Which one is the REAL Red Pill forum?
This is something I've argued on TRP countless fucking times. To the point where I just stopped responding as it became
Fuck Marriage you're a faggot.
TRP is for each Man to interperet and apply to his life. The philosophies are universal and just adapted to specific situations. Whether you're a Family Alpha, Single Alpha, Plate Spinning Alpha, LTR Alpha it doesn't make a fucking difference as the goal is to be the fucking absolute best you can be and have the skills to get laid while doing it.
The time we have on this planet is so fucking short that we need to focus on self improvement and living
each moment as opposed to finding what is popular online and making that who we are.
We don't need Reddit puppets running around trying to
Red Pill, we need Men to embrace their Masculinity and fucking learn about the female psyche so we can use it to help us better understand them and in turn live a more fulfilling life.
Who gives a shit about acceptance into RPW or TRP, we are here in MRP because we are married and
of us just want to have a forum where we can discuss means to better enjoying our Marriage and keeping things interesting and fun with the same woman for life.
Too many are focused on talking, talking, talking. Our slogan should be
Acta, Non Verba
because you have to act
and not just fucking talk
as that's the only way to improve yourself.
Winning arguments online is fucking pointless and takes away from time that could be spent on reading and learning about bettering yourself physically, sexually, mentally, and spiritually.
MRP has loads of potential and I think as we continue to grow and share knowledge Marriage has a chance in our society. We broke away from TRP for a reason whether we get onto their (or RPW's) sidebar or not is irrelevant as we'll succeed independently.