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How can I call native bind method of function-object with coffeescript ? This is the example of what I am trying to achieve:

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2 Answers 2

up vote 5 down vote accepted

Just add some parentheses around the function so that you can .bind the right thing:

window.addEventListener('load', ((e) ->

That will use the native bind method instead of the usual var _this = this trickery that CoffeeScript's => uses.

share|improve this answer
thanks, it works great now –  carousel Jun 22 '13 at 17:31

I think this is what you're trying to achieve:

window.addEventListener 'load', (e) => @_filter(true)
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Looks good, but doesn't work. Converts into: window.addEventListener('load', (function(_this) { return function(e) { return _this._filter(true); }; })(this)); –  Orwellophile Mar 29 at 9:53

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