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[–]Inuma 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's the problem. For a number of people, everything starts and stops from certain periods and they don't look into history to see how movements progressed.

You can move to the time of Woodrow Wilson and see that he decimated the Socialists and Communists with the Espionage Act. That set up the corporate elite to begin using mass propaganda to smear the left.

From there, you can look into how progressives and Socialists and Communists changed FDR to a progressive for the mass of people.

What has been occurring for the last 75 years is the decimation of the New Deal. So you get into the 60s and academia along with other institutions begin to be changed to a libertarian/conservative viewpoint where austerity measures and the counterrevolutionary takeover began to surface.

The liberalism of the 90s, the faux liberalism of Bill Clinton who deregulated the banks, began to take shape. Hell, I hate the guy for the DMCA. We haven't changed course from what occurred in the 60s and that outgrowth of the cancer of SJWs is the canary in the coal mine.

The liberal class is dying. This system (capitalism) is so unequal and harms people so considerably, that we should look at how our society works and consider alternatives. How these SJWs come out and they seem to be part of a rich elite (Lipshitz, Quinn, Sarkeesian, etc) trying to control culture and entertainment is something we really should be looking at.

But I can't deny they're liberals. FDR was part of a rich elite as well. But why do you think he changed when he could actually see the suffering of the mass of people when he was going through his own battles with the same diseases?

The SJW may have lost a lot of humanity in their isolation from the rest of society, I don't know. But that cult should be understood as an out growth of the inequality we face in American society due to the system of economic rules we follow that create said inequality in the first place.