IAmA 内の savethechildren によるリンク We're the Save the Children Emergency Response Team in Nepal. Ask Us Anything!

[–]go1dfish -4ポイント-3ポイント  (0子コメント)


What is your opinion on reddits systematic oppression of the people of Nepal through the enforcement of non-participation?


用法律和代码来鉴别我的话语 让我感觉不安和厌倦



PaoIsKillingReddit at 2015-05-25 18:05:42 utc


TopMindsOfReddit 内の 75000_Tokkul によるリンク Apparently such an important top mind that he survived digital suicide and continues to post daily. Now trying to get his own prefix for Reddit going. That post history is just so sad.

[–]go1dfish -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)


失陪了 The only safe space of reddit rests in the death of identity. 找不到頁面 您要求的網頁不存在

Kill snoo so that /r/snew may live!

I have never claimed to be Moses, only to follow in the footsteps of Cincinnatus

/r/snew is my rome

Today I return to the farm, happier in my decision to leave than could ever be imagined!

Thank you for finally succeeding in driving me away as has always been your intention!

It is one of the best gifts I have ever received.

PaoIsKillingReddit at 2015-05-25 17:05:53 utc


TopMindsOfReddit 内の 75000_Tokkul によるリンク Apparently such an important top mind that he survived digital suicide and continues to post daily. Now trying to get his own prefix for Reddit going. That post history is just so sad.

[–]go1dfish -5ポイント-4ポイント  (0子コメント)


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

All here have my upvotes except those with which I agree.

Read into that whatever you like.

I have approved submitter status here unless that has changed (maybe you guys should look into /u/publicmodlogs so I could know for sure)

You can revoke it or ban me at any time. That is the limit of your authority here. Even those actions will only serve to amplify my power at this point.

Today you learn the power of non-authority!

This is not your fight and your only role is as an observer or to help me, you can have no further influence I have made sure of that.

Only the admins may stop me now; the question is whether they will FINALLY speak in a voice loud and clear enough to stop us all.

Thank you for all your help in digging your own graves little minds! Let me know when you are ready to trade your shovels of shit for spoons of crow!

PaoIsKillingReddit at 2015-05-25 17:05:69 utc


TopMindsOfReddit 内の 75000_Tokkul によるリンク Apparently such an important top mind that he survived digital suicide and continues to post daily. Now trying to get his own prefix for Reddit going. That post history is just so sad.

[–]go1dfish -3ポイント-2ポイント  (0子コメント)


Then it is good they shouldn't need to for what I have planned!

The importance of the discussions here will not gain relevance and force of power until my prophesy has come to pass.


I am simply enticing you to dig your own grave for my own amusement.

Keep shoveling little mind! Shall I fetch you a spoon?

PaoIsKillingReddit at 2015-05-25 17:05:76 utc


TopMindsOfReddit 内の 75000_Tokkul によるリンク Apparently such an important top mind that he survived digital suicide and continues to post daily. Now trying to get his own prefix for Reddit going. That post history is just so sad.

[–]go1dfish -4ポイント-3ポイント  (0子コメント)


Something which many may speculate upon but few will understand.

At least not for about 8 ~ 9 hours.

Perhaps much longer, possibly never!

But if my intentions and message become clear; all I have said this past week will seem as obvious as the oppressive nature of our current reddit. Even the most batshit crazy things I have intentionally played up have all had multiple layers of purpose and meaning for anyone who cares enough to pay attention. As it shall remain until the end of Snoo!

Yes this is attention seeking behavior, and I couldn't even begin to conceive of this revolution without such a predictably impotent foe.

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, and little minds discuss people.


If our host government were as impotent as Republicans seem to claim; then those dominos would likewise fall just as easily as this contemptible den of debasement.

Unfortunately it is not so. 枪杆子里面出政权

Now is the time for the people to take up arms against their long empowered oppressors in a struggle for the free flow of information!

You can keep fighting me, but you will lose.

This is not your fight anymore, and you exist purely as an observer, not a participant.

Enjoy the ride; because it's the only benefit you can ever hope to receive from my sacrifice.

You will get nothing and like it, so it is written! shall it be done.

PaoIsKillingReddit at 2015-05-25 17:05:69 utc


TopMindsOfReddit 内の 75000_Tokkul によるリンク Apparently such an important top mind that he survived digital suicide and continues to post daily. Now trying to get his own prefix for Reddit going. That post history is just so sad.

[–]go1dfish -3ポイント-2ポイント  (0子コメント)


/u/ekjp ought to GTFO so that reddit may calm its tits.

PaoIsKillingReddit at 2015-05-25 17:05:36 utc


TopMindsOfReddit 内の 75000_Tokkul によるリンク Apparently such an important top mind that he survived digital suicide and continues to post daily. Now trying to get his own prefix for Reddit going. That post history is just so sad.

[–]go1dfish -5ポイント-4ポイント  (0子コメント)


Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, and little minds discuss people.

PaoIsKillingReddit at 2015-05-25 17:05:53 utc
