"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Seduction is a Game
In order to win any game, you must make the opposing player lose. In the game of seduction, men and women play against each other.
To be clear, men and women aren't "opponents" in the sense that we hate each other, or want to do physical harm to each other. It's not like we decided to play against each other for the sheer sake of becoming opponents. Opponent. Enemy. Call it whatever the fuck you want. This is what the game has dictated that you are, and you don't get to change that.
Men and women are opponents in the game of seduction because we are
to each other. Women have something that men value (sexual access), and men have something that women value (commitment). The game of seduction is won by manipulating your opponent into providing you with something of greater value than you expend.
One of you can only gain something at the expense of the other player. To be clear, you can both have fun
while being opponents,
and in all likelihood you will. But you can't decide "we're not enemies since we're playing for fun :)"
because guess what? You can't both win! In the game of seduction, the players who only play for fun - i.e. they play without
a strategy - and therefore always lose are called Nice Guys and Whores. They both give away their love for free.
The players who play the Game to win - i.e. they play
a strategy - are called Players and Cuckolds. The Player's sexual strategy is to maximize the number
of higher-quality women who he plates (non-exclusive sexual partners), and his optional
strategy is to fuck Whores (non-recurring sexual partners). The Cuckold's sexual strategy is to maximize the value
of the man she associates with at any given time (either non-recurring, non-exclusive or exclusive sexual partner), and her simultaneous
strategy is to maximize her number of Nice Guy orbiters (non-exclusive asexual partners).
Know the Enemy: How You Make Her Feel Determines How She Treats You
Women treat men based on how men make them feel. This is precisely the reason why so many men are unable to grasp Game - because women are illogical and therefore Game is illogical. From my experience, any particular woman will mentally categorize every man in her life into one of 3 categories, each of which directly affect her behaviors toward you:
"He makes me feel unworthy"
In the beginning stages of meeting her: She'll either fuck you or avoid you.
Over the long-term: She'll eventually avoid you.
(2)"He makes me feel special"
In the beginning stages of meeting her: She won't fuck you, but will fuck other guys. You're her orbiter, and potentially a future LTR if she runs out of other options.
Over the long-term: If you're still her orbiter, she still won't fuck you, and she'll still fuck other guys. If you've been promoted to LTR, she'll fuck you until you've lost the status, and she'll likely still fuck other guys until then.
(3) She feels nothing toward you and therefore she'll ignore you.
Know Yourself: Pose as a Friend, But Work as a Philanderer
This is the brand of Game which I consider to be most effective. It's the perfect mix of categories 1 & 2.
She won't be able to decide
whether you make her feel unworthy or special, and so her hamster will land upon the conclusion that you must be a unicorn. Pull this off correctly and you'll be bringing her home that night.
Verbally, you want demonstrate an acted-out politeness that makes her question whether or not you're actually attracted to her. In her mind, she'll think that maybe you "just want to be friends" with her and nothing more. This will make her question whether you're trying to
make her feel special
by feigning politeness, or if genuinely consider her to be unworthy
because your interest in the conversation is constructed. In reality, you'll be doing a little bit of both - but her hamster will go crazy trying to categorize her feelings (and thus how she treats you) into one category or the other.
through your interactions with her,
the goal is to show her that you find her attractive (through your eyes), but that you're also scouting out the social landscape for other options. This will make her question whether or not you're actually attracted to her. In reality, you will be demonstrating an attraction to her, but you will also be demonstrating an attraction to other women besides her. You want her to think you're "above" her, she's not your best option, and therefore you're a higher value man who she's willing to compete for (i.e. fuck).
Eye fuck her
when speaking to her. When she speaks, alternate between eye fucking her and looking around slowly (your "hoe radar"). She'll pick up on this. If she likes you, start kino-ing her until you notice that she's starting to eye you harder, then go in for a kiss and make out with her aggressively. Subtly grab her neck, start progressively gripping harder ("take her breath away") and start rotating her head back and forth. Show enough dominance and control with this technique and you will easily fuck her later.
If kino-ing doesn't seem to be a good option at that point, proceed likewise: Say
very little
when responding to her and feign interest in what she's saying, as if you're "just being polite" because you haven't decided whether or not you like her yet (which could very well be true). The more fake your interest in the conversation seems, the better.
If she turns to talk to one of her friends for even a second, your initial reaction will be to scout out the area and start flirting with the next group of girls you see. Chances are, the initial girl will pick up on this and practically pounce on you shortly after.
Pose as a friend, but work as a philanderer. It sounds easy because it is. Because in the Game of seduction you're playing against women, and as we all know women can't beat men in anything.
"But Tits_Out! What about all the orbiters? Don't THEY all lose??"
Of course they do. They compete with each other because they mistake their opponent for an ally. Play the Game against the wrong opponent and you'll lose - just ask all the orbiters who give away their time and attention for free.
This brand of Game works best in social settings like a bar or a party, particularly when you're with a group of your bros. If their Game sucks, they'll supplicate and make you look better for standing back and being patient. If their Game is tight, you'll likely have better/more women to choose from.