
"You're my bluebird."

"You really know two Catherines?"

"Liar, liar."


I'm Vic and I'm a love junkie.

I blog about whatever catches my attention, but particularly cats, boys, foxes, bats, hands, voltage, mianite, catherine, greek mythology, hozier, owl city, space, baking, and humor.

Chaotic Good & INTP

Aries & Virgo

Atheist ~ Egalitarian ~ Utopiast

Writer ~ Singer ~ Gamer

Indie / Boho chic piece of shit

I refuse to believe we can never be perfect

My side blogs are gxldgunsgirls and kisakibluebird

I speak English

Ich spreche Deutsch (German)

Je parle le Français (French)

I'm working on learning Russian, Latin, and Japanese







The world would be a better place if Europe didn’t exist. Europe is the source of most if not all the problems created in history. 75% of the wars in the world took place in Europe or were started by Europe.


If Europe didn’t exist there wouldn’t be any black plague, Christian Crusades, Cold Wars, or Nazism. We wouldn’t have Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Mussolini, or Ivan the Terrible. Anglophiles would cease to exist. Also there wouldn’t be white people to travel to America to kill a majority of natives and steal their land. You know where those slave holders immigrated from? Europe.

And now to await for the whiny arguments from white people of European descent. Get offended all you want, you cannot deny that Europe is a major source of everything wrong in the world.


History is not with this person.

^^^^^^^^^^^ LOL Everyone knows Europe is best :^) #proeuro♥♡

Another American without access to a world history book. America’s education system needs looking into by the UN at this point.

^^^ this!

Europeans are so salty their sodium levels are off the charts. Why can’t your fucking overbearing country stop criticizing anyone for two fucking seconds? Seriously, stop thinking so highly of yourself. No one cares, they all think you’re annoying.

6:54pm · Friday, May 29th, 2015 · 196 notes
via: makingfunofbullshit · source: the-unpopular-opinions
  1. lifelibertyandthepursuitof5sos reblogged this from southparkconservative
  2. voltlust reblogged this from daniphantomgone and added:
    You know what I care about? Fucking Europeans (ESPECIALLY British people) being assholes towards Americans because we’re...
  3. the-bearded-pony reblogged this from thecherrysodamod and added:
    Hmm also, does that mean that the USA would have never existed as we know it? I wonder if OP had that in mind when he...
  4. scichemphosphorus reblogged this from your-uncle-dave and added:
    Even if Europe didn’t exist and is “evil”, the fact remains that humans would’ve been everywhere. Eventually, one...
  5. briefcupcakementality reblogged this from sexy-edmiliband and added:
    This probably wasn’t posted by an American, and if it was it was posted by someone of non-European descent
  6. southparkconservative reblogged this from your-uncle-dave and added:
    Thought about it…but not going to bother writing out all the benefits the world has gotten from Europe. If you want to...
  7. your-uncle-dave reblogged this from prrrrrrrrrr and added:
    Get offended all you want, you cannot deny that Tumblr is a major source of dumbassery.
  8. daniphantomgone reblogged this from voltlust and added:
    You care alot otherwise you wouldn’t have bothered commenting. You have no way of knowing the world would be better off...
  9. my-icy-blast reblogged this from dreamwurks
  10. the-eyeless-pancake reblogged this from dontneedfeminism
  11. darkskinnedandlovely reblogged this from the-unpopular-opinions
  12. the-bloo-jew reblogged this from dontneedfeminism
  13. prrrrrrrrrr reblogged this from macarousse
  14. entemos reblogged this from throwdingers-cat and added:
    the submitter conveniently leaves out the fact that africans sold their own into slavery, and doesn’t include any...
  15. chevron-nine reblogged this from thepictureoflordhenry
  16. macarousse reblogged this from thepictureoflordhenry and added:
    hard trolling in this one
  17. thecherrysodamod reblogged this from dontneedfeminism and added:
    First off, didn’t the African slave trade start with AFRICANS enslaving and selling their own people?Second, didn’t the...
  18. captainmaucat reblogged this from egalitarianqueen
  19. throwdingers-cat reblogged this from dontneedfeminism
  20. bx-442 reblogged this from dontneedfeminism and added:
    “Europe is a major source of everything wrong in the world” - yes. “The world would be a better place if Europe didn’t...
  21. johnny-bug reblogged this from mrcuddelyhydralisk
  22. who-could-love-a-beast reblogged this from makingfunofbullshit and added:
    Fuck me, how fucking retarded can you get?
  23. kasunex reblogged this from the-unpopular-opinions and added:
    Apologies friend, but you appear to have made an error in your historical research. First of all, while a majority of...
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