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[–]Projectmayhem666UKIP Defence Force [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

They paid those individuals to be there and demonstrate, thus as their financial backers or "employers" they are responsible for their actions. Whether they paid them for such a specific action or not is irrelevant, they haven't condemned the actions or apologised for them either.

[–]IdovoodooHuman rights for our Lizard overlords is PC gone mad [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

by that logic: Tom, Dick and Harry are on benefits and got into a bar fight in some shitty kentish town last week. Because they are on benefits they are government employees attacking british citizens. The government has declared war on us!

better example: any of the chelsea fans identified on video singing racist chants on a paris metro should be fired from their job, because their employer gives them the financial freedom to go to paris in the first place and is consequently backing them in their actions.

*The above is meant to sound absurd I really enjoy spewing outlandish and absurdist comments on here with all you guys. are you also in a mental institution? mine is fantastic, my nurse is polish but i've gotten over it because i found out she's not really allowed to leave either.

[–]Projectmayhem666UKIP Defence Force [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I think most of the pro-union people on here are, no one has disputed what I said but 4 idiots down voted.

[–]IdovoodooHuman rights for our Lizard overlords is PC gone mad [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I know right? there are some cray-zay people on here! why do we even still allow trade unions? the cold war is over, we won; so what's with the concessions? the very notion that specific interest groups could form some sort of society with which to represent their interests and beliefs within a larger political context is so outlandish i shall call it SurrealAfroBeardedMarxistFuturism.

Does any body else pine for the good old days when the only people allowed to exert influence on the political establishment have either been in or come out of the queens glorious Vagina?

If we keep allowing unions and lobbies to exist then we are opening ourselves up for COMMUNISM!!!!!! John Major had the chance to kill em off in the 90's but he didnt because he is secretly a REPTILLIAN COMMUNIST.

Edited because the reptillian tory communist afro futurists have changed my grammar to make me look stupid