence. "What's it like, knowing that you will never fuck another human being for the rest of your life?"

What the hell is wrong with you? You aren't a woman, so you don't have the excuse of being a fucking child who's completely controlled by her emotions. The dude is your father and has worked his ass off to provide for you and raise you. That should be more than enough for you. Because you're smarter than some stupid fucking cunt. If you actually cared about him you'd try to be an enjoyable part of his life rather than another whiny bitch who ridicules him.

[–]niggertron9000 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

So much this, my mom was a thundercunt to my dad. After we turned of age we moved to another city to go to college, she came with us. My dad fell into a great depression and everytime I'd go and visit him it would be the highlight of his days. He died when I was 22 and now that I've been introduced to TRP I can understand all the shitty things my mom did to him and how she broke his spirit.

As kids and young men we need to be grateful to our fathers for all the back breaking effort they put in to support and maintain us.

[–]pirateundies 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's also the fact that our fathers were likely raised in a time where "go to work, provide for your family" was not only heavily pushed on them, but also still seen as worthwhile. I'm not advocating following in their path, however they don't deserve to be ridiculed just because women got fatter, lazier, and bitchier.

[–]TheJessee 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'll give you the advice to stop wasting your time on it, my dad was similar, not as in a blue pill but in the fact he was pretty much a sociopath and was living a depressing life and i told him many times he needed help and told him why and every time he just denied everything, dismissed it, minimizing the facts, similar story with my brother but for something else as he's really fucking up badly last year, wouldn't listen either, when people aren't asking for help you should not try and give it to them, most of the time they will refuse it and don't expect any gratitude for even trying, you will just get frustrated how in this (for you) obvious situation they are still refusing to change

Change has to come from within and has to be sought, it will not work or not be as effective if it comes from someone else

[–]acorn_dick 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I feel you, man. It makes me so angry seeing a guy so broken like that-- not living his own life. I want to beat the shit out of a guy like that just to wake him up. Like a tough-love kind of thing.

I look back at my Bluepill past and feel angry and ashamed. Angry that I didn't have the role models or circumstances that young men need. Angry that society allows that kind of upbringing. Angry at all the years of Bluepill mediocrity and missed opportunities. Ashamed for my apparent weakness and stupidity. Ashamed of my past behavior. Ashamed of myself, lack of awareness, lack of self-respect, and lack of autonomy and ambition.

I sent TRP to a mentor of mine who I heard was divorced, and apparently immediately got into another serious relationship. I didn't hear back from him. I'm a bit embarrassed that I sent it to him, because it feels kind of like a semi-public admission of my former-bluepill-ness and brings up all those shame feelings.

I want to go to all my old friends who are still bluepill, and call them pussies, and straighten them out somehow. I think social structures used to probably exist to do this for most if not all men at a fairly young age. Going off to war, or some other kind of service, away from the bluepillifying effects of mothering-type situations with mothers or long-term girlfriends.

I wonder if I could go back in time if I could somehow influence my former self to go TRP earlier. I'm not sure how I'd go about it or if it'd work. I'd be super ashamed and angry if I had to watch myself making those same mistakes. I am grateful that I have the choice to not dwell on my past, but those memories still come up often and can make me deeply angry or ashamed.

"Be free, old man." He'll be free when he's dead. Maybe that's good enough in his mind. Not being flippant. I seriously think that death is something folks can eventually look forward to. A relief from all your suffering, scars, and rest from the constant onslaught of responsibilities and the struggle to keep going.

I know for me that a lifelong bluepill existence would feel like I had left an important area of life unexplored. But who knows what other areas of life I might never explore simply because there's so much, and who's to say which areas are important and which aren't. And what if I had died when I was still totally bluepill? It couldn't have been a life unlived. I'm glad I'm awake now, and that I have many years ahead. Life is so different. I was still a pretty cool character, though, even when I was bluepill. And so is my Dad. I don't know if I can relate to him very well, but I never really connected with him anyways.

[–]afkkk 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's not just half his salary. It's at least half of ALL his current and future assets. 401k, savings, property, everything.

[–]1favours_of_the_moon 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Here's my advice for you: Do some father-son male bonding over him teaching you how to be a veritable goddamn John Henry at making money.

When that bonding occurs, and the sharing that goes along with it, he will be open to TRP ideas. When that happens, start calling your mother out on her shit, in front of him.

[–]CastingLimerence 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Would I be wrong in assuming the OP is over 18 and still living at home?

[–]_JRTB 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Accept it or sit him down and absolutely hammer the point down his throat that he shouldn't have to put up with it . Far far worse familial situations you could be born into.