At this weekend’s Yuruyuri YagaiFes event held in Hibiya Kokaido Hall in Tokyo, Japan, it was announced that the third season of the Yuru Yuri anime series, Yuru Yuri San☆Hai!, will premiere in October 2015.Source:
Fall confirmed for best season.
>>126349232but will it be good
More Akarin equals my attention, I can't wait.
>>126349360If I remember correctly it will be done by the team that has done the last OVA. I'm optimistic.
>>126349422>it will be done by the team that has done the last OVAthat's exactly why I asked
>>126349421Literally who?
>>126349232DOKI DOKI
>>126349232Finally, a date. I was beginning to think TYO was screwing with us.
Post chapters you want adapted.Kaede and Mari shopping.
>>126350266>kaede and mari shopping
Now we can start anxiously fretting over the possibility that there might not be an S4.
>>126350266Kaede and Mari shoppingChinatsu and Akari's "pretend" dateYui banging her foot and Ayano thinking she's cryingYui and Ayano awkward conversation with nonstop punsTomoko revealing to the rest of the club that Chinatsu secretly told her she likes KyoukoHimawari trying to learn to do that gymnastics shit for PE and succeeding by wanting to kick Sakurako in the faceChina sleeping over at Yui's houseAnd mini-Akari obviously, but that's probably way past the scope of S3 chronologically.
>>126350875Also I forgot:Art class where Saku and Hima draw increasingly insulting portraits of each other (was that already adapted? My brain has a vague feeling it was, but it can't have been)andAkane rushing home from university at 99 miles per hour to stop Akari discovering her Akari paraphernalia
>>126350266The two KyoukoAyano dates.
>>126350266>"I hate you Kyouko-chan">both KyouAya chapters>water balloon fight>Yui and Ayano exchanging puns while getting changed>kotatsu tragedy>KyouSaku chapter>Akane worrying Akari will see her dakimakuraI'd like to see the chapter where Kyouko expresses how much she appreciates her friends, but I doubt it'll get that far.
Guys, I watched both seasons of Yuru Yuri last week because I picked up on /a/'s hype for season 3. I really enjoyed it, but how badly Akari gets treated by everybody (even her friends) adds a tragic element to the show for me. I know it's approached in a lighthearted way, but if you strip it down she really is quite unlucky. The Valentine's day episode in season 2 really compounded that sentiment.
>>126352100She gets off easy compared to the protagonists of a lot of Western comedy shows/cartoons. Everyone in the amusement club & student council clearly loves each other really, so that kind of softens the blow to a lot of the stuff that happens to her. Nobody's treating her badly out of malice, she's just a lightning rod that attracts shit.
>>126352329Reminder that the time travel episode turning out to be made up and not being the final episode, was the biggest travesty in the history of anime
>>126352329>she's just a lightning rod that attracts shit.I don't think that makes it all that less palatable for me. She's just so unlucky, and the fact that she remains upbeat regardless makes it all the more tragic.
I'm so excited
>>126352329But not even her friends bothered to give her chocolate on Valentines day.
What is the name for Ayano's hairstyle? It makes her look considerably older than the other girls.
>>126352686Ponytail is the best hairstyle.
>>126352686Scorpion Style. TOSHINO KOUYKO, GET OVER HERE
>>126352757but look at these braids
>>126352476I never thought she was excessively unlucky, at least not to the point of it crossing the line from funny into tragic. Maybe it's just to do with what other works of fiction we're using as reference points, I can think of a lot of characters who are much more brutally shit on by the world and the writers than Akari.She seems to have become BFFLs with Chinatsu in the manga, anyway, so at least she can never disappear again now that there's at least one person who'll notice she's gone. I can't remember the last time an "Akari disappears" joke got made in the manga.
>>126352686Go Nagai sideburns
>>126352829>can think of a lot of characters who are much more brutally shit on by the world and the writers than Akari.In a middle school SoL setting though?
>>126352788>Ayano performing the friendship fatality on KyoukoI want to see this.
>>126352829>he seems to have become BFFLs with Chinatsu in the manga, anywayHmm, maybe Yui and Kyouko just grew apart from Akari to a degree due to the age difference.>>126352940Followed by a tender embrace?
my phone is ready for s3, is yours /a/?
>>126353034All set on my HTCrap One.
>>126353132Is it just me or did HTC start out making really crap phones, had a brief moment where they actually had some genuinely good models, and then slid back into crappiness again\?
>>126352907Well, in the frame of reference of middle school SoL settings, Akari probably is towards the top of the "Unluckiest Character" list. If you expand it to High School SoL there's probably one or two characters who might be able to top her.A major factor of Yuru Yuri's appeal, to me at least, is that Namori is willing to break away from genre conventions and the stock characters you find in every SoL anime, so Akari is a pretty ingenious twist on the standard protagonist.
>>126352686it isn't a hairstyle, it only looks like hair so she can lure her pray in
>>126353132Wallpaper please.
>>126353132The HTC One M8 is a great phone anon. Unless you want a good camera.
>>126352562Maybe they gave her something back on white day, isn't that usually what senpais in lesbian japanese schools do?
>>126353195>>126353261I have an HTC One M7. It's fucking awful.The white plastic on the side has stained yellow (No, I don't smoke nor leave it in the sun. It's just fucking yellow).The camera sensor is broken since day 1 (only shows 90% pink when taking a picture).The MicroUSB port is near death.The volume up/down paint has worn off.The phone lags while typing anything despite 3 reformats.There are 4 areas of the screen where the backlight bleeds through very visibly. (top corners).Flash doesn't work.Bottom speaker never worked.Beats(r) audio is the worst default EQ ever imagined by human kind, I have to have a phone-wide EQ to try and counter it.Light sensor is broken.>>126353238Attached
>>126353349But Akari wasn't lezzing anybody. Also, friends usually exchange chocolate on Valetine's day (at least according to all the High school anime I've watched).>>126353261>HTC One M8>M8Kekeroo.
>>126353454It's almost like major phone companies don't browse the internet for dank memes to avoid naming their phones after.
what a happy event it is!
>>126353776>A-Akari, stop playing pretend!
>>126353034Cute, but update your icons
>>126353902>But it's ours, Chinatsu!
>>126353950I don't like custom launchers
Here's hoping this isn't a disaster like the last Masahiko Ohta property that had a a really solid base and then went to shit after leaving his hands.
>>126354097This is what happens when you kiss without protection.I imagine China would take responsibility and be a somewhat strict yet caring mother.
>>126355061I think China would be a good mom.Akari would be the best mom though, very kind and caring. China would take care of her child but would probably act all tsundere when someone told her she's so "caring". She's used up all her friendliness.
Can't summer be over already?
>>126355270The real question is what hairstyle would it have? Pink odango or red fluffs?
Guys, as somebody who just recently watched the show, will y'all help me fill my Yui folder? She's perfect in virtually every way.
I want to hug Yui!
>>126355459Red fluffs would be cuter.
>>126349232Waking up to s3 release, feels great!
>>126355728Thanks anon!
>>126355654Welcome back!
>>126355833Seems like there even are mass downloaders for danbooru.
>>126355880Really? It's not a site I use too often (I mainly use /c/ for cute girl image collecting).
>>126355875Thanks! I love you anon-chan! Going to rewatch the series again in preparation for s3
On a scale of 1-Ichigo Mashimaro how cute and comfy is this?
Haven't been in a Yuru Yuri thread in over a year. Feels good to be back.
>>126356059There's been autists posting hundreds of pics from this show everyday for four years and you still didn't watch even one episode?
>>126349232One more reason not to commit Sudoku.
Why are evil witches always sexier?
>>126355579Sure.Now do yourself a favor and read the manga.
Aren't TYO doing new Aria that same season? I'm kinda worried that it'll be a QUALITY-fest for both shows
>>126356170What are your other reasons? I could use some
>>126356758Yes sir, Mr anon sir!
>>126356815LoveBirds singing at dawnThe sparkle in the radiant eyes of the one you love most in the worldHot Pockets
>>126356880>Mr We're all little lazy lesbians here
>>126356815Working, Aria, Jitsu wa
>>126352399That episode make me cry
>>126356758> волкNANI?!
Y'know, when I started watching Yuru Yuri, I suspected that a show with the word "yuri" in the title would actually be less likely to have lesbian activity than a show with more normal middle school anime title. Shows had promised and failed to deliver yuri in the past with suggestive titles, so obviously a title so blatant should have no yuri in it, right?Boy was I wrong...
>>126353776Finally this image makes more sense
I'm so hype for this, can't wait for the threads when it starts airing.reminder that chinatsu ruined the series
>>126357374>facebook image
>>126357418I only just finished both seasons so I haven't built my folder. All I have is an Akari folder a friend gave me, please don't bully me with your reaction pictures.
>>126357418>4chan imageAlso I need to make a script that rename a file to a pseudo facebook filename.
>>126357418SakuSaku a best
>>126357530>goes from posting FB images to blank onesYou're one cheeky lesbian
>>126357530it's over
>>126357530Hmm, I guess we'll let you off just this once. If only for your honesty.
If this new studio fucks up one of the comfiest shows in existence, I really don't know what I'll do.
>>126357670I appreciate that coming from someone posting the best girl
>>126357613You can have this version too
>>126357748A studio that makes your gif come to life can't possibly be that bad, right?>>126357555Superior Saku coming through!
>>126357748They did well in the OVA, I'll miss the original studio but I have hope in them.They could have screwed up the art style a lot like what happened to Log Horizon S2
>>126357853>They could have screwed up the art style a lot like what happened to Log Horizon S2Or Oregairu
>>126357949>Or OregairuDon't remind me
>>126357840I already have that one you fucking nerd
>>126358137quit bullying
>>126358033But the new art isn't that bad.
>>126358277I consider it to be a drastic step down from the art style of season 1 (even if the animation quality has improved), but I'd rather not discuss that here.
>>126358277Older one had charm and was unique.Now Yui looks like a beautiful man.
>>126357171Me too
>>126355654I hope to see plenty of OTP in season 3.
>>126358242h-ha, I just bullied you into not bullyingg-get bullied nerd
>>126358446I was only pretending you double-nerd
>>126356528Rivalrun is evil anon.
>>126358552That's what I said...>>126358446>>126358539Look at these triple-nerds, getting bullied like the nerds they are.
>>126358552She's about as evil as caster
>>126356528Those pants are cut a bit low, no?
>>126358716>>126358552Fucking hell, I meant Rivalrun isn't evil. She's just being mind controlled by that floating thing. Mirakurun will save Rivalrun from the mind control by handholding.
>>126358831I hope so. Because Rivalrun is fiiiiiine.
>>126358444There's always plenty of OTP going around
>>126358444>vlcsnap>that font>those terrible colorsjust ask you pleb, i'll gladly take a better picture
Who is the bigger sis-con; Akane or Benio?
>>126359262Does she collect her sister's panties?
>mfw i just heard that fall is the best season
>>126359262Benio is more overt and open with her siscon behavior, whereas Akane keeps hers hidden. There's no question that Akane is the much bigger pervert of the two though.
>>126359123There is literally nothing wrong with the colours.
As anon requested earlieryes I know it was Himawari she wanted, I'll do it in a bit
Requesting a waifux2 edit, many thanks in advance
>>126359823just run it trough the demo on the websitebut i am assuming you want something better right
>>126359823I really need to figure out how to use that software. The interface is a bit offputting.
>Yuruyuri manga creator Namori announced on Saturday that the third Yuruyuri television anime season, Yuruyuri San Hai!, will premiere in October. She added that the new anime Yuruyuri Nachu Yachumi!+ will air an episode in August and another in September with new opening and ending theme songs.
>>126359774Time to make a boobs ranking1.Himawari2.Yui3.Ayano and KyokoNeed help to finish itAre Akari, Chinatsu, Sakurako and the Ikedas at the same level of flatness?
>Kyouko's shirtIT'S HAPPENING
>>126360097No Sakurako is on a level of her own
>>126360076>Yuruyuri Nachu Yachumi!+What?
>>126360382Why aren't they getting older?
>>126360537Why would they?
>>126360537Because Namori says so.And why would you want that?
>>126360537time loops
>>126360537The magic of lesbians
>>126360076Is this saying that there are two more OVA episodes or that they're showing it again?
What if we get another time machine episode, and we see the previous time machine episode playing out in different scenes?
>>126360537Because that way they can stay together forever.the yurus have accepted it so why can't you?
>>126360537SYD syndrome.
>>126360537To avoid this
>>126361002I'd love to see this chapter animated. The transitions between the two groups would be fun to see.
>>126360729 my reading comprehension is correct, they'll be airing two new OVA episodes before S3. Since they used the word "air", I'm guessing we don't have to wait for bundled BDs. Plus they'll broadcast the original OVA on TV.Can a Japanese-speaking anon confirm this?
>>126361092The joke isn't gonna work as well when you can tell it's someone else saying each response from the voices.
>>126361169would be something like this funny
I want to cum in her butt, and make her believe that she's pregnant from it, only to leave her disappointed when she finds out 3 months in that you can't get pregnant from someone cumming inside your butt.
>>126361641but how can you cum in her butt if you're a girl?
>>126361815A short length of rubber pipe.
>>126361169I just want to hear her say this
>>126360076Just putting a + at the end is boring.It should be something like Yuru Yuri: nachuyachumi! EXTEND'' plus+
>>126362129>Yuru Yuri: nachuyachumi! EXTEND'' plus+>ASW posting hereYuru Yuri fighter confirmed
>>126361815Medically grown penis.
>>126362189Nana pls
>>126362184I'm maining Cock and Panda calling it now
>>126362279>exploding penis
>>126362332Himawari's boobies need a nerf
>>126362332I'll wait for Yuru Yuri: nachuyachumi! EXTEND'' plus+ Continuum Gay II so I can main Rivalrun.
And done with this.
>>126362797Thanks anon, I love it!
>>126362797Wait what. Why is Himawari in Sakurako's gym clothing?
>>126360097Kyouko's flat as a pancake, isn't she? She shows a lot of her skin all the time.
>>126362937Because she's a pervert.
>>126352964>Yui and Kyouko I had wondered about that myself recently.
fixed up Yui as well>you'll never tell her the best place to grind metal namoris
>>126365057>you will never rant to her about how impractical the armour she's wearing is
>>126365116when all you're doing is beating up jellyfishes I don't think any armor is needed at all
>>126365057i can see her belly
>>126365057That sword isn't guns. Is that really yui?
>>126365616it could be a sword gun
>>126365199Try fighting slimes in Dragon Quest without armor and you'll take that back.
Finally some news.
>>126367277Now we just need an S4 annoucement, some games and a movie.
>>126368104Just hack earthbound and put a yuru yuri theme and it would work pretty well
>>126368384Too grim.
>>126369227Earthbound was too grim? I'm not quite sure what I'm reading
>>126362937Because Secret Flowers.
>>126370051Yeah I guess going back in time to kill an alien, who was consumed by power and grief, and your neighbor, who threw away his life to become his henchman, wasn't grim at all. Also considering the fact that before Earthbound the alien was once expelled from earth by the grandchild of the very hands who took care of him when he was a child, and that after Earthbound your neighbor kid traveled through time so much that he was unable to age nor die, to be condemned to live an eternity of loneliness and forlorn. Not fucking grim at all.
>>126370051I don't agree completely but a lot of parts had some dark undertones and the ending was depressing. Maybe if there was a happy 12th episode kind of thing. The epilogue wasn't long enough when you compare it to any other part.
>>126370410Welp I started earthbound earlier this week and get spoiled on the ending on a yryr threadTh-thanks
>>126370570Why don't you make up your mind about whether the game you're play is grim after you've finished?Also this means that you're gonna have to play Mother and Mother 3 now.
>>126370570It came out in '94, you only have yourself to blame>>126370628Mother is underrated as fuck, one of my favourite games of all time
>>126370676It's also much darker than all of its predecessors. I was crying when EVE killed herself to save you.
>>126370676I kept forgetting it existed until I was bored at workBut if >>126370410 is true sounds like I'll enjoy it. A lot,
>>126370570The story isn't really the main point to be honest. It just sort of happens and you have to deal with it. It's more about the experience.
>>126370410That's like a very very small part of the game though. And you're forgetting that "your neighbor kid" is the primary villain for most of the game. And he sends you a taunting message at the end, so there's very little reason to feel sorry for him or assume the worst. >>126370429I have a hard time calling the ending depressing. The final boss was freaky, sure, but how can that ending be called depressing?
Girly Yui makes me DOKIOKI
>>126371483Maybe you should read the whole Mother lore.
>>126371502this is drawn by namori right?why doesn't ayano wear this outfit in the show
>>126371483In the context of MOTHER/EarthBound Zero, Giygas's form in EarthBound is pretty upsetting. If you sympathized with him in the first game, that is, otherwise he's just a swirling red mess that yells at you.People definitely overstate the depressing/dark elements of EarthBound, it's like 90% comedy.
>>126371705>>126371833I'm concerned about what is within the game. I am aware of the events of Mother and Mother 3, but Earthbound taken in and of itself is not a very depressing or grim game. For something like 99% of the people who browse these forums, who will never play or own Mother or Mother 3 due to them not being released outside of Japan, I think it's better to take the game as a stand-alone title.
>>126372203Can't you keep your fetish to yourself, tripfag-wannabe? Nobody cares or wants to hear about it. If you want to be identified by your fetish, go to /d/ or something.
[wakemeupinside]i am so sorry
>>126371796Because they have a school uniform. They have more chances to show different outfits because of the new chapters.So just to be clear, they're making more OVAs before the new season airs?
>>126360382Sauce on this? Re-sized image turns up nothing on IQDB and Google.
>>126360382Where do I get that dumbass shirt? I love it.
>S3 announced>not DogakoboDROPPED
>>126374054There's the door, m8.
>>126360965Fuck you.I don't want to remember.
>>126360965Funny thing is that that isn't during Graduation. That's Hiro being anxious about graduation.To be honest without all the aging and progress the Yurus seem less developed and realistic for me, even though it is still good fun.
>>126374475I don't know if realism is what Namori's aiming for.
>>126375141I know it isn't. It's just that realism is something I also appreciate in a show.
>>126372611oh well
I'd love to see this animated.
>>126375533i still can't get over how cute ayano looks in those clothes
>>126375533I should really get to reading the manga
>>126375533I'd love to do this kind of thing but taking my phone out feels like such a hassle. Even the captcha is mocking me.
>>126375716My heart
>>126375795hideo no... ;_;
>>126375953can we switch out this blonde girl with this black haired girl insteadok thx
>>126375953Are Ayano's fantasies getting lewder?
>>126376304No, that's Chitose's, and hers are getting yuruer if anything.
>>126376365soon she'll stop with the fantasies altogether, and move on to reality
>>126376480>soonIt's already happening.
>>126376480chizuru pls
All I want is to see them all grown up, even if it's just one of their dreams.
Chinatsu is love and Akari will love her even more in S3.
>>126377091>their "pretend" date is going to be animatedI'm so happy
>>126376932I agree.
>>126377224>girls in Akari's family close their eyes when they grow up
>>126372611All the characters have in-story animal representations already, and this person can only see whatever vague furry things those are.
>>126377576Akane has always had it
>>126377681I don't know if my heart will be able to handle this manga
>>126377576I don't think Akane has eyes.
>>126377958One day she will open her eyes.There will be no survivors.
>>126377987She will open her eyes only when she realizes her full lesbian siscon power. Then the entire world will be under her lesbian siscon wiles.
>>126377958I think Akari is possibly the cutest thing I've come across in manga.
>>126378146Akari? What chapter does she show up in?
>>126378146That's because Akari is a good girl.
>>126378109What do you think Akane would do when she realizes China raped her imouto?
>>126360965That was out of line, anon. Pull your fucking head in.
>>126378391She's a good girl alright.
>>126378468Double rape. Akari will secretly enjoy it while Chinatsu will visibly enjoy it.
>>126375668Well S3 got an airing date out so I'm going to start reading it soon. Might be better to start it midsummer but I'm starting to get antsy.
>>126379355>ayano without tightsblasphemy
>>126379418But it's summer and way too hot for that I guessI still prefer her with it though it's a large bonus
>>126379355All of my favorite yurus together
>>126379418I'd force Ayano to wear tights during the summer and lick the sweat off.
>>126379504Ayano's sweaty thighs in the summer heat from her tights.
>>126379590Stop! I can only get so erect....
What kind of animal themed pyjamas would these yurus wear?>Nana>Rise>Kaede>Mari>Akane>Tomoko
>>126379590Now there's a smell that's probably the closest approximation to heaven.
Does anyone have a link the the S1 OP/ED singles? Everything on nyaa's dead.
>>126379790I t-thought we were all little girls h-here, anon-chan?
>>126380214Bakabt has a music collection, op/ed should be in it.
>>126380149Nana is a wolf and Rise is a sheep.
>>126380266Oh, so they do, thanks. I've been nursing my ratio long enough.
>>126380411>tfw never made a bbt account or seeded bbt torrents
>>126380268Isn't Ayano the sheep? Nana can be a fox and Rise a field mouse or something.
>>126380834Ayano is a ram with the horns.
>>126351897That was literally the last chapter.
>>126382340The last one translated, but it's still pretty recent.
>>126356758I'm trying, but I can't find Volumes 4 and 5 fucking anywhere.
>>126382400Now all we need is Kyouko saying this to Ayano.
>>126382705Sorry to say, Anon, but there's a big chunk of chapters that are still untranslated.
>>126382855Not him but what are the chances of them getting translated in the near future? I was just about to pick this up
>>126382977If you wait for an eternity, they'll eventually get translated.I wouldn't count on Bakkin. Just give up and/or read the raws.
>>126382977precisely equal to the chances of you learning moon.Seriously, its not that hard.
>>126382977Not good. I don't think the most recent chapters have been translated yet, either. The good news is that, for the most part, the untranslated chapters have been covered by the anime.
>>126383137Not him, but some people, like myself, are just retarded when it comes to learning new languages.
>>126383241>tfw able to understand classical Japanese literature due to all the kanji>tfw unable to understand Japanese school girls talkingLife is suffering.
>>126383408>tfw unable to understand almost any other language other than English.I've been taught 3 bullshit languages that I had no choice in, I guess that turned me off from learning languages all together. Xhosa, Zulu and Afrikaans. Africanon
>>126383186I know Bakkin is on the 13 volume atm, how far are they behind?
>>126383241If you start now, you'll know if before you know it. Everything takes time, and it's going to keep passing.
>>126383509Dear god, I'm so sorry for you and your shit phone.
>>126383610Should I start learning the Kana off by heart by writing them down daily? Then move on to other stuff from the Daily Japanese thread?I only managed to get through like 30 hiragana last time. I just wrote them down on a notepad once a day for 30 minutes until I didn't need a sheet to tell me what most meant.
>>126383509>Only 27 million native speakers between the three of them.You really got the short end of the stick there, Anon.
>>126383739Aw shit nigga it's time took me a week to master
Learning Japanese, you say?
>>126383739Kana took me days to get memorized (I had already been picking them up but never studied properly) but writing them down is good too. Just don't do anything to make you lose interest. The most important part is to keep going.
>>126383866Why are his eyes are so far apart? Why does he swear so much? I'm uncomfortable.
>>126384001Because50 times motherfuckerand Drink Beer.
>>126383540They're not behind so much as they skipped over a lot of the stuff that had already been adapted. afaik they plan to go back and do it eventually, but it's not a priority.
>>126383798Government forced us to learn them. My hate for each of their cultures and general people of those languages really didn't help.I remember asking if I could learn German instead - and was told that "it would be denying the true African past, and therefore racist."South Africa, man.>>126383866>>126383975Shit... it took me about 5-6 weeks to get 30 kana down.How long per session did you study them?
>>126383866Can confirm that this is pretty good for learning
>>126384149He means new chapters that have been released since. Volume 13 is completed already.
>>126383739A) Go talk to DJTB) If you do start learning, go buy a mini-whiteboard and some markers, it will make learning much easier and more satisfying.
>>126384178>How long per session did you study them?A few hours a day of writing + reading for around a week. From then on just finding places to read it for it to really stick.What really helped me was going to websites in jap and trying to read as much as possibleDoesn't matter if you can't read the kanji or even understand the vocab yet, but the more you recognize the kana in use, the faster you learn and retain them. Simply seeing them on the papers you wrote isn't as effective (at least for me).
>>126384178Like I said, I already knew some of them from seeing them so often. So when I had to learn the rest, it was easier to differentiate. But, it still didn't take me long, I spent a couple hours looking at them.
>>126384248Oh, yeah. I'm used to people asking the other question, sorry.
>>126384320Did you guys practice writing as a method of memorization or to learn the strokes and whatnot? I'm fairly confident I can recognize most kana, but I should probably have studied a bit more as it takes me quite a while to connect the dots when reading.
>>126384558For memorizationI have no use for writing moon, any writing I do is on a keyboard.
>>126384275Goddamn just got me motivated to do that. I had a blank spot on my wall anyway.>>126384320>>126384474Oh wow, that's much longer than I did. I'll definitely devote more time into it after exams and my portfolio. I was doing like 10-15 minutes a day.
what would you do to this doggy?
>>126384810Pet her.
>>126384810Collect her panties
>>126384712Not quite what i meant, more like pic related. but big ones are nice too, especially if you're also a math major.Seriously, i think my kanji retention tripled after i started writing them instead of just remembering pictures. I imagine kana would be the same.
>>126384910Akane pls
>>126384956I ordered a 60cm x 45cm (slightly larger than A2) whiteboard so I could use it as both I guess.I've never been so hyped for something so mundane as a whiteboard before.
>>126384956>especially if you're also a math majorI can confirm. It's helped me gain intuition for a lot of concepts since I don't like to draw pictures in my notes.
>>126385093if we're posting whiteboards now, here's an image of one of my recent homework problems.horray for integral equations
>>126385228>>126385093Mathfags are literally dark magesI couldn't even do linear algebra 1 without struggling
>>126385293I tried to do something similar recently, goddamn it made me feel dumb. So glad I don't have to do that stuff anymore.
>>126385228>That handwritingDid you make a mistake on the first line,third expression?
>>126385228Seeing shit like this again makes me infinitely glad I dropped out of physics.
>>126385228Literal wizard right here.I can't even do algebra without fucking up, are you just not human or something?
>>126385466>are you just not human or something?I can confirm that these math anons aren't humans, but actually lesbians from the yuruverse
>>126385398>That handwritingNerve defect, bite meAlso, i was doing this at 11PM, so odds are good there's a mistake somewhere.
>>126385546Absolutely correct.
>>126385559At least it's legible. I've seen much worse on the assignments/exams I grade.Anyways, I think there could be a mistake here, or there's some special normalization for the integral going on that isn't stated.
>>126379355Don't stare at yurihands for too long, it does things...
>>126385642Yeah, that looks like its wrong. I've been spending the last week on fredholm equations w/ separable kernels, so that's just the mode my brain was in at the moment.Fuck.
>>126385753That's forgivable. Also what class is this? Just integral equations?
>>126385643I prefer staring at their thighs.
>>126385804"Methods of Applied mathematics".Just a hodge-podge of shit they couldn't fit in any other classes. Perturbation theory, scaling, non-dimentionalization, euler-lagrange methods, and now integral equations.
>>126385892That's a weird mix of things.
why are the yurus lewd
This news has my heart all aflutter
>>126385847i wish they were wearing thighhighs.socks aren't enoughthey're never enough
>>126385092You got fucked on the price of the whiteboard, you can get a 2x3 meter sheet of the stuff for $9 at home depot, then cut it down to size
>>126385092Holy shit 266R, that's about 26 bucks. Why do you do this to yourself?
>>126385092I learned the hiragana and katakana in two days using anki. That's a much better (and free) alternative.
>>126386440>>126386524Welcome to Africa? That's actually the cheapest I could find.Titan X is $1700 here. 980 Ti is $980.>>126386682I'll try that too then.
>>126387134>Welcome to AfricaI blame the colonists.
Which 4 yurus would be in your RPG party?Would you level them up and beat the boss when you know you can win or fight it when it's risky?
>>126387456When was this? I don't remember watching this in the OVA
>>126387516First ep of season 2
>>126387456The four second years. Only Yui's approach is viable.
>>126387456Panda, Cock, Sheep and Dog.How much I grind directly correlates to how much I like the battle system
>>126387456SakurakoHimawariKyoukoChizuruLet the infighting commence
>>126349232Yes, finally a confirmed release date.Soon you shall shine again my yurus.
>>126387619>Himawari is confused by monster>attacks Saku>Saku hits Himawari>Hima gets back to normal, keeps hitting Saku
>>126387223Colonists did nothing wrong.The most-Mandela ANC has fucked up everything and anything.
I always thought you guys were lying about there being a 3rd season in production.
Why did Kyouko grow up to be such a cunt?
>>126379355Even if someone tried to fix this Chinatsu's position still doesn't make any sense.
>>126349232Fuck yes.This is what my life has been missing.
Why does Ayano make me feel lewd
>>126388348Hey JudeDon't be so lewdTake a lesbianAnd make her gayer
>>126388332Maybe she's jumping.
>>126388491I wish the image wasn't so lazily put together.
>>126388458I want to fuck you just for doing that
So are chapters 22ish to 50ish ever going to be translated?
>>126388756>>126388817A-are you blushing at the thought of me holding your hands?
Why does Ayano always make tsundere noises and follows it up with "E-Eto"What does eto mean?
>>126388766iirc bakkin skipped them b/c they were the content covered in the first season of the anime
>>126389248"Umm" or "Uhh"
>>126389248Um, or any variant. She's trying to think of what to say.
>>126389248It's a tsundere mating call. Subtle way of seeing if the other party is interested.
>>126381978Thanks, m8.
>>126389510No problem, m8.
>>126388860You have to take me on a deito first, anon.
>>126389831Will our date end with me walking you up to your front door?
>>126389831what expression is this trying to convey?
>>126389896It will end with us on my doorstep sharing a passionate kiss as I drag you into my room.
>>126390583O-oh my anon... w-what are we gonna do there?
>>126390744We're gonna check these dubs
>>126390744We're going to dress us as Yurus and you're going to fuck me silly.
I just noticed how large their heads are.
>>126390962Looks like 5.5 heads tall
>>126390962I think the proportions are all weird in the OVA
>>126390862B-but anon.. that's going to involve you seeing my penis..
I have to wonder if they'll keep this intro segment for season 3
>woke up>page 9
>>126396103Moe sure is moe.
>>126392815they have to, it's not the same if they don't
>>126396539They also have to continue to have great eyecatches.
>>126392815>>126396675I doubt they can into slapstick or have the budget for eyecatches. Better not get your hopes up.
>>126396794Nobody likes a Negative Nancy.
>>126396794>I doubt they can into slapstickSeriously? The eyecatches are one thing, but what makes you think this? They're using the manga's material so the humor won't change.
>>126398196>it's going to suck because I think it will suck
>>126350266Both Chizuru chapters, volume 7's bonus pages.
>implying this is just fan art
>page 10Don't die on me.
>>126380470How the hell did you manage that?>>126388531Is Ayano a good tsundere?
>>126400106She's definitely not as radical as Kirino or Taiga, I don't really consider her tsundere.
>>126400142>I don't really consider her tsundere.Ah now anon, that's a bit of a stretch.
>>126400189she acts like a tsundere, but she's not as bitchy as most tsundere are. She's like tsun light
>>126400629Tsundere doesn't imply bitchy by definition. It's just what most shitty modern tsunderes have become.
>>126400106>is ayano a good tsunderei usually really dislike tsunderes but ayano is fine>no autist violence>has an actual personality that's not centered around the person she acts all tsun upon
>>126400189i don't know in some chapters she just acts very shy and not really tsunderebut i can't deny that she is is a tsunderei still like her character alot though
>>126401168Oh yeah, Ayano is in my top 2 of all the YY girls. Great character.
>>126396675Ayano's S1 eyecatch was the best in my opinion. By any chance do you have a gif/webm of it?
>you will never pet akari as she ehehes~
>>126402750making one right now
>>126398557>>126398611>>126398632Thanks for the lesbians.
>>126402750ay' go>>126403402I hope either it's easy, or yours is better.
>>126403909i have nothing to do with my life so i am going to run all the frames in the eyecatch trough waifu2x and then downsample them to make it look good
>>126403970top lass
>>126404078this is probably going to take an hour since i am very slow doing stuff like this
>>126403909Nice, but isn't that her season 2 eyecatch?
Guys, how accurate was the performance of Snow White at the end of season 2?
>>126404292It's the most faithful to Grims' original scripts.
>>126404134actually i give upall my software is crashing on me
>>126404371At least you gave it the ol' college try, mate.
>>126404292shut the fuck up, 2D bitch
>>126404430Wow, rude
>>126404316I want to die.
>>126405259Why would you keep bullying people?
>>126405259I want to die even more.What are you trying to accomplish?