
this is not satirical

  1. antifeministempress reblogged this from iminfectionimhuman
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  3. discipleofkreia reblogged this from iamfitzwilliamdarcy and added:
    Calm down, ladies…
  4. alicaneiceindigo reblogged this from voltlust and added:
    maybe she got the tattoo because they like the planet Venus? Maybe shes into Salior Moon? just because you have that as...
  5. traxxious reblogged this from thirstydescendant
  6. motherprussia reblogged this from proudblackconservative and added:
    Apex kek
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  9. fingersmiths reblogged this from doctordangerous
  10. mysteryprolapse reblogged this from princess-biter and added:
    Is it really any surprise that the staff at BuzzFeed are delusional? It’s practically a prerequisite at this point.
  11. kerri-the-wonderful reblogged this from flimandco
  12. shadykatiet reblogged this from samtera
  13. flimandco reblogged this from ima-fuckingt4ble
  14. false-real-life reblogged this from fuck-no-bullshit and added:
    Tattoos that TOTALLY shatter the pietriarchy
  15. rambunctious-sempai reblogged this from gamergeekalanhadley
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