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Master list of circlejerk subreddits Newest addition: /r/dank_meme Master list of circlejerky webpages Newest addition: Braveryjerk Youtube channel
If you need more slamming and/or jamming, please visit /r/comeonandslam
If you're missing MayMayMan, please visit us in /r/MayMayManPorn!
If you'd like to raise your bravery levels to so, please visit us in /r/braveryjerk
All modmail must be handwritten on a piece of paper, and signed with your username. You must then take a photo of yourself (with your face visible) holding the paper. Upload that photo to imgur and send us that link. If you do not follow this exact procedure, your mail will not be read. THANKS!
<-------- Fuck Reddit. If this gets 10000 upvotes, Reddit will be deleted. (self.circlejerk)
bassace14 が 13時間 前 投稿
ok,if this post get upvoted i'll get karma (self.circlejerk)
Zoleol が 4時間 前 投稿
<-------- Fuck Stephen Hawking. If this gets 10000 upvotes, His operating system will be deleted. (self.circlejerk)
BITTERSTORM が 7時間 前 投稿
TIL Michael Jordan met Stephen Hawking and asked him "In an alternate universe could you slam-jam better than me?" and stephen didn't respond because his computer was turned off (self.circlejerk)
Bnlol1 が 10時間 前 投稿
doggofthemoose が 7時間 前 投稿
Fuck Pyongyang. If this post gets 10000 upnukes North Korea will be deleted (self.circlejerk)
glorbb が 4時間 前 投稿
[f]uck this sub. if this post gets 10000 upvotes, /r/circlejerk will be deleted. (self.circlejerk)
Tetragrade が 1日 前 投稿
Fuck "Fuck this post. If this post gets 10,000 upvotes, this post will be deleted" posts. If this gets 10,000 upvotes, "Fuck this post. If this post gets 10,000 upvotes, this post will be deleted." posts will be deleted (self.circlejerk)
obamash が 10時間 前 投稿
<------- <-------- Fuck this arrow, if this gets 10000 upvotes it will be deleted. (self.circlejerk)
valdus7 が 4時間 前 投稿
Fuck ME. If this post gets 1000 upfucks I'll delete my reddit account (self.circlejerk)
Tangboy7 が 15時間 前 投稿
─═▇▇▇═╣Press the inject button, to inject steroids so you'll be as strong as Michael Jordan. (self.circlejerk)
UrinTrolden が 19時間 前 投稿
Fuck. Please upvote for visibility. (self.circlejerk)
kennykerosene が 3時間 前 投稿
<----- Screw Reality! If this post gets √-1 upvotes, I will delete all of existence! (self.circlejerk)
SleepingSheeple が 6時間 前 投稿
<-----------Fuck fuck. Fuck fuck fuck 5000 fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. (self.circlejerk)
stupidrobots が 54分 前 投稿
<~~~~~~~ Fuck Jesus. If this post gets 10000 uptheists, the bible will be deleted. (self.circlejerk)
841154ck が 1時間 前 投稿
<------- Fuck my mom. If this post gets 10000 up votes everyone can fuck my mom (self.circlejerk)
Mandrag が 1時間 前 投稿
Fuck me! Please, anyone. I'm a nice guy. (self.circlejerk)
hereforthesongs が 2時間 前 投稿
TIL Albert Einstein was once asked, "How does it feel to be the smartest man alive?", he responded, "I don’t know, you’ll have to ask /u/Hello_34" (self.circlejerk)
Hello_34 が 20時間 前 投稿
DAE hate reddit but cant leave?????? (self.circlejerk)
BreakfastAtJessicas が 4時間 前 投稿
<------------ Fuck all the other posts, if this post reaches 2000 upvotes, absolutely nothing will happen. (self.circlejerk)
I-Argue-With-Myself が 23時間 前 投稿
<-------Fuck getting deleted! If this gets 10000 upvotes, being deleted will get deleted. (self.circlejerk)
Stumpy907 が 1時間 前 投稿
Fuck Emma Watson, Fuck Emma Stone. Fuck all the attractive women! (self.circlejerk)
luxienai が 2時間 前 投稿
Joe Biden says his son has died of brain cancer. 1 upvote = 1 respect (self.circlejerk)
beefcurtains01 が 1時間 前 投稿
Tobyracer が 7時間 前 投稿
Fuck Everything. If this post receives 1000 upvotes, /r/circlejerk will be made as a Hitler based subreddit. (self.circlejerk)
Admiral_Nopeton が 3時間 前 投稿
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