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submitted by RPSigmaStigmaMarried- MRP APPROVED
I was just banned from RPW for posting a fairly innocuous comment. After a bit of back and forth with the mod this comes out:
You merpers are overwhelming our sub with your interminable blather and bad advice. MRP is not part of the redpill network and we are not your sister sorority. Every place on the internet is not for YOU
So there it is. If you post on MRP, the RPW mods will dig through your comment history and ban you.
all 19 comments
[–]Ditario 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
Obviously you are upset that you got banned - from a REDPILLWOMEN subreddit.
Why not just lurk...isn't there something else you could be doing to improve yourself?
[–]TrainingTheBrainMarried- MRP APPROVED 4 points5 points6 points  (6 children)
Why would any Man go to RPW?
Isn't that the equivalent of a wife coming here, which is pretty annoying as it ends up with their hamster going into overdrive?
[–]_wingnut_RPW MODERATOR 3 points4 points5 points  (2 children)
It is the exact same thing. Certain RP men get some proprietary notion that the RPWs are their henhouse and like to come play "big cock of the walk" there. No
[–]TrainingTheBrainMarried- MRP APPROVED 3 points4 points5 points  (1 child)
Your responses have been clear and concise, run your sub with the same directness and I'm sure you guys (gals I guess) will be fine. There's no need for 'cross sub love' do your thing, we do ours, everyone wins.
[–]_wingnut_RPW MODERATOR 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
We dont let women get away with any bullshit on our sub, and we aren't going to let any men get away with anything either
[–]RPSigmaStigmaMarried- MRP APPROVED[S] -3 points-2 points-1 points  (2 children)
The thread was about women who were raised by narcissistic mothers. This is a subject I've done quite a bit of research on since my wife's mother is a severe narcissist. I posted a few links on the subject hoping it would help. It's not like I was giving relationship advice "as a man" or anything.
[–]TrainingTheBrainMarried- MRP APPROVED 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
But how did you see the thread to begin with?
I'm trying to figure out why you ever ventured to (possibly subscribed) to RPW in the first place.
Just to look into their minds, maybe see if you could relate/help advise?
I don't see any benefit to going there or MRP caring if we can or cannot be a part of that community.
[–]johndoe21012014 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Hope you learned that feelz before reelz for them.
[–]_wingnut_RPW MODERATOR 6 points7 points8 points  (1 child)
you were NEVER welcome, you were tolerated,  and you are taking over our sub.  You kicked us out of here for good reason, women were giving bad "team woman" advice, and this is a place for MEN to advise men and destroying male community.  Now you guys are doing that to Us.
There is NO PLACE ON EARTH for non-religious women like us to congregate meet and communicate,  no place, RPW is IT.  We are male friendly and hate all that feminist "safe space for women" bullshit, but you are all LITERALLY driving women out of our sub and taking it over.  Some posts have a 90/10 male female response ratio and it has become ALL mrp posters.  We are not your wives or your sister sorority, neither are we TRPs, we are our own community and if you keep interfering with us youll all be banned on sight, not every place on the internet is for you
[–]BluepillProfessorMarried-MRP MODERATOR 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
Although I cannot understand how 3,600 Merpers can "take over" a sub with 3 times as many members, this is an explanation I can appreciate and understand. Thank you.
If this is truly a problem, the RPW mods are always free to message the MRP mods and we will sticky a warning to our members that RPW is not their henhouse. We will take whatever action we can to stop this from happening including personally warning and then suspending and finally banning our members for violating RPW guidelines.
This is the first I heard about the problem as I have been primarily concerned with the precise opposite issue.
Edit: Didn't realize you were a RPW mod. Have some flair and let us know if you want us to take action to help or prevent the problems you described.
[–]NotDoingTimeUnplugging 3 points4 points5 points  (1 child)
It seems like a general trend in the TRP community, which is sad. The fact that most of us married in our BP days and don't want to risk divorce rape just to follow the "common" TRP lifestyle.
Personally, I feel TRP can be adopted anywhere, in any lifestyle, marriage or not; but the general community doesn't feel that way.
[–]whinemorepleaseMARRIED- MRP MODERATOR 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
but the general community doesn't feel that way.
Doesn't seem like that's your fucking problem then does it?
[–]BluepillProfessorMarried-MRP MODERATOR 2 points3 points4 points  (5 children)
Unfortunately I think this is why Red Pill will never succeed as a social movement or to enact lasting social change. We see the same dynamic developing with the MRA's breaking away from the authoritarian strain of Red Pill demanded by the mods over there.
The RPW's declared war on MRP the second we started to get traction as a sub. Apparently the RPW mods were pissed that we would not let them give advice to men about relationships and marriage. Never mind whether that could possibly be construed as Red Pill!
The Important thing is that RP-W's are WOMEN. Feelz before realz so this would not even have been a problem except the male TRP moderators failed the obvious Shit Test and went along with the womminz, apparently just to keep the peace.
So now we have a split between married guys and TRP/PUA guys and another split between MRA's and TRP. It looks to me like TRP wants to limit their influence rather than grow. I think they want to keep this knowledge secret apparently because if there are to many PUA's it spoils it for the 1% of guys posting on TRP who are actually getting laid regularly.
I would not understand the unpleasantness or the hostility from the RPW's except all of us "Merpers" know damn well what happens when you let women Shit Test you. All MRP did in our posting guidelines was to demand that women not come into the sub bitching and harping and to exhibit some femine grace and charm with their posts- but obviously that was to much to ask.
And 'not part of the RP network?"
We don't need fucking approval from RPschool, or homin-homini lupus for that matter. From where I sit this is a deliberate attempt to damage Red Pill or even destroy the movement- which would hardly be the first time that females have infiltrated Red Pill sites and trolled them towards the Feminine Imperative.
So that leaves the question: Will the REAL Red Pill forum speak up?
[–]TrainingTheBrainMarried- MRP APPROVED 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
Which one is the REAL Red Pill forum?
This is something I've argued on TRP countless fucking times. To the point where I just stopped responding as it became Fuck Marriage you're a faggot.
TRP is for each Man to interperet and apply to his life. The philosophies are universal and just adapted to specific situations. Whether you're a Family Alpha, Single Alpha, Plate Spinning Alpha, LTR Alpha it doesn't make a fucking difference as the goal is to be the fucking absolute best you can be and have the skills to get laid while doing it.
The time we have on this planet is so fucking short that we need to focus on self improvement and living in each moment as opposed to finding what is popular online and making that who we are.
We don't need Reddit puppets running around trying to act Red Pill, we need Men to embrace their Masculinity and fucking learn about the female psyche so we can use it to help us better understand them and in turn live a more fulfilling life.
Who gives a shit about acceptance into RPW or TRP, we are here in MRP because we are married and most of us just want to have a forum where we can discuss means to better enjoying our Marriage and keeping things interesting and fun with the same woman for life.
Too many are focused on talking, talking, talking. Our slogan should be Acta, Non Verba because you have to act and not just fucking talk as that's the only way to improve yourself.
Winning arguments online is fucking pointless and takes away from time that could be spent on reading and learning about bettering yourself physically, sexually, mentally, and spiritually.
MRP has loads of potential and I think as we continue to grow and share knowledge Marriage has a chance in our society. We broke away from TRP for a reason whether we get onto their (or RPW's) sidebar or not is irrelevant as we'll succeed independently.
[–]MgFeSiMarried 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
Apparently the RPW mods were pissed that we would not let them give advice to men about relationships and marriage.
I'll take advice from whomever offers good advice. Why would MRP ban women from giving advice on here? Some of the douche advice we get from men on this sub destroys the presumption men are giving good advice. And a good RPW's perspective is worth hearing IMO.
We don't need fucking approval from RPschool
I hardly go over to TRP anymore. I've been on and off that sub for two years, and I swear it is becoming a caricature of itself. It's overrun by teenage boys who want to know whether or not they should call a girl about the date they might have set.
Which one is the REAL Red Pill forum?
None of them. All of them. All of them some of the time. Really, the more we talk about this as a movement, the more we sound like feminists.
[–]whinemorepleaseMARRIED- MRP MODERATOR 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Because women most likely give shitty advice. Easy. That's a real fucking easy reason to ban women giving advice.
Edit: I've seen this shit in /r/seduction early on too. Ruined the entire community. A couple women come in, drop a couple of buzz words, go "woman here..." and the white knights/betas eat that shit all up, the entire amount of shitty advice because it came straight from the fishes mouth and they don't know any better.
Edit2: Anyone who doubts that the hamster spins hard can go to this thread and see for themselves.
[–]whinemorepleaseMARRIED- MRP MODERATOR 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
I don't give a fuck about this real/not real red pill bullshit. It's all ego validation anyway. I'm happy to leave it to the wankers who care.
My $.02 from the stickied post
Redpillwomen isn't for you guys and more likely than not your advice is fucking shit for their target audience. I've made one comment in a thread about guys who travel and pretty quickly realized I was absolutely wrong. Those guys (ladies) have way more insight into how to maximize the positive return for women than we could ever provide. So there is absolutely no reason you guys need to go over there and interject your shitty $.02. When r/relationship posters come in here and post, or people with a scattered post history, or basically anyone who seems like they probably won't have anything to contribute, they get much less leniency from me. Apparently RPW has been giving you guys a leash that's too long.
[–]_wingnut_RPW MODERATOR 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
no one is shit testing you. get your trash off our sub or we'll just ban it. im sorry one of your little girls got her feelers hurt because she couldn't play in our sandbox with the other girls anymore :( nothing is more macho than running back here to complain that mommy told you no, really.
[–]MgFeSiMarried 3 points4 points5 points  (0 children)
I'm not a red pill woman, so I'm not going to post on RPW. I may go there to lurk, but it's a sub for women...
And this post just reeks of butthurt. Big freaking deal. I'm not going to waste my time going through your comment history, but I'd bet you didn't get banned for a "fairly innocuous comment".
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