About a year ago I guess, I threw a profile up on some dating sites. This was before I recognized that actually meeting women was far superior to throwing needy messages into the void and never seeing a single response. Or at least not much.
As it happens, I remember actually putting some work into my profile and strangely had women messaging me first. Not in their droves, but every few months, I'd get a message from someone who turned me completely off. Either a hambeast or, as the subject of this post entails, a crazy nutbag feminazi.
Now this one girl. She was actually good looking, into motor racing but was very clear in her post that she was a feminazi. She messaged me first about four months ago. In fact she also messaged me second after I ignored her first message after seeing her profile. I played with a little back and forth but dating her was a complete no-way for me.
About a month ago, three months after initially talking, I got another message from her. In all honesty, I had forgotten all about her and her feminist ways. Her message was short and succinct, basically said she'd love to hang out sometime. Her profile was rid of all her feminazi bullshit and I really had not remembered any of it.
I meet up with her and things are actually going OK. She seems funny, a little introverted, some quippy one liners exposing a natural wit and responding well to touch and contact. As it goes, we head back to her place and fuck like rabbits all night long including - at her insistence - getting a little rough.
The day after, I'm heading off as she's waking up. I have my workout session in the morning and work straight after. I didn't quite figure it, but the shit tests came thick and fast. She first whined that I shouldn't bother working out and that I should stick around and make her breakfast. I'm sure old beta me would have kicked my shoes off and put the pinney on to start knocking up some scambled eggs. But I just laughed, patted her on the head and closed the door as I ran out.
Bear in mind at this stage, I hadn't remembered any of her feminazi stuff.
We meet up again over the next couple of weeks. I'm deflecting shit tests left right and center. For such a quiet and unassuming girl with, as it seemed, so many beta orbiters her shit tests just seemed very much down a single path of "you should do this shit for me".
Anyway, we're back in my place one evening. She already knows I have 3-4 girls I'm plating yet oddly this hasn't worked its way into her feminazi brain yet. She's instead asking me about my motor racing and looking through my photos. She seemed genuinely interested until she says, "I notice there's hardly any female drivers?"
I just explained that there were a few that popped up here and there but it wasn't all that common. The truth is most women who show up for track days or team tryouts are either someone's girlfriend or think they're hot shit yet still get lapped by even the slowest of cars simply because they won't listen to direction, won't learn the track, won't learn their cars, won't learn that a decent set of brakes actually do matter, etc. She then started off about what banter us guys would usually get up to and the reason there weren't any women drivers is because it was a horrid boys club.
It's around now that my femiflag went up, nope I still hadn't remembered her feminazi profile.
Then she started off about a new up and coming female F1 driver, for those who don't know Susie Wolff. Now, she started talking about her damsel in distress like Wolff has somehow been hard done by and that she's the shining light that women everywhere need in order to get ahead in Formula One...
I have never been more utterly dumfounded. What was coming out of her mouth was utter bullshit. For the uninformed, Wolff has enjoyed a pretty damned good racing career; almost any track jockey might well envy it. In fact, it's rather typical of a Formula One driver whose resume showed that they start off in karting, graduate through various levels including various teams, Formula 3, what have you until the dizzying heights of an F1 team.
It turned out that despite listing "motorsport" as one of her life passions, it turned out her knowledge was limited to "Formula One exists, and there's a woman in it now." I could tell her more about Wolff's career than she could!
Not to be the blue pill claiming logic would work against this wolf in sheep's clothing, I simply played into her feminazi hamster brain. I simply said, "Well, a usual day down the track is us guys drink beer, discuss engines, throw some noisy cars around the track, more beer, more engines, a bit of oil gets spilled and we talk about how big our penises are. Then we start talking about totty. Yes, large boobs and blonde hair only. The only use for totty on our track is when it's time to make sandwiches or to bend over the toolbox".
OK, I was being funny. But seeing the hamster utterly conflicted between trying her damnest to be disgusted and dying to call my out as a mysoginist and trying to stifle her laughter at my pissing all over the undercurrent of her rather precariously put "point", it was like watching a wobbly statue made of ball bearings about to collapse.
She tried to maintain her point after informing her that Wolff was a test driver for Williams in F1. "There you go!" she starts. "So because she's a woman, she'll never be anything more than a test driver for the men! You see? Sexism is just rampant in motorsport and we need to stamp it out!"
I ended the conversation immediately by joking with her. "Well as you know nothing about Formula One, why don't you show me all you know about bending over things like toolboxes?".
It turns out, feminists are no different than other women. They just have some factoids they've decided to try and internalize. But really, as it's utter bullshit you can treat it in exactly the same manner as any other shit test. She may be a true feminist, but there's no arguing with a confident man if they want your cock.
[–]The_BeardedGentleman 9ポイント10ポイント11ポイント (5子コメント)
[–]karmacrunch 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]The_BeardedGentleman 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]onepill_twopill 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Asoka11111 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]MattyAnon 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]NeoreactionSafe 4ポイント5ポイント6ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]gideonrakthor 4ポイント5ポイント6ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]fastball21 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]MentORPHEUS 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]junglepoon 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)