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[–]Pleasure_Principal 18ポイント19ポイント  (12子コメント)

Honestly? Grounds for divorce. I've been married for 10 years and if my husband up and decided my pleasure didn't matter, I'd be getting banged on a dance floor within the hour with a lawyer on retainer and my ring in a pawn shop.

Seriously, how can you have a healthy marriage without conjugal respect?

[–]thrownallovertown -30ポイント-29ポイント  (11子コメント)

Thats a healthy attitude, dont get what I want and Im going to set the land speed record fucking a collection of other guys! Pathetic in thought process and sentiment. This girl has more going on here. Would love to see her husband respond. Likely she has turned sex into a performance sport and makes her husband feel bad about whatever is not happening there. Instead of trying to help, she just criticizes. So much more to this than her side of the story...

[–]Pleasure_Principal 14ポイント15ポイント  (9子コメント)

So much more to this than her side of the story...


Likely she has turned sex into a performance sport

Likely because you're a presumptuous misogynist?

It could be so many things.

Thats a healthy attitude, dont get what I want and Im going to set the land speed record fucking a collection of other guys! Pathetic in thought process and sentiment.

Why? Do you feel threatened by honesty?

What would you do if your girlfriend refused to "put out"?

Damn right.