SJW’s, Education and Communism
Currently on the front page there is a post titled “When feelings become more important than issues: a liberal professor challenges SJWs.” You should all read this post and the attached article. Link:
Like the author of that article, I have also spent my career in education. After my last post about TRP and education I received a lot of request to tell more about my perspective on the issue. The trend he’s describing is absolutely true both for schools, university, and in youth culture in general. The idea that identity and feelings are more important than logic and facts has become shockingly normal.
So I am going to chime in here and discuss some corollary aspects of this trend, and its implications for the distribution of power in society.
A Decline in Principles, an Increase in Profit
One of them is the tendency for institutions to have fewer and fewer principles outside of the maximization of profit. Universities and colleges have gone from being educational institutions to being for-profit businesses. In some cases, it's entirely fine for something to be a for-profit business with no principles or concern except for money. But there are certain industries that have a destructive effect on society when they entirely compromise their principles. Education (like news media, in my opinion) is one of them. If higher education as an institution thinks it can make more money by selling out to SJW's, it will. In our culture, as it currently stands, educational institutions will continue to cater to the SJW war machine until doing so has a profoundly negative impact on their financial situation. Until then, I expect that education will continue hurdling in this direction.
Perhaps this is a structural problem, perhaps it’s a culture one. But at the moment, a school stands nothing to gain from taking a principled stand. If Professor Redpill has a debate with Little Janey Feminist, Janey gets angry and has her friends start an internet campaign against this university, the university will throw Professor Redpill under the bus. They stand nothing to gain, as they see it, by standing up for people who challenge students’ thought, and in doing so, offend some of them.
Litigation and Accusers Culture
We live in a culture where accusers have all the power. Threatening to sue a school can get them to bend over backwards because a law suit is disproportionately punitive. Do you know how much damage it can do to a school district to be sued for millions of dollars? Do you know how much damage the mere threat of a law suit can do to a university's reputation?
I call it an accuser's culture because it seems to me that the mere act of accusing someone of something is the great weapon against which there is no defense. Deceptive instigators aren't punished - wrongful victims are punished.
You see this in schools with zero-tolerance policies. Kid A punches kid B - kid B gets expelled for fighting. What can kid B do? Nothing, he has no recourse.
In university, girl A accuses boy B of raping her. Even if he didn't, and is found not guilty, he can be expelled for the accusation, or at the very least have his reputation destroyed forever. What can boy B do? Nothing, he has no recourse.
At the work place, Woman A accuses Man B of misconduct at work. Even if it's a total fabrication and lie, all that's really known for certain now is that Man B's integrity is in question.
At home, Wife A beats Husband B, then calls the police and says that Husband B is an abuser. He is arrested and put in jail, regardless of the circumstances.
Recently, in Scandinavia, there was the story of the 15 year old boy who was falsely accused of rape, and would be punished. So he showed the video he took of her consenting – so he was punished for this. What can he do to defend himself? Nothing. He's punished for being accused, and then he's punished for proving the accusation false. He has absolutely no way of defending himself. This is not an accident.
Looking at the big picture, we’re on the path to a situation where obeying the law and following the rules do not guarantee protection from punishment because there are two sets of laws: the first set of rules is explicit, but the other is hidden and random. If you could be accused at any moment, and though innocent, be presumed guilty, you can never be at ease, you can never speak your mind, you can never let your guard down, you can never trust, and you can never ask questions too loudly. The second law is never to cross an accuser, and you can't know who the accuser will be or be held to the same standards to which they are held.
This pattern is extremely similar to the power structures in dictatorial / Communist countries. I’ve spent the last several years working in a recently post-communist country and I can tell you from personal experience what it’s like. Rules are followed to an extremely punitively strict degree, when it suits those in power, and when it doesn’t suit them, they aren’t even acknowledged, no less followed. You can never know when the rules will be followed and when they are ignored. Additionally, the rules are always changing, so that you can never be sure of what to expect. You are always insecure. You can be given an order, then follow this order, then receive a contradicting order after you’ve done it, then punished for following the first order.
None of this is by accident. All of this is intentional. It is intended to create doubt, confusion, but above all else, fear. If you are fearful and surrounded by chaos you can never speak loudly enough to gather allies to question the established authority.
Someone accused of disloyalty to the party and sent to the Gulags to be murdered doesn’t have a chance to prove that he is innocent. Because the purpose of this action isn’t to punish him for disloyalty, or to uphold the law. The "law" doesn't serve the same function in this environment as law ought to serve. The purpose is to show everyone else that it’s possible to be punished for no reason. It creates a background noise of terror, docility, passivity, it prevents people from resisting or questioning.
It’s absolutely amazing to me to see the parallels between working in feminized structures in the US, and Communist-style structures out here, because the main parallel is that feelings replace facts, that rules and punishment are arbitrary and inconsistent, and that all of this is organized intentionally to intimidate and silence people to prevent you from questioning the distribution of resources.
This issue, whether intentionally or not, ends up being about distribution of resources. We've created a situation in which resources are disproportionately transferred to women by society, and this kind of SJW identity politics is adapting and making it such that this feminine primacy cannot be questioned. It is entrenching its power by changing the way that rules and power operate, through the policing of language and the replacing of facts with feelings.
As far as I can tell, this type of culture cannot be used to your advantage, it can only be used to your demise. You cannot accuse a woman of sexism. You can't accuse a SJW of being a fascist bigot. You can't accuse a racial minority of racism (Obama's kids are, on paper, disadvantaged minorities - a white guy making minimum wage is the culture of power). The logic only goes in one direction and cannot be turned around the other way. In the same way, the Communists could not accuse the Commissar of disloyalty to the Party, and if you attempt turn his own weapons against him and do so, you will be the one dragged off to the Gulag.
So what can we do to protect ourselves in this kind of environment? Well, the first thing that I’ve noticed that the Soviets did was keep their mouths very shut. The people who grew up in this world know what not to talk about, who not to talk about, and know not to get too close to people at work. And it is painful to self-censor but think of the 48 laws of power – think as you like, but do as others.
Another is to record everything. Put communications in email whenever possible. Record conversations held with female bosses and colleagues. Buy a recording device that fits in your pocket. Don’t participate in gossip. If possible, don’t work in a job that has a female boss or majority female administration.
The real final solution to this problem is financial freedom. That’s the great difference between our SJW culture and communism. We can opt out. We can accumulate fuck you money until we don’t have to play by their rules anymore. Not everyone has this opportunity.
Happy hunting, gentlemen.
[–]Jaques_Fury 18ポイント19ポイント20ポイント (3子コメント)
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[–]Endorsed ContributorRedPillDad 4ポイント5ポイント6ポイント (0子コメント)
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[–]madvotron 18ポイント19ポイント20ポイント (2子コメント)
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