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Boston U Prof Who Denounced 'White Masculinity' was Charged with Identity Theft

"It was a jealous thing regarding another man."

5.22.2015 |
Saida Grundy, the recently hired Boston University professor who has repeatedly expressed disdain for whites online, even allegedly taunting a self-described rape victim because she was white, was convicted in 2008 of a misdemeanor for malicious use of a telecommunications service for impersonating another woman out of jealousy. 
While she was a graduate student at the University of Michigan, Grundy was convicted of a misdemeanor after she created a fake profile of another woman on an adult website as part of a "jealous" revenge scheme. After being charged with felony counts of identity theft and using computers to commit a crime in 2008, Grundy pleaded down to the "malicious use of telecommunications" misdemeanor charge and was put on probation for a year.
Boston.com, which obtained court records and the police report, provides the following summary of the case:
In December 2007, Grundy created a fake account on adult website Fling.com. The account profile depicted a woman who was dating a man with whom Grundy had also been involved. Grundy got photos of the woman, who lived in Charlottesville, Virginia, from the man’s email account.
The Virginia woman discovered the fake account in her name in June 2008. She called her local police, who then contacted law enforcement in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
In their report, police wrote that Grundy told them, “This was a jealous thing regarding another man.”
Grundy was charged with felony counts of identity theft and using computers to commit a crime. She was also charged with a misdemeanor count of malicious use of a telecommunications service.
Grundy told Boston.com that she had used "poor judgment" because she was "heartbroken" and had "learned" from the incident.
"When this incident occurred I was 24, and exercised the poor judgment of a heartbroken 24 year old. I took accountability then as I do now," Grundy said in a statement to Boston.com. "I hold true to the lessons learned, and my life has since moved on."
The revelation of the incident follows a series of headlines involving Grundy due to repeated racially-charged statements and exchanges online. The incoming Boston U professor in recent months repeatedly condemned white males as a "problem population," saying that "white masculinity is THE problem for America's colleges," argued that white Europeans invented slavery, and, as TruthRevolt reported this week, has been accused of taunting a white woman who said she had been raped as a child, telling her on Facebook to take her "#whitegirltears" and "go cry somewhere." 
As they did in response to outrage over her anti-white statements (which the Boston University president condemned as "hurtful"), university officials maintain they still plan to employ the sociology and African American studies professor despite her past.
"A number of years ago, when she was a student at the University of Michigan, Dr. Grundy made a mistake," BU's Senior VP of External Affairs Steve Burgay told Boston.com. "She admitted the mistake, accepted the consequences, and brought closure to that case. Eight years later, we do not see any reason to reopen it."

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