This is Thin Privilege

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My boyfriend took pictures of me while hiking. They are really awesome looking pictures in terms of the background and where I am and I really want to post them because I felt really cool up there. But I know if I post them people will not see how awesome I am for being up on a really cool trail. They will only see how fat I am and nobody wants to see that. I hate taking pictures because it always reminds me how horrible I look no matter how much fun I was having when the pictures were taken.

Thin privilege is being able to post any picture you like of yourself without fear of grossing out your friends and family.


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  3. randomexperiencescomics reblogged this from lovemyvoiceandmydanceinsane and added:
    You are beautiful and fuck what anyone else thinks
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  8. heartcramp said: I would love to see them! I bet you look fantastic!
  9. obsessivefangirl42 reblogged this from winterpunk
  10. pet55 said: Post them.I’ve had this issue may times with my own body image and after a while I decided fuck it. I want to share my life with my friend and family.Don’t worry about about it so much, you’ll be surprised how much love and support you’ll get back.