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[–]pray_the_gay_away -8 points-7 points-6 points  (8 children)
You are truly a fascinating specimen. A moderator of /r/psychology, you show up in every thread about Israel to defend it. You often show up with the same group of friends. If I had to guess, I would say you are running multiple accounts and possibly working with an organized group to disseminate your propaganda.
I know you'd never tell the truth, but I wonder if you are being paid for your work here? I wouldn't be surprised if some Zionist "charity" paid for this kind of graffiti, but I would be a bit surprised if you worked for the government itself, or IDF or something like that. Usually government's just use bots for this type of work but you have all the hallmarks of being a real person. With an M.A. in psychology none the less.
Very very interesting. I'll be watching you.
[–]beaverteeth92 [score hidden]  (4 children)
How fucking stupid are you?
[–]pray_the_gay_away [score hidden]  (3 children)
Go eat a Twinkie you fat fuck.
[–]pray_the_gay_away [score hidden]  (1 child)
Put down the stick of butter and get on the treadmill, but make sure to lubricate your thighs first, definitely want to avoid chaffing.
[–]Luvsmah [score hidden]  (0 children)
I often see you bashing Islamists and Zionists. I'd take you for a troll, but then again there are people who share your racist sentiments...
[–]WorldNewsWatch -2 points-1 points0 points  (0 children)
It's truly amazing how they get into moderator positions so easily all over Reddit.
[–]TheSonofLiberty [score hidden]  (0 children)
Notice the lack of any actual discussion in his comments. Most of them are just one-liners.
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