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The Rise of the Ironic Man-Hater

The XX Factor
What Women Really Think
Aug. 8 2014 11:16 AM

The Rise of the Ironic Man-Hater

i bathe in male tears tshirt
The uniform of the ironic misandrist.
Photo via Human
Every month, the Misandrist Book Club convenes to further its secret man-hating agenda: Two dozen young professional women around the country read books by exclusively female authors—Judy Blume’s Just as Long as We’re Together, Rachel Kushner’s The Flamethrowers, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanahthen chat about them on an email listserv. Previous generations of women might have referred to this type of group as a “Feminist Book Club.” But as one member told me, “It seemed funnier to call it ‘misandrist.’ ”
Amanda Hess Amanda Hess
Amanda Hess is a Slate staff writer. 
“Misandry”—literally, the hatred of men—is an accusation that’s been flung at feminists since the dawn of the women’s movement: By empowering women, critics argue, feminists are really oppressing men. Now, feminists are ironically embracing the man-hating label: The ironic misandrist sips from a mug marked “MALE TEARS,” frosts her cakes with the phrase “KILL ALL MEN,” and affixes “MISANDRY” heart pins to her lapel. Ironic misandry is “a reductio ad absurdum,” explains Jess Zimmerman, an editor at Medium and the proud owner of a “MALE TEARS” mug. (“I drink them to increase my strength,” she notes.) “It's inhabiting the most exaggerated, implausible distortion of your position, in order to show that it's ridiculous.”
On its most basic level, ironic misandry functions like a stuck-out tongue pointed at a playground bully: When men’s rights activists hurled insults at feminist writer Jessica Valenti on Twitter last month, she posted a picture of herself grinning in an “I BATHE IN MALE TEARS” T-shirt, and dedicated the message to the “misogynist whiners.” But ironic misandry is more than just a sarcastic retort to the haters; it’s an in-joke that like-minded feminists tell even when their critics aren’t looking, as a way to build solidarity within the group. “A lot of young feminists who I follow on Instagram and love this shit are teenagers,” Valenti says. (Search the tag #maletears and you’ll find dozens of young women—and a few young men—posed with a novelty mug.) “The feminism they grew up with was the feminism of snarky blog posts, and this is a natural extension of that.”
So young feminists have taken to deploying the claim of “misandry” like a parlor game, competing to push the idea of a vast, anti-man conspiracy to its most gleefully absurd limits. When the Atlantic’s CityLab reported that “every American killed by lightning so far this year has been male,” Twitter feminists joked that institutionalized misandry was to blame. Zimmerman riffed on the meme in a post on the Hairpin, reframing lightning as the misandrist sorcery of a feminist “witch cabal,” and imagining future natural disasters that the witches would inflict upon men. (Headlines include “Fedoras Recalled Due to Spontaneous Combustion” and “Mysterious Vocal Cord Stenosis Continues to Afflict Male Pundits”). And on the Toast, co-founder Mallory Ortberg reimagines famous paintings with a man-hating subtext and injects the lyrics of children’s nursery rhymes with misandrist lines (“Hush little baby, don’t say a word/ Ever, your sister is talking”). At its best, the joke is too weird to even explain: “Our misandry, like the wings of the butterfly, is too beautiful to pull apart in order to see its workings,” Toast co-founder Nicole Cliffe told me in an email. Attempting to ground it in a real-life political context “might spoil the joke.”
But man-hating is not just for fun: It’s also a clever tactic for furthering the feminist agenda. As Jillian Horowitz notes in a recent essay at Digital America, ironic misandry is typically paired with expressions of “overt femininity, bordering on the exaggerated”: Think of the mild-mannered ladies’ book club, the domestic misandrist cross-stitch, or this “misandry makeup tutorial.” The exaggerated femininity works in two directions: On one level, pairing misandry with the trappings of girlish innocence helps puncture the image of feminists as man-hating monsters. But at the same time, lining feminine spaces with images of weaponry is a sly recognition that female solidarity can still pose a powerful threat to the status quo. Advocating for women’s rights won’t lead to the castration and extermination of all men, of course, but it will require the deflation of male power: Putting more women in the Senate will mean fewer male senators; elevating more women’s voices to the op-ed page will require silencing some men. Ironic misandry, then, allows feminists to contest the idea that they are radical man-haters, while simultaneously owning the fact that full equality between men and women remains a radical notion.
Men’s activists, for the record, are not exactly amused: Paul Elam, founder of A Voice for Men, told me he considers jokey misandry “scummy” and “yet another public display of how fucked in the head [feminists] really are.” That reaction is part of the point: “I enjoy that it bothers the men who don’t get it,” one Misandrist Book Club member told me. “It’s a good way to weed out cool dudes from the dumb bros.” As Zimmerman puts it: “The men who get annoyed by misandry jokes are in my experience universally brittle, insecure, humorless weenies with victim complexes,” while the “many intelligent, warm, confident feminist men in my life … mostly get the joke immediately and play along. They're not worried I actually want to milk them for their tears.”
There’s another reason that the once ubiquitous “This Is What a Feminist Looks Like” T-shirt has officially been usurped by a cheeky “Ban Men.” Sincere feminist identification can sometimes feel like more trouble than it’s worth. When women don’t identify as feminists, they’re scolded that feminism simply means equality between men and women, and they’d have to be ignorant to reject the label. But women who do embrace the term find that feminist identification is not so simple: They stand to see every little personal choice dissected and critiqued from a feminist perspective, from the color of their wedding dresses to the filters on their selfies. It can be freeing, then, to instead adopt an ironic stance that allows women to identify against what they clearly are not: A cartoonish man-hater bent on total male destruction. And by squarely targeting anti-feminists, ironic misandry avoids dwelling on what feminists themselves are doing right or wrong. As Zimmerman puts it, it allows women to criticize “patriarchal ideals without also shitting on your fellow gal-identified types.”
I’m not a card-carrying misandrist myself—I’m a little too shy for message T-shirts and too square for Instagram memes—but I’m still grateful to have ironic misandry in my arsenal of tools for dealing with being a woman in the world. Some sexist provocations are too tiresome to counter with a full-throated feminist argument. Sometimes, all you need is a GIF.
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Rodrigo Castalan
Rodrigo Castalan 5ptsFeatured
(Shorter) "If someone I don't agree with says 'X', they are some combination of evil and stupid, and should be shunned from society.  If someone I agree with says, 'X', they are being ironical and hilarious and any interpretation otherwise is some combination of evil and stupid." 
(Shorter) "Only those dirty, other people over there are capable of sin. My tribe is ice cream-pooping angels, top to bottom."
Andrew Robinson
Andrew Robinson 5ptsFeatured
'joking' hate shouldn't be encouraged. Of course you don't want to kill us but its still disrespectful and hurtful
John 5ptsFeatured
Female privilege is having people assume it's "ironic".  It's the sugar and spice and everything nice or girls will be girls effect.  If a man wore a shirt that said I bathe in female tears, I doubt people would assume it's ironic.
Stainless 5ptsMemberFeatured
Where can I get a mug, pointing at my wife's misandrist coffee mug, that says: "Those are my tears?"  I'd pose with that in a heartbeat. :D
Spatzist 5ptsFeatured
It's like someone explained trolling and modern feminism to their daft but harmless grandmother, then sat back to see what she made of it. "I'll bake a cake, and put mean words about men on it!" 

You show'em, grandma.
ironmike911 5ptsFeatured
I thought this was a joke at first and then... oh dear. I don't think any of the "ironic" man haters will take kindly to seeing men wearing t-shirts emblazened with slogans like "send her back to the kitchen" while drinking from a cup labelled "female tears". Then if they say anything at all about it, get told they are "insecure", "whiny" and whatever else. Because y'know those that get it are "warm" and "kind"... Insane nonsense.
fixforums 5ptsFeatured
I think that those sayings would be more likely to be taken as jokes if males would not be accused of sexism and misogyny with all seriousness for very small petty infractions. If it would not be so easy and common to discard what men says as "mansplaining" or "priviledge talk" (no matter what his relative power/wealth against the speaking women is) whenever he disagree with feminist, those jokes could remain as jokes.

Erin White
Erin White 5ptsFeatured
The difference between misandry and misogyny is that women talk. Men do. Men take their version of "Kill/rape the men" and they act it out in real life. And they do so so frequently that 20% of women should just expect to be attacked by a man. 25% in you're in college. So, yes, while it's not nice to talk about hurting men, I think some women use it as a way to take their power back. How do men take their power back? Through physical, barbaric force. What's the equivalent of being sodomized at a frat house from women? A coffee cup? A t-shirt? One of these issues seems much more pressing.
MikeJakermen 5ptsFeatured
So your way of combating the belief that Feminist hate men. Is to make "Ironic" Jokes about how you hate men. Sounds like a great strategy. I bet everyone would have taken Martin Luther King seriously. If on the day of his I Have A Dream Speech. If he wore a shirt that read "Kill All Honkies".
Balt 5ptsFeatured
Reverse the sexes on all these 'jokes' (e.g., a cake decorated with "Kill All Women"). Still funny?
drizztdourden420 5ptsFeatured
Since the women who engage in ironic man-hate love to point out that so many men don't get the humor, which I agree with and is the point, or crux of the funny, it would seem that engaging in this practice would just increase the hate between the genders, at least in the people that were otherwise not already extreme, but don't appreciate this type of irreverent humor. I love this type of humor, but some people don't. So this practice will alienate some men, and women for that matter, from Feminism, that would otherwise be open to self identifying that way. 

Because of all of this divisiveness, snark, and tongue-in-cheek ridicule of the the other gender, this is why Humanism is just the best way to identify as a person who believes in equality. It just isn't as encumbered with this kind of baggage. 
isojenny 5ptsFeatured
That's a very thoughtful analysis. But because you don't self-identify as a member of the feminist movement, you are a misogynist, and must be stopped.
I81B4U812 5ptsFeatured
@drizztdourden420 I don't think it's that men don't "get" the humor.  Men generally understand why it's funny.  What they generally complain about is the apparent hypocrisy of someone who would openly joke about killing all men, or bathing in male tears, but would consider the same or similar references/jokes about women to be misogyny.
Danny Mark
Danny Mark 5ptsFeatured
Makes sense. It's why about a decade ago I stopped identifying as third-wave, then as feminist entirely. 
"Egalitarian" (which substantially overlaps your choice of "Humanism", but without its human-centric core) is a much more comprehensive term than "feminism", and abandons the latter's contemporary emphasis on the accumulation of advantage in general disregard of the consequences to those outside the group, and in general disregard of the natural and obvious alliances contemporary feminism largely fails to pursue especially with working class men and impoverished men.
I81B4U812 5ptsFeatured
First World Problems.

The "patriarchy" and "male privilege" complaints are not real problems.  Patriarchy and male privilege exists in many places in the world., Asia, Africa and South America would be the biggest offenders (by continent).   Patriarchy and male privilege don't exist in the United States, Canada, Oz, NZ, and western Europe.

There is just as much female privilege in the West as there is male privilege. And there is neither a matriarchy, nor a patriarchy.

Women have equal rights.  They get equal pay FOR THE SAME JOB.  They have had the vote/suffrage for a century or more.  If anything, women have more choices than man in life, overall.

We are hitting rock bottom as far as things to complain about.  We now complain endlessly online in blog posts, youtube videos, facebook posts, and the like about jokes people tell and comments people make.  "Can you believe what he/she said????"   Let's do some more hand-wringing over whether it's o.k. to say "make me a sammich!" or "I bathe in male tears!"

If that's the nonsense that's got people outraged, then we ought to at least be able to agree that this particular area of injustice has been just about fully remedied.

Heck - we have prominent discussions online, at Slate and in the major media, over whether a person can suffer post-traumatic stress disorder of the kind suffered by (pardon the old school lingo) "shell shocked" soldiers, because people post derogatory comments on internet message boards.  We have months of endless discussion over the blatant sexism associated with a man asking a woman in an elevator to go back to his hotel room for coffee and accepting the woman's refusal without complaint.  We have prominent youtube feminists raising hundreds of thousands of dollars to make videos (which apparently are being used in college women's studies courses now) to complain about sexism in video games.

If we need anything in this world, it's a bit more backbone.  We need a bit more ability to hear someone say something we don't like or which we find distasteful or objectionable, and let it go.   Or, if we discuss it, discuss it using terminology fitting the irrelevance of the "crime."  "male tears" and "sammiches" are talked about using the language of trauma, assault, oppression and ruination.  Please, people, have some perspective, and stop being such crybabies about every little comment.
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Paused 5ptsFeatured
I'm sorry, but you have to understand that it's really confusing for us men when we're given all these double standards. I say "hurry up, woman" as an ironic (and dumb) joke as a pop culture reference to a more quaint time and I'm corrected by my Feminist friends for being insensitive and they turn around and say that all men should be treated as potential rapists and I'm supposed to nod politely?
Erin Machell
Erin Machell 5ptsFeatured
@Paused It's about relative power. I assume you think "hurry up woman" is funny precisely because you don't really view men as superior to women--which is great. But you're relying on the pervasiveness of very real, harmful social and power dynamics to make your joke, and without challenging them. You're also very subtly implying that you have *no* misogynistic traits at all, which is unrealistic (I'm a woman, and I have plenty of deeply-embedded misogynistic views of my own. It's really hard to avoid).
By contrast, misandrist jokes get their humor from subverting the existing power dynamics. I'm still not sure I'm on board with misandrist jokes--they seem divisive to me--but they are definitely a different ballgame.
fireproof fiddler
fireproof fiddler 5ptsFeatured
@Erin Machell @Paused "relative power"..."false equivalence"..."historical power imbalance"... These are the types of phrases that are bandied about when people complain about the incessant double standards certain types of feminists apply to what they regard as acceptable male behavior and acceptable female behavior. If this is how you want to be, fine. But don't turn around and tell us that feminism is about equality. 
Mangonel 5ptsFeatured
I'm sorry, I'm so very late to the party.  But I just need to point out something.  If a JEW wears a shirt with a JEWISH SLUR on it, that's the analogy.  If you actually belief hideous things, do try to keep them either inside your head or on protest signs.  It's too confusing otherwise.
James 5ptsFeatured
A mug full of man-tears must be incredibly expensive.  Because, you know, real men don't cry.
Viretarmis 5ptsFeatured
It looks like someone is mistaking passive aggressiveness for irony.
Because you see, everything's OK if it's "irony".
James 5ptsFeatured
@Viretarmis Drinking from a mug with a snarky message is not passive aggressive.  I do not think that phrase means what you think it means.
Maargen 5ptsFeatured
When I read this article I was disgusted, and wanted to point out that there are plenty of women who are under the impression that men are the enemy, and there are some men who actually are the enemy, just as there are some women who have so bought into the patriarchy that they wholeheartedly support it (in ignorance or otherwise). It's hard enough telling which of these people are which without making jokes involving violence to men. The double standard here is ridiculous: what do we tell men who don't get the jokes and find them offensive: that they need to get a sense of humor? That they need to lighten up? That some of our best friends are men, and we asked them and they thought the jokes were fine? We don't know yet that racist, sexist jokes told "ironically" provide cover for racists and sexists?

This is part of the reason I'm not a feminist, and only accept the label of "humanist". Because if feminism aspires to the power to treat men in the same demeaning ways women have always been treated, and laugh at it or say they deserve it, then I want none of it.

But then I read the misandrist lullabies and laughed until I cried (seriously - these are so funny they brought tears to my eyes). So never mind.
isojenny 5ptsFeatured
I just hope that as feminists start feeling comfortable making jokes about others (ie. people who think they hate men), they also get comfortable with jokes about how feminists are uptight, and kind of hate men.
SPOILER ALERT: They won't.
Mangonel 5ptsFeatured
@isojenny Actually, the shirts and mugs are embracing those jokes precisely because they have a sense of humor.  You just don't like that it doesn't hurt them anymore.  Boo hoo.
isojenny 5ptsFeatured
Yes, having a sense of humor about people you don't like takes a lot of humility, and courage. What doesn't hurt them? Being made fun of? What do you call a feminist on Mother's Day? You don't.
Paused 5ptsFeatured
“The men who get annoyed by misandry jokes are in my experience universally brittle, insecure, humorless weenies with victim complexes,” while the “many intelligent, warm, confident feminist men in my life … mostly get the joke immediately and play along. They're not worried I actually want to milk them for their tears.”

"The Feminists who get annoyed by misogynist jokes are in my experience universally brittle, insecure, humorless weenies with victim complexes," while the "many intelligent, warm, confident men and women in my life... mostly get the joke immediately and play along. They're not worried I actually want to see women back in the kitchen."
Danny Mark
Danny Mark 5ptsFeatured
This thread's a few days old, but if you feel like it i'd be interested in knowing why you identify as humanist instead of egalitarian. To my mind, the latter is a rather more comprehensive term and lacks, in our diverse, enormous world the humancentric component of humanism. 
Of course, you may not see that last as an advantage...
SurveyingEvil 5ptsFeatured
Hess concretely proves that it is the spineless males who are primarily responsible for this fallacious, fabricated, farce and downright perverse lie known as Feminism. 

They will smile and grin with a Feminist as she blames males for all of the evil the world, despite the contrary, where as we can see what little woman has contributed to this species other than discord and dysgenic breeding cycles.

I have always said, Feminism besides being a "Progressive" hate movement was directly formed as a preemptive defense for woman, as throughout the course of history it would be reviewed how little she has offered and to escape the obvious signs of woman's arrogance, petulance, gross invalidity and incompetence as a sentient being. A vast conspiracy was crafted to hide her genetic defect. Woman truly is a big child, all her life.

But yes these men will gaff with Feminists as their sex is demonised as rapists, callously throwing their Fathers, their brothers and all other males under the bus while the Feminists use the immoral demotic system known as Democracy to limit their opportunities, scuttle their employment if the correct thoughts and actions are not produced post haste and impose quotas upon them that would render years of striving futile.

Hess shows why these men are dangerous and should not be tolerated by other men and ostracized violently if need be. These men who aid Feminists are destroying the very psyche and livelihood of males. 

Feminism won nothing, everything the Feminist beast attained was acquiesced by a male sycophant and coward, allowing this despotism of the petty coat. Feminists are truly depraved degenerates but the men who enable them are positively loathsome.
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fightthetheocracy! 5ptsFeatured
@SurveyingEvil  Pay your child support, dead beat. And no, the girls at your kid's high school will never be into you. They will always see you for what you are: The creepy guy who can't get laid because women his own age see him for the immature man-child that he really is.
ADC 5ptsFeatured
Dear Amanda Hess,

I am a man. I have cried.

I have cried for my friend who died of ovarian cancer. I have cried for my sister who died of throat cancer. And, I have cried for my wife who died of breast cancer. 

Are those the tears you bathe in?

Have a nice day.

fightthetheocracy! 5ptsFeatured
@ADC  Would one of you people at least make an effort to read the article? It's making fun of the stereotype that these "men's rights" losers have about feminists.
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RPLong 5ptsFeatured
Doubtless "ironic Jew-haters" and "ironic misogynists" and "the iKKK" are just around the corner. Keep it up, ladies. What could possibly go wrong?
Popnfresh100 5ptsFeatured
It's funny because it's true.
Popnfresh100 5ptsFeatured
Serious explanation:

Feminists are not responsible for misandry. It is a pervasive cultural attitude that has been around as just as long as misogyny. Men are guilty of misandry all the time and don't even recognize it.

Sometimes sexism is both. Catcalls, for example, are just as often self-hating misandry as misogyny.

But, while the problems associated with misogyny have been addressed (not 100% solved, but addressed) over the last hundred years, the other is still dismissed as fiction.

So thank you for promoting awareness. Even if you do so ironically.

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Rodrigo Castalan
Andrew Robinson
fireproof fiddler