>bunch of whiny guys thespectacularspider-girl A young lesbian woman who supports GamerGate takingofforionsbelt A Black woman who also supports GamerGate tenaflyviper ANOTHER GamerGate lady iamyourtrigger Yet another GG gal egalitarians-do-it-better Alas, another GG mademoiselle renegadebusiness And another tabbitcha And another brbcheckingmyprivilege And another cishetwhiteoppressor And another female-anti-feminist And yet more feminismshmeminism STILL MORE geekymiliband MOAR severusluver AND STILL MORE!!!!! And who knows how many of my female followers. That’s just who I could name off the top of my head, I’m positive that there’s plenty more. I’m sorry, what was that about GG being whiny guys? “Sexism in video games” *chuckling intensifies*So gamergate is a bunch of whiny guys who don’t like that sexism in gaming was pointed out? Okkkkkk
AND one for YOu and ONE FOR YOU and YOU and you!
So, anti-gamergate is a bunch of whiny feminists who don’t like that a feminist who used sex to advance her “career” was called out, leading to an honest critique on ethics in journalism? Okkkkkk
(via feminismshmeminism)
People who compare abortion to the holocaust make me weep for humanity.
(via akimboslice)
When will Tumblr understand that in some things women are more privileged than men and in some things men are more privileged than women?!
When they stop behaving like a cult. Problem is, they have no reason not to. Cultists enjoy being in the cult and depending on how deep someone is involved, external critique often reeinforces the loyalty to the cult.
(via akimboslice)
Strange how girls can have ideal penis sizes and how it should look, but if a man even speaks a word on their ideal breast size or how their preferred vagina should look, they’re the fucking devil.
(via akimboslice)
Oh shit forgive us for not joining computer majors! This has got to be one of the stupidest anti feminist memes I’ve seen
If you want there to be more female computer programmers or CEOs or mechanics, go become one. Nothing is stopping you from trying but your own laziness and inability.
“We want more women in STEM fields but we’re all gonna take womens studies”- feminist logic
“I paid 50,000 dollars on my Gender Studies degree, and all I learned is that more women should be in STEM fields.”
Feminism. Not even once.
(via feminismshmeminism)
Saying “I cant be racist, only prejudice” is the new way of saying “I’m not a racist, but…”
(via trans-anti-feminist)
it frustrates me so much that it is so hard for people to understand that
feminism literally benefits everybody
Prove it.
Still waiting.