The DEFCON readiness system is used by the United States military to describe the preparedness level of the armed forces in response to ongoing foreign threats. It’s time to introduce a system for heterosexual men called DEFCOCK to allow them to judge a city or environment when it comes to threats presented by women.
DEFCON has five stages
that allow the US military command to prepare the appropriate state in response to hostile foreign action:
DEFCON 5 — Normal readiness
DEFCON 4 — Above normal readiness with tightened security measures
DEFCON 3 — Air Force ready to mobilize in 15 minutes
DEFCON 2 — Armed Forces ready to deploy and engage in less than 6 hours due to possible nuclear war
DEFCON 1 — Maximum readiness to combat imminent nuclear war
While DEFCON levels are not publicly published by the US military, it is presumed we are currently in DEFCON 3. There have been two previous incidents where we were confirmed to be in DEFCON 2 (Cuban Missile Crisis and the first Gulf War in 1991).
Now that the world is rapidly turning against masculinity, it’s time we implement a DEFCOCK alert system to provide objective and standardized information on whether a certain environment is healthy or not for men. Here are the five levels of the DEFCOCK system:
Completely normal male-female relations in a patriarchal society that believes in a binary gender system of man and woman. Homosexuality is persecuted. Casual sex is difficult (if not impossible). There is no threat of wifing up a former cock carousel rider and then being divorce raped by her. Provider or tribal game is required to land a woman.
Current examples:
Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, most Muslim countries
Male safety level:
Perfectly safe for men to marry and procreate
Mostly normal male-female relationships in a fractured patriarchal society that is beginning to accept alternative lifestyles and gender systems, though men are still valued for being masculine and women are valued for being feminine. Casual sex is common but self-limiting. Divorce rates may be high, but there is a low threat of divorce rape. A mixture of provider and clown game is needed.
Current examples:
Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Colombia
Male safety level:
Currently safe from an institutional perspective but near-term changes are possible
Substantial degradation in traditional sex roles where men are beginning to focus on aesthetics, style, and fame seeking. Women have gained masculine traits and delay monogamy to launch a meaningless office career while experimenting with over 25 local and foreign penises to understand how their vaginas respond to various bad boy stimuli. Provider game is beginning to get phased out among women under 30. Some clown game is required in most relationships.
Current examples:
Poland, Estonia, Brazil
Male safety level:
Great care must be undertaken with female mate selection for marriage; new anti-male legislation is highly likely within 10-year time frame
Traditional sex roles are actively shamed in major institutions, particularly in the media, academia, and government. Non-heterosexual lifestyles are promoted as superior and major efforts are undertaken to destroy traditional marriage. Campaigns are launched to shame and criminalize consensual sex and masculine behavior such as flirting and bodybuilding. Divorce rape is common, with likelihood of imprisonment for missing alimony payments. Provider game is useless on beautiful women. Clown game is required for all men wanting to get laid.
Current examples:
United States, Canada, England, Scandinavia
Male safety level:
Unsafe to engage in marriage or reproduction; must screen carefully even for casual sexual encounters; slight danger for normal day-to-day masculine living
Complete absence of traditional sex roles. Institution of marriage reduced to farce. Severe threat of imprisonment for men displaying heterosexual or masculine behaviors. Roaming witch mobs actively surveil and monitor men who hint at having normal levels of testosterone. Women are elevated to goddess status while straight men appointed as their sexual servants through both legal action and media shaming.
Male safety level:
Unsafe to live, fornicate, marry, or procreate; males must immediately vacate area for their own personal safety, both physical and mental
As much as many of you would like to apply DEFCOCK 1 levels to places like London, Washington DC, and Toronto, we are not quite there yet. The next five years will be critical to see if certain DEFCOCK 2 cities slide into DEFCOCK 1, which is absolutely unsuitable for male habitation. If I were to place bets,
will be the first international city to enter DEFCOCK 1. This is likely to happen before 2023.
I left Washington DC, a DEFCOCK 2 location, for my current home in Poland, which recently entered DEFCOCK 3 overall, with a small possibility of entering DEFCOCK 2 in the next ten years. Each man has his own preferential DEFCOCK level that gives him the freedom to pursue sexual relations with women who still look and act like women. It’s obvious to me that DEFCOCK 3 and 4 provide a band of pleasure and happiness for the average man to live life on his own terms while pursuing a variety of relationship types.
It would be great if countries remained static when possessing a favorable DEFCOCK level, but as you’ve seen within your own lifetime, decline is inevitable, and I have not personally witnessed a country improving its DEFCOCK status. The best advice I can give men who don’t want to move every three years is to find a city that is either in DEFCOCK 4 or just recently slipped to DEFCOCK 3, because once a decline accelerates, it may happen too quickly for you to leave before you wake up and see a nuclear cloud in the shape of a vagina right outside your window.
Posted on Thu, 21 May 2015 12:00:44 +0000 at