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This is a spot for like-minded Women to objectively and realistically discuss sexual strategy from an anti-feminist, non-feminist, traditionalist and/or evolutionary psychology perspective. Our focus is on long-term goals that bring long-term happiness. We agree with /r/TheRedPill in it's description of male and female nature and seek to apply it to our lives. This feminized culture has told men and women over and over how to find happiness, and we're learning the hard way that maybe what we were told isn't working. Let's discuss!
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Welcome Message, why are we here?
Explaining the RPW sub
The Difference between TRP and RPW
A Reconciliation of Male and Female Nature
RPW 101: Cultivating a Feminine Frame of Mind
Male Participation in this Sub
Red Pill Antibiotic Nuke, Come and Feed
How To Be A Good First Mate
Red Pill Acronyms
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Decide To Be Happy
How to Pick a Wife
Lasting Relationships Rely On 2 Traits
Time to take responsibility for our failed relationships
A Plate is the equivalent of a Female Beta Orbiter - How to not be a plate
Second Fiddle
Encouraging Your Captain To Lead
Why is the Patriarchy needed?
Official RedPillWoman Recipe Thread
Em Rusciano, self described "comedian, singer, songwriter, tv and radio presenter and mother of two fancy lady" publicly shames husband and is withholding domestic duties until he's 'nice' again. (
milkncooki3s が 11時間 前 投稿
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[–]RPWAlethiaTheElf 7ポイント8ポイント9ポイント 4時間 前 (0子コメント)
You're supposed to make his dick hard, not his life.
Just know he is wrong and I am right. JUST KNOW.
I've caught and stopped myself from doing this, but other women really need to become aware that just because the collective says/does something doesn't mean you should say/do the same.
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[–]RPWAlethiaTheElf 7ポイント8ポイント9ポイント (0子コメント)