全 161 件のコメント

[–]Predicted 24 ポイント25 ポイント  (13子コメント)

Why would anyone take reddit so seriously that they would send someone else death threats over it?

[–]Wooblez[Woobington] (NA) 36 ポイント37 ポイント  (3子コメント)

because this sub is filled with under aged mouth breathers that love to rage at whatever is the current fad

[–]derpiano 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I think your comment pretty much sums up the reasoning behind ALL the drama in the past week

[–]fr0stxD[Dank Memer] (NA) 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think your comment pretty much sums up the reasoning behind ALL the drama in the past week this subreddit


[–]HackworthSF 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

As if that had anything to do with age. Notice that Gabe's Greater Internet Fuckwad Theory does not involve the person's age. I would even say that the audience is more of an optional factor. The belief that you can get away with shit removes a major inhibition in human behaviour.

[–]IcyColdStare[Windstance] (NA) ¤=[]:::::/ 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

You would be surprised, my friend.

[–]Ahri_La_Roux[Princess Snowflower] (NA) 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Did you not predict it?

[–]Veyloris 25 ポイント26 ポイント  (10子コメント)

I'm just straight up reposting this from another thread, with a little added:

"I think the reddit team thing is a horrible, horrible idea. Funding by reddit may be an okay idea, but reddit giving input/making decisions sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Think about the dogecoin thing, where they sponsored the driver. That's great and all. It's funny, everyone gets a laugh, but reddit never actually gets any right to make decision, and that's how it should be. A hivemind isn't a good way to lead. It's a good way to generate ideas, but not a good way to select them."

Basically, the bottom line is to look at this like a VC project. If you give money to the right person with the human capitol, at the right place, at the right time, of course it can work. If the community had gathered up and given $500,000 in funding to the next Regi or Hotshot or Steve or Jack this would be successful. The problem is that the most successful team owners are already successful team owners. I would go so far as to say that most people who would make a successful team are probably already owning that team or far enough along the path to owning that team that they don't need Reddit to throw money at them.

The idea can work in theory, of course. Kickstarter and websites like it have turned out great things. I personally have put a lot of money into Crowfall, which is a massive game partially funded through Kickstarter. They have a clear vision, accompanied by connections in the industry, experience in the industry, and a business plan. All of those things enable someone to successfully execute a project, and any projects that succeed without those typically involve a large degree of skill and/or luck.

[–]Halidromos 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't think Hotshot fits in the list of successful owners, if you gave him 500k to start a new team now he would most likely fail. He just got lucky that he was one of the first to make a team and at the time his team was the most successful. CLG has one of the largest budgets in the NA scene yet over 5 splits only once finished in the upper half of teams.

[–]HoHSarkhon 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (5子コメント)

I disagree. I think that with the relatively small sample size of individuals who have taken the plunge into ownership at this point, the sky is the limit for possibilities. There are plenty of players/fans/business people out there who may want to invest at some point, so saying that all the successful owners (or most) are already successful owners, is kind of an absolute that has zero factual data anywhere remotely near it.

[–]Veyloris 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (4子コメント)

I don't think what we said contradicts each otherin the way you think.

If there's a business person out there who wants to invest, they'll make the proper approach to the scene with the appropriate capital, connections, and business plan. I would contend that players who invest would have the same advantages (or more) than an external business person coming into the scene to invest.

If there's fans who want to invest but haven't yet, I would say that they're probably missing one of the three things I mentioned.

Additionally, it's not an absolute. I said "most people who would make a successful team are probably already owning that team or far enough along the path to owning that team that". That statement just removes reddit from the equation, and doesn't really limit the type or number of people who could succeed, it just suggests that the people who would succeed in the scene don't need reddit's money to do so.

[–]HoHSarkhon 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (3子コメント)

This is a fair statement. You are right, it wasn't absolute. I can use myself as an example though. I don't have the connections, but I have both the business acumen and the capitol to invest should I choose to (not in a straight buy-out type capitol, but based on what I know about running a new business and variable vs. fixed cost, I could start something from the ground floor). Not having connections is as simple as posting an "ad" on reddit looking for a team to start your challenger run. At that point, picking up sponsorships, and ad revenew helps subsidize costs, the same way in the business I operate uses bulk bonus opportunities to subsadize cost of goods sold (we sell subscription services to businesses that have waiting rooms, like Great Clips).

When I look at this situation, I see the Franchise mode from new versions of Madden:

Moguls - These are the guys who have 1M+ in capitol to drop on a team and just buy their way in the scene. They are going to either invest in super intelligent players/coaches/management staff, or they will fail miserably.

Lifelong Fan - Either missing capitol or connections, they have a passion for the game that would drive them to success over moguls IMO if they can get either connections or capitol.

Former/Current Player - Going to be missing capitol, and to a lesser extent, marketing/advertising/business sense, which will make it harder to succeed than reddit seems to think. It's not going to be easy for any player to start an organization in this now developed seen. The reason TSM was successful is because Reginald, who was player/owner, got into the scene at the very beginning and was at the top of the game already. The reason why HotshotGG was successful, was because he was the pioneer of marketing in the League of Legends world. I see this as being the hardest path to success, which is why Ocelote has all but faded from the community. He left SK to start his own brand, and failed (correct me if I'm wrong).

Either way, the concept is intriguing. I don't think that Tidus is the right guy. I'll admit, I didn't do my due diligence when I contacted him initially, and when everything blew up, I defended the idea, and to a lesser extent, Tidus, but in retrospect, I knew from the beginning it would never work the way it was being presented (which I told him in my message to him).

I believe as time goes on, the chances and likelyhood of a community owned organization is absolutely more likely to succeed, however, right now the community isn't necessarily ready for it, nor are they educated enough for it. Maybe when this generation is older, and more experienced, they'll have a better grasp. We are dealing with a player base that is between 18-25 on average, with 0-2 years of actual business experience probably.

[–]Veyloris 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Ocelot is not a failed owner by any stretch of the imagination. He doesn't have a brand the size of TSM or anything, but he has a sustainable business and a long term business.

[–]HoHSarkhon 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I guess it's fair, he has branded himself, but relative to the rest of the world, you don't hear about him anymore. He's very much confined to Europe I'm assuming?

[–]Veyloris 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Somewhat, Gamers2 is a decently large brand over there.

I would note that Ocelote is now almost entirely out of the spotlight despite having a brand that's well known.

[–]Dalze 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

I would go so far as to say that most people who would make a successful team are probably already owning that team or far enough along the path to owning that team that they don't need Reddit to throw money at them.

I disagree with this statement. As we know, owning a team and actually making it successful requires a lot of resources ($$$$). I'm willing to bet there are A LOT of capable people out there that do not have the resources to make this happen, monetarily speaking, even though they are very, very good at managing/decision making/leadership and the like.

I won't say they are on the level of Regi, Jack, etc. because that comes with experience, but I really don't think it's as easy as "If you would be a successful team owner, chances are you don't need money thrown at you".

[–]Veyloris 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

It does require quite a bit of resources, and again, I didn't suggest that people wouldn't need money. I simply said that if someone knows what they're doing and has the capability to succeed trying to crowdfund the project through reddit is not something they would need.

"far enough along the path to owning that team" can mean literally anything for someone who is aiming to own a team. I think that being crowd funded through reddit is probably just the least likely way to go about owning a team, so every single qualified owner in my eyes is someone who can do it without that crowd funding.

[–]HoHSarkhon 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Crowdfunding anything like this, by someone who is not established, is not something that should ever be done... it literally has misuse of funds written all over it. Not that Tidus would actually take anyones money and misuse it intentionally, but when it's crowdfunded, only one person is responsible for all the decisions, strawpoll vote or no.

[–]Iksanier 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I usually don't comment on posts directly, but right now I have something to say.

OP is a person that is relatively known is this very community and has done a lot of work during last year or so. All the points raised by him are legitimate and solid, though there are things that Titus (or w/e his name is) should have considered before taking any proactive actions.

  1. He is riding a wave of a popular new idea, a crowdfunded community team. People would've and did overreacted to this whole drama. That is his mistake, not ours as community members. Should he remain calm and not post every single day new short posts teasing us, maybe the reaction would've been much more welcoming.

  2. He has no credentials what so ever. Might it be that speaking to OP, other pros and people involved in e-Sports scene without immediatelly revealing it was a better way to gather his thoughts together before presenting the idea? Obviously many people are being annoyed by the fact that he just says: "Oh, I talked to this guy and he thinks this idea have potential". It looks like from a third person point of view that he tries to get recognition by using big names in our community, e.g. esportslaw.

  3. His posts and comments are not thought-through. He rarely presents any kind of information aside of vague tips. I'm gonna work with designers to make a logo. I will talk to that guy to think about budgetting. Well maybe, if he first had done it, we all reacted better?

The whole drama is created not by community, but by Titus himself. He could've realized that the idea worth thinking of, he could've first spoken to different respectable and experienced people, he could've created logos and simple business plan.

Had he all of this on top of his empty posts which have done, as OP mentioned in his vlog, NOTHING, this whole drama wouldn;t have existed in the first place. We would just read about the project, give him some tips or just shut down the idea.

I don't know if it is too late now to try to pick up some respect from the community for Titus or not.

It is all IMO, ofc. If I were him, I would've thought about everything before posting and hyping us up.

[–]dukeofnature 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is a good point. Not justifying any uncivil actions or words against the man, but in hindsight it is better to have a plan before you propose an idea. This just stemmed from a lack of experience and there really is no reason for the community to be so worked up over. All of it is hindsight, though. Hope it dies off soon or I hope the Titus guy puts out a real plan so we can make up our minds and get it over with.

[–]wobucarecat 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (4子コメント)

people need to take note of this- its not a return on investment

if you want to donate or get involved in this project, realize that other than what you give, what you personally get other than community involvement or feeling good for helping a handful of people play league semi professionally (aka making money) is gonna basically be zilch. if you are an altruistic trusting person go right ahead, if you have any expecations then dont. lol

[–]MaevisPas 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (3子コメント)

As a member of probably the greatest non return of investment creations of all time, stockholder of the Green Bay Packers, I agree.

[–]SirPalat 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

You get the emotional and satisfaction of (partly) owning your favorite sports team, no?

[–]MaevisPas 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I do but that is it. I have no say in how the team is run. If reedit wants to sponsor a team, I think it should be something like that. Maybe put the names of donators on the website somewhere.

[–]SirPalat 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

When i first heard about the Reddit team, this was what i assumed was going to happen

[–]bbrosto 55 ポイント56 ポイント  (8子コメント)

esportslaw more like esports cole slaw am i right fellas

[–]Ajido[Twitter xAjido] (NA) 31 ポイント32 ポイント  (4子コメント)

I have no idea what this means.....but I am a little hungry now.

[–]LoLNumptie 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (2子コメント)

I'm not sure why but I want a pulled pork sandwich..

[–]ChrisCP 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

What is the difference between a pulled pork sandwich and a pork sandwich?

Less salt.

[–]UniqueError[Facecheck Pro IV] (EU-NE) -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I didn't know Reynad made pulled pork sandwiches.

[–]Halidromos -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Probably a reference to KneeColeSlaw

[–]Eenohay 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm lost, but it reads like this should be funny.

[–]nokumura 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Underappreciated comment

[–]bbrosto 13 ポイント14 ポイント  (0子コメント)

nobody understands me

[–]JaBoi_Jared 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (12子コメント)

To be fair the only reason your name is always brought up is because you literally said you would take care of all the legal structure etc.

You really shouldn't be surprised.

[–]esportslaw[S] 17 ポイント18 ポイント  (11子コメント)

I get that. But in fairness to me, I said it as a total joke. After all, this whole thing started as a joke.

[–]picflutepicflute (NA) 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Welcome to reddit.

[–]killtasticfever 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

no lol

Pretty sure your name is being brought up because the OP keeps saying things like "ill have a meeting with esportslaw tonight to discuss"

[–]Cantebury 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (5子コメント)

oh thats bullshit. you made several posts about everything, even talking to him. its a "joke" now that you see the community reaction. just man up dude

[–]esportslaw[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (4子コメント)

I should have been more clear in this response (though I think I was in the video). This definitely started as a joke - when I made the quip about doing all the legal work for free, it was sarcastic banter. That is the only time I said I would take care of the legal stuff. After it became serious, I added my two cents privately with OP, and he mentioned publicly that we spoke, but it's not like I was posting on all these threads talking about how involved i would be.

I think you, like a lot of other people, got the wrong impression about my role in this based on how much my name was being thrown around in all of this discussion. I definitely played some role in that in making my initial post (and some other short comments), but my point is that it's not like I told everyone I was going to be super involved then backed out when public opinion turned. Quite to the contrary actually. I only started getting significantly involved in the public discourse on this after people started getting very angry about the whole thing, and only to try to calm people down.

[–]2leaf -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Dude come on. You were very serious about the whole thing from the beginning, and now all of sudden you were "just kidding"?

If you're half the professional you claim to be just man up when you've goofed. Not give a half-ass try to maintain your rep with a "lol I was just jk didn't you guys know!"

Honestly, I just lost a little respect for you.

[–]esportslaw[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

See the comment I just made above. Responds to your sentiments as well, just didn't want to copy-paste.

[–]NZ_Nasus -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Esportslaw currently a moderator on that /r/wob or whatever it's called. I agree with you tbh he's acting just like any lawyer caught with his pants around his ankles would.

[–]thorktown 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (5子コメント)

I think my only problem with this whole thing would be, lack of credentials or any real way to be sure that THIS SPECIFIC person is the best possible person from the community to run this, if it did happen.

I'm sure hes put some time into this, but Im kind of waiting to see what his plan is cause at the moment I'm not impressed that his plan so far involves a salary before actually doing anything meaningful, will see once he actually comes out with a plan I suppose.

[–]Wydi 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (4子コメント)

On the other hand: This specific person seems to be serious enough to give it a try. Dismissing his plan just on the basis of lacking credentials simply wouldn't be fair. Why not give him a chance to try? Not necessarily funding him but giving him time to plan it, to prove his willingness and present an actual concept that may or may not work beyond the current hype.

I'm willing to give him some weeks or maybe months to come up with something substantial before any potential crowdfunding starts. If he does: Great. We may have a new fan-favourite challenger team! If he doesn't: Well..too bad, but worth a shot.

No need to dismiss the whole thing in advance.

[–]Shinobazu -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (3子コメント)

This guy works at a fast food restaurant and is immature. How the hell is he the right person for the job.

[–]Wydi 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

How is he "the wrong one"? How much do you know about him to judge him solely based on the handful of posts you've seen of him?

That's extremely prejudiced.

Be sceptical, of course, especially if you consider to help finance the team. But give him a chance.

[–]Shinobazu 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Why would anyone financialy support him? Why not give someone a shot at it with expirience. Who has worked hard for a opportunity like this. Who has a decent degree, organisational skills and knowledge in marketing & business managment. Not some random person on reddit who gave us literally zero information about his background.

[–]Wydi 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Experience in what? Managing a League team? Most of those people are still managing their very own team while others simply haven't come forward to volunteer. Experience in business management/economics would be nice, of course, but hardly mandatory considering the distinct nature of eSports compared to "regular" businesses. As for "decent degree"s: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't seen a biography of the guy. Maybe he does have a degree?

Besides: If I remember correctly, neither Reginald nor HotshotGG had any prior management experience or degrees.

I get your point. He hasn't presented an impressive resumee of himself so far which would help further his case in any way. He was certainly hyped just as much as plenty of other redditors. But there are plenty of talented people out there who may be lacking experience, or a degree, or proper self-promotion skills. Maybe, just maybe, all this guy needs is a chance.

[–]mbcs09 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thanks for the video and for clearing up your involvement in the whole deal.

I don't really have any questions for you, but I just wonder what the expectations of the community are/were for this supposed "team." I mean, are there legitimately qualified players that would participate in this and take it seriously? Call me crazy but even if all other things fall into place and a team is formed, I don't think that a team whose best player is (for example) Imaqtpie is going to be very competitive against even the bottom of LCS talent. In that case, what happens? A brief stint competing for the CS, maybe a failed relegation tournament appearance and then that's it?

I applaud /r/leagueoflegends for their enthusiasm, but to me it seems kinda shortsighted and like a really easy way to throw away some money to be able to say "I was part of the reddit team!"

[–]eyesarered 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I had totally the wrong idea of you. You're actually a really well informed, logical, and transparent person.

Thankyou for being you

[–]abloopdadooda 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm reposting the same thing I commented on /u/TitusBatiatus own thread:

"The problem was that you are a completely random person with absolutely no prior experience, qualifications, support, or money that all-of-a-sudden showed up ~4-5 days ago wanting to create a team on a whim. You boast about how transparency would be the biggest concern yet still no one knows who you are, who was working with you, or what estimates you have come up with for costs.

You never gave us your name, age, prior experience/knowledge of the matter, names/number of people helping you, or numbers estimates and every single bit of that information if not more should have been in your very first post about the subject.

You never gave anyone a reason to believe you were doing this legitimately or a reason to believe you even had the ability to do this and not waste everyone's time and possibly money. That should have been done, like I said, in your very first post about the subject and yet we still have no real reason to believe this can actually be a possibility. Face it, you were delusional if you thought something this huge could be taken care of as quickly as you're doing it and without any sort of prior qualifications or funding.

All this and still the possibility this was all a huge scam and you are now backpedaling out of it (because you never gave us reason to believe it wasn't a scam.)"

Basically, to sum up that comment, I think /u/TitasBatiatus was delusional in thinking he could get this big of a project off the ground as fast as he was trying to, and I also think that he never gave anyone a reason to believe the whole thing wasn't a scam or worth our time. Despite claiming that transparency was a key issue, he still never gave us any information about himself at all or the estimates on costs he surely had.

He was a random guy with no experience or prior funding and he never offered information about himself or a reason to believe he even had the ability to do it (or that it wasn't a scam).

[–]1800CAPSLOCK 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (2子コメント)

I like how this reddit team thing started as a joke.

[–]splitcroof92 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

To be fair it still is a joke it just has a small bit of potential now

[–]fr0stxD[Dank Memer] (NA) 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's what we say about every one of our splits

[–]HoHSarkhon -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

The idea has merit, but it needs a business acumen behind it in order to be successful.

[–]Halidromos 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

This video sums up exactly how I felt about this whole situation. It started off as a joke, but people actually saw how this could be a good way for the community to become more involved in the esports scene and how it might even benefit the community as a whole, so they started to believe in it and wanted to see it happen.

As you stated, in theory it's not infeasible to make this happen. But when the original poster stepped up to try and make the idea a reality, people were quick to throw him under the bus. Questions such as 'Why should he benefit from this?', 'Why should we trust this random person without any qualifications?'. These are in fact legitimate questions, but instead of trying to offer solutions to these apparent issues, e.g. asking OP for more clarity by making a video statement, or stepping up themselves to make the idea happen, the situation devolved into people viciously slandering OP. It has come so far that over the last few days the front page has been filled with posts trying to derail any support for the formation of a reddit team, instead of offering support to make the idea happen. 'Instead of creating a reddit team, we should donate to Nepal', 'Instead of creating a reddit team we should support a challenger team', the list goes on.

I, for one, would still love to see the reddit team happen, but after witnessing the severity of the lol reddit hivemind by reading reddit for the last couple of days I've come to realise the unlikelihood of a grand project like this ever seeing the light of day.

[–]Icelord52 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

It is the middle of May, it is time to take down your Christmas lights!

[–]SpeedOfThought7 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Is it christmas in your office?

[–]NasusAU 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Excellent video, you speak very well.

Few thoughts from me...
The /r/LoL community doesn't understand the role of lawyers as consultants and instead thinks of them more as inhabiting a directing role, this confusion has potential to damage your reputation (within the subreddit) if any issues arise from projects you are consulting on, I would humbly suggest to avoid public disclosures of this nature in the future as I'm sure you are very aware of the risks.

If you do persist in dealing with seemingly non-professional enterprises within the /r/LoL community it might be beneficial to include a disclaimer to the extent that you neither endorse nor proscribe the actions of these individuals.

Lastly, from what I understand you function on a largely referral basis (please correct me if I am wrong), do you see your presence within the /r/LoL community as a valuable allocation of resources with a professional intent behind it or is do you regard this as a place to merely relax and engage with the community on a personal level?


[–]Geofferic -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Man, I didn't go to law school to work in a place like that. I do have the same headphones, tho.

You are way more patient than I.

[–]Zep1991 -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

You totally Saul Goodmaned me.

[–]MaevisPas -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (5子コメント)

I also thought that having a board of directors was the only way to run the team in any way. My idea, however, was that there would be 10 slots on the board.

Five for the players themselves, they should have a say in how the team would be run. I'm not really sure though if those spots are just for current players or for the original line up. That would have to be something to be considered.

One for the coaching staff. Includes analysts, psychologists, cook, mom, whomever. Probably should change that to just support staff.

Two for the top donators. If you are donating over a thousand dollars for this, you should be recognized. I don't think they should be able to steamroller the other members though.

One for an advocate, this would be the ex-player /u/esportslaw was talking about.

The last spot I think should be the lawyers spot. For legal reasons I think this is the right move as the lawyer can help with the legality issues that might pop up.

At no point in time should the owner/creator be a member of the board. I think that the owner/manager runs the day to day but the board runs the over all team.

[–]HoHSarkhon -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (4子コメント)

So, a COO. The person who invested all their time and effort into creating this, and has zero vote. So, 10 people could just vote kick him.

This is why we still have trolls in champ select... we can never have nice things.

[–]MaevisPas 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (3子コメント)

I know it sounds harsh but I think it could actually work this way. The creator, now called the manager, should not be the supreme authority in the team. He should, however, be safe from being steamrolled out of the team himself. Maybe write it into his contact that it takes a unanimous vote among all ten members to kick him out.

You also have to realize that, in my head, WOB was a non-profit and any proceeds or profit either went to charity, back into the team to afford to live in LA (which is extremely over priced), or into helping /u/esportslaw and Snoopeh start their players union/retirement organization.

[–]HoHSarkhon -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (2子コメント)

I disagree. Nobody is going to be more invested in the company initially than the person who literally puts all their spare time, or even time that wasn't spare, into creating a business model/plan and financial information that is legit and solid enough to get real investors to invest. Not twitch volume donations, but actual meaningful dollars.

I think similar to what you proposed, but giving them a spot on the board is absolutely important. Think Apple round one, when they removed Steve Jobs. The company almost failed, and one of the primary reasons was the passion and vision of the person who was most emotionally invested in the company was gone. When he came back, it was his visions, and passion for the Apple brand that drove it to where it is now.

I think the following would work a little better:

1 Community Representitive -This person is responsible for being the liaision between the company and the community. They can poll, and they are responsible for understanding the ebb and flow of the community and their desired direction.

1 "Founder" -Obviously the person who "founds" the team. They are going to be the face of the Franchise, like HotshotGG or Reginald.

1 Management Staff -Coach/Manager: They need to have a vote. This is a person who is invested in something other than the business, that also directly impacts the business. You don't want the players, because it will ultimately lead to situations where players have to fire themselves. Not all of what amounts to "kids" and young adults have the maturaty to retire the way that Hai and TheOddone did for their teams. Actually, I believe this should be a rep for them, because again, what happens if you have to fire this person? The people on the board should take a decent amount of effort to actually remove, just like in regular corporate America. So, Director of Game Operations

3 Investors - These are obvioulsy investors. I don't necessarily like the "top contributors" selection, but I do understand it. Money does not equal business sense, and more importantly, eSports sense. You have to give them a voice though, and since there is a 7 member board, they can always just be outvoted if the eSports decision wouldn't work.

1 TBD - Not sure. This could be a community selected representitive, former player (as the players representative, i.e., "employee liaision"). Actually, should probably be this, the Director of Player Personnel

That brings the total votes to 7 votes.

1 Community/1 Founder/3 Investors/1 Director of Players/1 Director of Game Operations

Then, you have 3 non-voting members: PR/Marketing Director, Team Captain/Shotcaller, Legal Department Representitive (eSportslaw huehue)

This creates a 10 member board responsible for managing the business side of things, while also breaking the day to day operations down into 3-5 managable roles. Player personnel shouldn't be responsible for marketing, the marketing should be analyzing games, etc.

If this was going to work, the first step though would be to try to talk to Reginald, HotshotGG and Kelby, Liquid, Jack, etc., and see if they would be willing to spend some time discussing exactly what kind of work goes into managing an eSports team. I'm actually getting mildly more interested in this idea and concept. The more and more I think about it though, the more it seems like it would ultimately be a partnership akin to those that buyout NBA teams all the time.

[–]MaevisPas 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Honestly, I like your idea better then my own. And yes, it will end up being a partnership but among the whole team and not just between owners.

And again, honestly, I would get behind something like this and would love to at least say I helped bring this together. I'm not saying I should start it but I would be willing to think about it with others.

[–]HoHSarkhon 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's exactly where the project should be at this moment though anyway. Not picking out team names or logos. The problem with rushing, is now Tidus had the community vote on a very hard to market team name.

It's worth digging deeper, but definitely not something that will be met well on Reddit, at least for a while I think!

[–]MrScrubbles -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)


[–]Oppa_Dannifer -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Care to listen to my idea of a LoL Reddit Team? However, it will be more of a Reddit Clan though. Basically, this Reddit Clan will be FREE but must apply in another website or subreddit to join. The requirement to be in the clan will be that you have to be Platinum in solo q or above to join though. The goal is to get Redditors to the LCS and challenger series, but for most of the members, the goal is to increase the competitiveness and gameplay of the ranked 5's ladder. Teamspeak will be the place of communication for the members and that is how activity will be checked. Moderators are chosen by their activity in Teamspeak and they make sure the server is clean of toxicity. The room people join when they log into the teamspeak server will be the lobby for people to get 5 people together and play a rank 5's game with them. Replays of their games will be open to all members in the website where they can give each other feedback. If this reddit clan was to have a team get into the LCS, they will have Platinum+ members of reddit back them up for analysts and give assistance to that team in finding them a manager and a coach.

[–]Riotnoob 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

lol plat/diamond players in the lcs.