1. 107

    Anonymous asked: But why are these hashtags a thing? Why can't we just play games without the politics and bullshit and just enjoy them?

    Let me be perfectly clear, there is no such thing as an apolitical person. We all come with our own biases, thoughts, bigotry and opinions. We are not devoid of political influence and therefore neither are our creations. The things we create are a piece of us, it’s the nature of art.

    So games were never apolitical. Ever.

    More than that, trying to silence POC for voicing their opinions about their own representation is absolutely a political act. 

    Don’t kid yourself, when people say they don’t want politics in games what they really mean is they want things to stay in the current political climate, even if that means excluding and alienating others.  

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      I’d like to just enjoy games, but all this sexism gets in the way.
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      …also, no one is stopping Anony from just playing their games. Skip the articles and hashtags that bother you and just...
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