全 22 件のコメント

[–]Jaques_Fury 18ポイント19ポイント  (3子コメント)

"We've created a situation in which resources are disproportionately transferred to women by society, and this kind of SJW identity politics is adapting and making it such that this feminine primary cannot be questioned."

Follow the money.

Resources are transferred to women because they are more likely to expend those resources. Shopping is considered a female pastime for a reason. Women love to buy shit, and Feminist society provides the funds for them to do so.

Those with the wealth necessary to oppose Feminism have no logical reason to fight it. After all, look at where their wealth comes from. By forcing men (courtship, marriage, alimony, etc) to give their hard-earned money to women who did nothing to earn it, you can be damn sure that money is about to be some smarter man's profit.

After all, how can a woman appreciate the value of currency if society has convinced her that she deserves it regardless of her lack of effort? She can't, and she won't.

Re-focusing on your post with this in mind, it should be a little more clear why the education system is forcing SJW dogma on its students. Colleges aren't grooming scholars, they're training consumers. They're taught to be outraged, because outrage sells T-Shirts. They're taught to take loans for tuition, yet they're never forced to take a course on personal finances. And worst of all, women are taught about a gender wage gap that DOESN'T EXIST to convince them that their problem is not having enough money.

Hashtags like #GiveWomenYourMoney are rare moments of honesty about why this is happening. It's not because of some Feminist Illuminati that's determined to fuck our shit up. It's just about profitability. RP Men aren't an easy group to profit from. BetaBux and Women, however, are.

[–]razor5151 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Feminism was actually funded by the big corporations in its initial stages.

[–]thumotic.comJonFrost25 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Money is cheap. Powerful people already have plenty of money. The real prizes are political power, and the minds of young western people. Saying that this is "just about money" vastly understates the problem, and makes it sound easier to solve.

It might be comforting to believe this is a simple matter of rich people trying to get a bit more rich, but it's much darker than that.

[–]Endorsed ContributorRedPillDad 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Follow the power... Team Woman must be kept appeased at all costs. Team Men? There is no such team - a man stands alone.

A mom will be upset when her boy gets blindsided by the SWJ War Machine (as OP so aptly called it), but the media doesn't give a fuck about the woes of men, because their target audience doesn't care.

Out of self-interest, schools will keep taking the approach of sacrificing the male to minimize collateral damage. But OP paints a much darker picture of intentional subterfuge and the slaughtering of lambs when no sacrifice is called for... Great post OP.

[–]TheJessee 8ポイント9ポイント  (5子コメント)

Another is to record everything. Put communications in email whenever possible. Record conversations held with female bosses and colleagues. Buy a recording device that fits in your pocket.

Funny enough i was thinking about this the entire time reading through this, luckily i live in Belgium where the problem is not of such epic proportions as in the united states, but i could honestly see it coming here too, so i have already ordered a small recording device because heck seeing all the shit that's happening on colleges and universities in the US you simply can't protect yourself enough, in the US the word and feelings of female seems law now and when someone is accused of abuse and someone questions it i see a ton of articles and hundreds of raging tweets popping up it is unheard of that you even dare question the validity of the claim made by said female because why would she lie right?

[–]madvotron 18ポイント19ポイント  (2子コメント)

We don't have to worry about the feminists, here in Germany the politicians are freaking out because a lack of babies. "Where em babyz????", "Where em MEN????" In Germany most, if not all, women are boring, post-wall, career-oriented or complete sluts.

But, I wouldn't bother about solving that. Europe has already felt what happens when the male population starts checking out and women are left with no choice but to end up with six cats.

The muslims, oh boy, that's another story. Europe is turning to shit, to complete and utter shit and we aren't doing anything to stop it. Feminists will purge themselves out of the pool, but muslims, those fuckers live to breed and spread their mind disease.

[–]redpillersinparis 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Mate, the problem is that they take bad immigrants in. If immigration was controlled to take only educated skilled immigrants, or students and allow only the good graduates to stay, immigrants wouldn't have such a bad reputation.

It's sad really, because some immigrants actually suffer because they think they are seen in a negative way because others who look like them act uncivilised.

Taking in "bad" immigrants seems bad for the natives and bad for the "good" educated immigrants. The only thing it's good for is to provide unskilled workers who are willing to work all week for dirt money, but then they get citizenship and they stop, then they breed.

[–]recoveringpsychopath -5ポイント-4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Muslims aren't exactly a new form of lifeform that has a new way of intruding cultures/countries. They will get fat and lazy themselves and then will rant about some other religion/culture that destroys their world. Nothing new to it, no reason to stop them. Let them fuck up your country and you have ways of getting your own plus out of it. Just use them as sheeps. Unless you're a nationalist (or something) and you want to try to save your world. Then good luck trying to be some kind of hero.

[–]1down_with_whomever[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

As far as I know, in certain circumstances it is illegal to record someone's conversation without their consent.

But I consider the consequences of illegally tape recording worse than the consequences of a false rape accusation, or most other types of false accusations.

[–]TheJessee 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm aware of that, i know that these recordings might also be deemed inadmissible by a court because consent might not have been given, but honestly proving my innocence in public if it ever has to come to that is worth the risk of conviction to me for making those recordings public

[–]iamnotfromtexas90 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

"Social Justice" is literally communism in disguise. Americans would never accept communist ideals, but sadly, they have fallen for communism 2.0, aka social justice.

[–]NeoreactionSafe 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Purdue and Princeton


"The statement adopts principles and language recently articulated at the University of Chicago in its Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression, stating that the university’s fundamental commitment is “to the principle that debate or deliberation may not be suppressed because the ideas put forth are thought by some or even by most members of the University community to be offensive, unwise, immoral, or wrong-headed. It is for the individual members of the University community, not for the University as an institution, to make those judgments for themselves, and to act on those judgments not by seeking to suppress speech, but by openly and vigorously contesting the ideas that they oppose.”

"Purdue is the first public institution to adopt the Chicago principles; Princeton University faculty adopted such a statement in early April."

So there are two Universities worth going to at present. (only two !!!)

Natural selection in the competition for dollars will create a divided University system of Red Pill / Neoreaction / Rationality schools in contrast to SJW insanity.

Moldbug's vision was for this to happen. (10+ years ago)

[–]Thulean 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Everyone should check out this book, you can find it in pdf online.


"Why Johnny Can't Think" shows that leftism means, "Professors should rule the world." It demonstrates why each totally inbred generation of professors chooses a new generation of professors that is even more inbred and leftist and what actually happens when college graduates and professors actually try ruling the world through socialism, through criminal "rehabilitation," and through the New Education. Whatever they call it, socialism or environmentalism or multiculturalism, each leftist program just means that professors should rule the world. And every time they try, it is a disaster. But college graduates keep pushing new leftists policies. That what they learned in school. That's what we pay professors to teach them in school. Joe Sobran says in the foreword: "A former professor himself, Bob Whitaker believes that formal education has become dangerous, and often fatal, to common sense. This is nothing new, but Americans believe so deeply in formal education that they routinely sacrifice their children's youth to it, often paying staggering amounts of money to shield them from the real world... "...the "social" sciences are another matter. These "social" sciences are often directly contradicted by the hard sciences. They are built on ideas and theories that are not only unproven, but demonstrably and obviously false. Yet they are aggressively promoted by the academy, followed by the media and the government, and anyone who openly denies them can forget about a career in these institutions. Even real scientists are forced to bow to the idols of "social" science... "As Whitaker reminds us, formal education is far and away the biggest industry in the United States. Americans pay trillions of dollars, in both taxes and private tuition, to have their children indoctrinated in a false and destructive ideology, which serves as the basis for a series of disastrous public policies. In Whitaker's words, "Nothing liberals do ever WORKS."

[–]Chobeat 1ポイント2ポイント  (5子コメント)

his pattern is extremely similar to the power structures in dictatorial / Communist countries.

What? This is the same everywhere in the world. Double standards for people in power are present everywhere in the world. Dictatorship are just bad at covering them because they don't need support from public opinion.

[–]1down_with_whomever[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

There's a difference between double standards, and the extreme extent about which I'm describing.

If you think it's like this everywhere, you haven't been around.

[–]Chobeat 1ポイント2ポイント  (3子コメント)

I live in Italy. I know my stuff about corruption and power.

[–]220090 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Case in point. Italy is hardly "everywhere." And although I've never been to Italy, like OP, I have spent an extensive amount of time in CIS countries and I'd gladly wager that Italy's corruption doesn't compare.

[–]1down_with_whomever[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Come work behind the iron curtain and tell me how much corruption you know about.

[–]pahispua 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hah at the 2 american replies you've gotten who don't have a clue what italy is like.

[–]mryddlin -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Here are some interesting data points to consider (archive.is link, not sure if we can link directly to Google Ngram).

I was writing a response to Marc Rufallo's recent tumblr post, making the point that modern feminism is a construct from the 1970's and cannot be retroactively applied accomplishments done by people that didn't exist.

The data points are interesting, while in no way conclusive they do highlight my point that feminism, and the social justice culture that has come out of it, are jumping on existing trends and attempting to co-opt the historical record.

Women's Liberation is almost never talked about during the time period feminism just explodes and has started to now decline, downside is that it has moved to social justice movement.

Great post by the OP on the subject, play around with the key word searches to see some interesting results.

For example, add the word 'divorce and god' to the list and it just completely dominates the trend lines in frequency.

The TRP observation that the entire narratives resolve around the SMP is hard to ignore when looking at the issues we have been talking about over these time periods.

I take major issues with ideologies attempting to rewrite the historical record. There were organizations that used the word Feminist during that time period but it was attempting to appeal to the concept of 'gender unity' and it didn't take off, it is not referring to the 1970's concept of Feminism as an ideological structure. (source: Conflicts in Feminism