

Why We Still Don’t Know Women’s Bodies

As many as three quarters of women can’t orgasm from vaginal penetration alone. In fact, just eight percent of women can reliably orgasm this way, studies estimate.

This might be the only real explanation we need for what is known among sex researchers and sexologists as the “orgasm gap,” the fact that heterosexual men orgasm during sex two to three times as frequently as heterosexual women do.

Learn more about the clitoris and why it’s so important to female sexuality here. 

jesus fucking christ what a horrible example.

Comparing an (oddly circumcised) external body part to one that is mostly internal?

BETTER examples would be a testicle, a prostate gland, i don’t know, the rest of the penis that is also internal!

They added detail to the penis, the flared glans, they just made the clitoris a 2d representation (not to say it would have mattered much)

If you’re going to make a point, then try to be be honest about it.

Even the external clitoris tends to be more internal underneath the folds of the labia. This is the worst comparison ever. If you show most people a silhouette of a vulva, they’ll know what the hell they’re looking at because you’re showing them the external/visible parts.

fucking huffpo at it again huffpo shenanigans

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