全 11 件のコメント

[–]The_BeardedGentleman 9ポイント10ポイント  (5子コメント)

Dealing with feminist shit tests is far too much effort, or atleast more than I'm ever willing to put into a plate.

I got about 2 days into dealing with some college sjw bitch and called it quits. The amount of times I heard "god you're so stupid" when using facts to derail her tired ass arguments, and her utter lack of real world experience was just not worth the trouble. Blew a load on her face and bounced.

[–]karmacrunch 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Why are you arguing with her, you don't talk politics with girls you are fucking/trying to fuck. You just nod your head and change the subject or just ignore the subject.

[–]The_BeardedGentleman 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Was a while ago, I stopped dealing with feminists at all back in 2012. Also at the time, I was heavily politically active, and worked on multiple state level campaigns throughout the year. So talking about politics was kind of my thing.

[–]onepill_twopill 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Welcome to the world of modern feminist logic and reasoning. We have listened to Gödel's proof: Logic itself, cannot be proved to be logical. Thus argues the feminist, "We should never use it".

[–]Asoka11111 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

The amount of times I heard "god you're so stupid" when using facts to derail her tired ass arguments, and her utter lack of real world experience was just not worth the trouble.

So, what she's saying is, you're beneath her?

Blew a load on her face and bounced.

And now, she's beneath you. Oh, how the tables have turned.

[–]MattyAnon 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The amount of times I heard "god you're so stupid" when using facts ...

Women do this. They can't argue the facts, so they try to undermine the person. Once someone attacks you personally rather than arguing a counterpoint, the discussion should be ended with "you are namecalling because you don't have a better point. this conversation is closed". And refuse to discuss anything further. You have the higher ground, you now stick to your guns and point blank refuse to discuss anything further.

[–]NeoreactionSafe 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'd rather do other things that give my time to Feminists at that level of degeneracy.

It's sad really.

Women with good bodies once extended that attractiveness with a Charming and seductive personality. These days the "mental quality" of women is really low.

Just like male Betas who can improve themselves through Red Pill, women who possess even the slightest feminine skill and Charm can increase their attractiveness significantly relative to their overly degenerate peers.

[–]gideonrakthor 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

I belive as far as most men will experience, feminists will be just another category of shittests. Expert job handling the "conversation" many younger trp members would have surley gotten their jimmies rustled and end up inefficiently (with logic) arguing with a woman.

[–]fastball21 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

It just occurred to me…

Feminism is the female equivalent of male orbiting. It's their way to initiate without looking like they're initiating. The male orbiter is doing the same thing, initiating while camouflaged as if he's not. As far as life goes, she's not in it for her gender, she's in it for herself. If her looks aren't enough to get attention, she has to go on the offensive. Since it's been socio-historically frowned upon for her to be the aggressor, she's taken a tact to get a man's attention through contrived aggravation.

The male orbiter plays the opposite to his strength, being the nice guy. The feminist plays the opposite to her delicacy, being the abrasive harpy. Neither strategy is long term successful… a worthy female doesn't want a soft, pliable man, and a strong man does not want an in-house adversary. The failure is not with the strategy, it's with not knowing how/when to give it up once the goal (a ltr partner) has been achieved.

[–]MentORPHEUS 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well written report. The fact that she toned down her profile shows that hardcore Feminism wasn't attracting the kind of men she wanted, if any at all.

It has been my experience that Feminists are most radical and unreasonable when college age, and after that experience in the real world knocks them back toward reality.

It has also been my experience that fighting Feminist beliefs head-on will entrench them, but subtly guiding them to see the absurdity of the extremist aspects of modern Feminism will speed up the extinction process, and ultimately spread it to her friends and online contacts. In other words, rather than clashing with and rejecting Feminists entirely, inject some sense into the Feminist echo chamber; this can be easy when the woman is attracted to you.

[–]junglepoon 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

What car(s) do you take to the track?