Republicans and "conservatives" are all Jews, retards, and homosexuals. Point and laugh at them here.
• Do not vote on linked threads. If you do, the admins will ban you. No, there's not a good reason for this, it's just the rules of Reddit. You may comment on linked threads, but voting will get you banned.
• Do not doxx. Doxxing will get the entire sub banned. Report all doxx posts immediately.
• Submit all links to Reddit as .np. Linking to other sections of Reddit is fine, but use .np links. This protects the subreddit against accusations of vote brigading.
• Free speech. Self-governance are the rules of this sub. There are only a few limitations: no spam, no porn/CP, mark all NSFW as such, do not curse or use slurs in thread titles (within threads, they're fine - this sub should be relatively safe to read at work) and no obsessive shitposting that contributes nothing to the purpose of the sub and provides zero value (entertainment or otherwise) to the users here.
ALLIES: Here are some like-minded subreddits you might consider visiting.
• /r/AntiPOZi: The best (least gay) sub on Reddit.
• /r/SlutJustice: Sluts getting their comeuppance
• /r/NeoFAG: Watch liberal videogame nerds be faggots.
• /r/AgainstFeminism - 'nuff said.
• /r/CoonTown- for your black-on-white crime.
• /r/SRSsucks - for discussing the resident social justice cunts on Reddit.
• /r/sjsucks - for talking about social justice (and why it's bad).
• /r/fatpeoplehate - the big brother of /r/fatlogic, for all your fatshaming needs.
• /r/Polistan - if you like /pol/ (though it's mostly inactive).