Why narcissistic personality disorder?

Why not- white guy entitlement disease?

  1. lunarhex reblogged this from strategicgoat
  2. psyvanity reblogged this from strategicgoat and added:
    You demonize and degrade people with a mental disorder, and then when one of us reacts negatively toward it, you call...
  3. c00lemondade reblogged this from strategicgoat
  4. strategicgoat reblogged this from izayaorihahaha and added:
    Lmfao see? Narcissists, all about abuse and manipulation. You can’t call a narci out without them trying to turn the...
  5. izayaorihahaha reblogged this from the-youngest-gandor-brother and added:
    ps: @ OP from a psychotic cluster B person with NPD~ if i meet you irl, fucking run
  6. the-youngest-gandor-brother reblogged this from psyvanity
  7. frickmachine reblogged this from psyvanity
  8. howling-with-the-dogs reblogged this from autisticsoldier and added:
    So basically tumblr hates any mental illness with negative stereotypes. Especially ones that haven’t been made sexy by...
  9. autisticsoldier reblogged this from strategicgoat and added:
    oh then i guess im “abusive” for thinking that im far better than you and you are nothing compared to me, an actual...
  10. official-wrecker reblogged this from autisticsoldier
  11. lay-down-and-let-go reblogged this from psyvanity
  12. mindtheeedge reblogged this from psyvanity
  13. rudegoth reblogged this from psyvanity and added:
    There is a difference between having an actual personality disorder vs being systematically privileged and being a dick...
  14. transpsychomantis reblogged this from psyvanity and added:
    autisticsoldier 😂😂😂😂😂