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[–]haltingstate [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The border patrol has orders to let mexican drug cartel members flood over border and get IDs in California. They have been told they are not getting new ammunition for months. Anyone who opposes immigration or paying benefits to non-citizens or preventing non-citizens from voting is an asshole/heretic according to media.

There is nothing to invade. Sociologists did studies and showed that as soon as society has over 4% of different ethnic/religion/cultural group that cannot or will not integrate into society and/or the nuclear family is destroyed, that the society turns genocidal and ethnic cleansing and civil war begins.

What we are seeing is the destruction of the US and Europe. We do not need a foreign invasion. We have a genocidal elite acting against the public interest and we have internal conflicts created by that elite, which will destroy the country.

Destruction of family, destruction of religion, destruction of a common culture binding together the disparate groups, elite rule through fear/terror.

I have studied their military operations in Latin America and South East Asia and I think we are looking at a domestic version of Operation Condor. There is no reason to treat the domestic population differently than these people have treated foreign populations. Look at what they did in Laos or the eighty year history of US foreign intervention causing civil wars and destabilization.

The purge is coming.