Women: Why do men spit in public?
Men: Where ELSE should we spit? On you??? Do you want us to spit on YOU!?! Alright, FINE.
Women: A teenage girls bra strap shouldn't be a reason to send her home.
Men: Okay. Okay, alright. Alright, okay, okay. Well why don't I just PULL MY DICK OUT IN CLASS THEN!?!?
Women: A person should have the right to an abortion.
Men: Ohhhhh women want abortions! Well men should be able to rape them, that seems like the logical equivalent of this situation.
Women: Women need to defend themselves from violent men.
Men: Oh, what, you can hit me but I can't hit you!? why CAN'T I hit you? WHEN can I hit you??? Tell me when I can hit you, please. I want to know. I need to know.
Women: Men overreact a lot.
Men: WHOA. Why would you go there? Why do you generalize all men like that? I feel so attacked. This is so hurtful.
Men: This is why no one likes feminists.
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