Badcademics Association Member
Reddit is bad on religion, that much is obvious. Whether it's 14 year olds discussing the evils of it on r/atheism or neo-nazis screaming about Islam on r/worldnews, reddit all too often gets it wrong. As, unfortunately, does the rest of the world.
That's where we come in. This is a place to laugh and discuss the particularly terrible stuff that gets posted here and in the wider world, regardless of your faith (or lack of it). Inspired by places like /r/badhistory and /r/badphilosophy, we're here to challenge lazy assumptions and weird lies that are peddled out on the matter of faith.
Please include an explanation of why it's wrong, even if it's just a single-sentence comment. If you can pick it apart with academic sources, even better, and those who do will receive special 'quality contributor' flair once I've got CSS working. Still, don't take everything too seriously, this is a place to have fun too.
Also, just to be clear, I should note that religion is neither inherently positive or negative, and that while the majority of stuff on reddit will view it as negative, stuff that gets it wrong in an attempt to be positive is just as fair game (e.g. buddhists are never violent).
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