Many people on this subreddit have a favorable view of homosexuality. In their attempts to justify this way of life, they say that the Old Testament's sexual laws are obsolete or overruled by the New Testament.
Why is it that homosexuality is okay, whereas other sexual sins denounced in the Old Testament, such as incest, are still held in disgust by liberal revisionist Christianity?
Until very recently, the belief that the only acceptable sexual activity was between a man and a woman was common church doctrine. This was the law for thousands of years of church history. Now, it's trendy for Christians to support homosexuality. (This subreddit being case in point).
When did homosexuality become acceptable among Christians?
Surely it can't be because of the New Testament, since Romans 1 is a thorough rebuke of it. Are Christians insinuating God changed his mind about homosexuality sometime 5 years ago?
[–]AtheistEbonShadow 2ポイント3ポイント4ポイント (0子コメント)
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[–][削除されました] (1子コメント)
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