全 23 件のコメント

[–]Militron 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

DAE it was better in le 90s? Sorry just a trend.

[–]BuddhaFacepalmed -1ポイント0ポイント  (12子コメント)

The conservatives went into politics while the liberals invaded academia.

[–]wisty[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Not really. Conservatives are more likely to go into business than do a PhD.

[–]theone899 -1ポイント0ポイント  (10子コメント)

SJW's aren't Liberals.

[–]BuddhaFacepalmed 1ポイント2ポイント  (9子コメント)

Progressive Values

[–]theone899 1ポイント2ポイント  (8子コメント)

There's a difference between Progressives and SJW's.

[–]Inuma 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

That's disingenuous.

SJWs are the wealthy upper middle class. In Marxist terminology, they'd by more bourgeois and a buffer for the extremely rich. These are the people fighting to uphold capitalism even with their contradictions of thinking it's the worst evil out there.

I don't like the conservative finger pointing, but even in the Progressive Era with the Upton Sinclairs, the Progressive Party and the likes of George Wallace, you had people that fought very differently depending on the progressive values they had.

Yes, they're liberals. Trust fund babies. They want to regulate capitalism to work for them and aren't really all that anti-capitalist when you read between the lines of their rhetoric. They can't identify with workers so they try for diversity training and that's usually how you get an SJW who focuses more on the feminist aspect than anything else worth a damn.

[–]theone899 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

That doesn't mean they're Liberals; true, classic Liberal values believe in tolerance and free speech. Social Justice Warriors represent everything which is anti-Liberal, they are so far up their own ass that they're more Fascist like.

Hell, a good chunk in #GamerGate are probably Liberals, SJW's are more-so authoritarian Left than they are Left.

[–]Inuma 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's the problem. For a number of people, everything starts and stops from certain periods and they don't look into history to see how movements progressed.

You can move to the time of Woodrow Wilson and see that he decimated the Socialists and Communists with the Espionage Act. That set up the corporate elite to begin using mass propaganda to smear the left.

From there, you can look into how progressives and Socialists and Communists changed FDR to a progressive for the mass of people.

What has been occurring for the last 75 years is the decimation of the New Deal. So you get into the 60s and academia along with other institutions begin to be changed to a libertarian/conservative viewpoint where austerity measures and the counterrevolutionary takeover began to surface.

The liberalism of the 90s, the faux liberalism of Bill Clinton who deregulated the banks, began to take shape. Hell, I hate the guy for the DMCA. We haven't changed course from what occurred in the 60s and that outgrowth of the cancer of SJWs is the canary in the coal mine.

The liberal class is dying. This system (capitalism) is so unequal and harms people so considerably, that we should look at how our society works and consider alternatives. How these SJWs come out and they seem to be part of a rich elite (Lipshitz, Quinn, Sarkeesian, etc) trying to control culture and entertainment is something we really should be looking at.

But I can't deny they're liberals. FDR was part of a rich elite as well. But why do you think he changed when he could actually see the suffering of the mass of people when he was going through his own battles with the same diseases?

The SJW may have lost a lot of humanity in their isolation from the rest of society, I don't know. But that cult should be understood as an out growth of the inequality we face in American society due to the system of economic rules we follow that create said inequality in the first place.

[–]indigoanasazi 1ポイント2ポイント  (4子コメント)

They are progressives right down to their silly little "You're on the wrong side of history!" moralization and utopianism.

[–]theone899 -2ポイント-1ポイント  (3子コメント)

That's not what a true Progressive is. SJW's are faux-Progressives, and if anything, more Conservative:

Everything they do mirrors what the religious right did, albeit for ''different'' reasons.

[–]indigoanasazi 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Right, because both are identity politics progressives.

[–]usul1628 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Wow, you have really done a good job of contortion, until you get to the point where you can slur the SJWs as right wing, just like they do to us.

[–]theone899 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

I didn't ''slur'' them as right-wing: I slurred them as Fascist in my other comment. There is a clear difference.

What I said in regards to the religious right is true, the religious are extreme right wing and SJW's mirror that; I am aware there are many Cons who aren't on the fringe like SJW's, to clarify.

[–]stljustice -1ポイント0ポイント  (8子コメント)

What's Strange is that even in the 90's many colleges were very liberal. I went to a state school that is known internationally as being extremely liberal and it was pretty nuts. A student government that no one cared to vote for was running around making crazy proclamations and accusations....same as modern SJWs. I was so glad to get away from that and thought those people would stay confined to university life. I was wrong... now they have invade my safe space of vidya games.

[–]Inuma -1ポイント0ポイント  (7子コメント)

I don't know why people focus on the 90s as if that's the only part of this story...

The 90s being invaded by PC Policing is a reaction to the control of the legislature by the conservatives which was run by GW Bush and Clinton. So everyone was upset about the decimation that the conservatives put into play and Clinton helped accelerate.

We got the faux liberalism from Clinton, but a key issue that occurred was the decimation of left wing politics that happened in the 60s which is never mentioned...

Take for example how Marxist economics was never taught. One reason? The FBI took out left leaning people.

We lost a lot to McCarthyism that people have forgotten. The people that PUSHED for an inclusive society were the first targeted by scapegoat economics for the last century. The 90s was a result of that suppression of the left. So like a cancer, SJWs appeared. People resistant to ideas, unable to engage in dialogue, and convinced in their agenda over actual discourse.

The political body wanting to kill off left wing ideas instead of engage them killed off half of itself in America and has been unable to correct the growing tumors of fundamentalism that infect it.

Just think how conservatism can't engage in actual discussion of Marxian economics or even have a conversation about Russian politics from 1917-1980. When's the last time you heard about the US invading Russia in 1918? How about Yugoslavia? Cuba's fight and struggle in Angola?

What you get is a bunch of people telling you how Marxism doesn't work, when it was never taught to the mass of people in the first place.

And it doesn't stop there. I've had to learn about David Ricardo, Hayek, Hume, Hegel, and others where I couldn't learn it in the schools I was supposed to be taught. So think about what other academia is doing as it becomes more of a business and pushes debt onto students instead of knowledge.

This is the future we have. A group acting like a cancer on the political body, infecting everything and growing and lack of knowledge or understanding to a diverse group of views. There's a lot of work that would need to be done. The death of the liberal class should be a warning sign that there needs to be a course correction or it's going to get worse.

[–]wisty[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Economics did go the other way, heading towards the neo-classical consensus.

[–]Inuma 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

It was suppressed. It's one reason why students in academia are protesting it right now. The orthodoxy of Austrian economics made it harder to be a Marxist economist in most regards and you get NO leeway in the media compared to some form of liberal stances with people like Krugman. It was a taboo to be a Socialist or Communist for 50+ years.

That suppression of people like the Rosenbergs, the decimation of minorities for money, all that...

That is the result of the destruction of left wing economics and suppression of alternate views. Neoclassical economics has very little in consensus but it has a lot to do in trying to avoid criticism for quite a long time.

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    [–]ValjeansGhost -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Congratulations. You have now discovered the closest thing we have to an Illuminati.


    The history of this society is profound, because nearly all of the key Capitalist Intellectuals rubbed shoulders and worked together to beat Communism.

    The Link is

    Popper + Hayek -> Friedman -> Reagan

    Milton Friedman, by the way, gave us two things. Limited Government and Quantitative Easing. Let that sink in for a minute.



    Now welcome to the absolute hell of knowing the truth, but people lacking the intelligence to realize that their own system has betrayed them.



    There is nothing that can be done, but preparation. The American people will inevitably be placed in literal serfdom by big business. I have been struggling for years trying to get people to understand this, and to top it all of, I worked in DC and a literal millioniare.

    I have been a near unqualified failure. People cannot understand that Post-Modernism and Analytic Philosophy/Libertarianism are mere leverages which are used to control intellectual discourse for society.

    I can shake a Congressman's hand, collect a multiple thousand dollar check on his behalf, and live to tell the tail. But Joe American is cognitively incapable of understanding this even when I break down to him that I was there. It's so fucking mindfucking. I cannot help but cry on the inside.

    It's like seeing Pontius Pilate paying Judas, and I was right there, and nobody believes you, because Judas is a good American.

    My advice again, is to hunker down, and wait for the playing field to collapse. As societies get worse, the right wing conseratives and left wing liberals will collapse under the pain of their falling government. Meanwhile, there will only be a small select of people who will survive the catastrophe, and those people will have to reorganize a government.

    But a word of warning. Although Capitalism is shit, private property will be an essential solution to the equation. We can construct a society without a stock market, but we need some form of market in order to survive. China was able to do what it did, only because it was willing to understand that society needs a gentry. Avoid Communism at all costs, it really is shit.

    [–]SupremeReader -2ポイント-1ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Inuma, please go be a Marxist elsewhere.