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tumblr radicals are so fucking detrimental to actual feminism honestly

Ah yes, if you’re angry (reminder: anger is a thing what Tumblr invented) then you’re not an “actual” feminist.

Because feminists don’t have anything to be angry about.

Black people have no reason to be angry towards white people, trans people have no reason to be angry towards cis people etc etc.

It’s always funny to me how people want to make it sound like “your behaviour makes feminism look back, you man hater” is a new thing.

Like feminists haven’t been accused of hating men forever.

In my most flower crown, man loving feminist stages I was STILL accused of being a man hater. So holding people who are justifiably angry responsible for why people will further oppress and marginalise them is so fucking ridiculous.

Ah yes, if you’re angry (reminder: anger is a thing what Tumblr invented) then you’re not an “actual” feminist.

Because feminists don’t have anything to be angry about.

Because people don’t have a reason to be angry at feminists. 

Feminists want to make it a crime to speak against feminism.

Feminists against equal protection from domestic abuse.

Feminists threaten to kill woman for saying men need abuse shelters.

Feminists prevent a meeting about male suicide.

Feminists stage mock murders to scare men.

Feminists kidnap priest and hold him hostage.

Feminist attacks male cartoonist and is hailed a hero of feminism.

Feminists shut down forum for battered husbands.

Propaganda campaign against male fathers wanting custody.

Feminists wish to slander accused names before convicted.

Try to shut down female prisons.

Create rape laws that exclude female rapists.

Make it impossible to charge women with rape.

Feminists against equal custody.

Feminists fabricated the superbowl battery myth. And the “rule of thumb” myth.

What have feminists done for men?

Feminists try to make it illegal to pee standing up.

Feminist attacks and trivializes LGBT community for caring about their own issues Feminist defends her right to make the term faggot about women. Feminists objectify gay men Feminists catchfish gay men for pictures.

Female felons should serve home sentences.

Told judges to be lenient on women.

Feminists cover up female domestic violence.

Feminists don’t want the gov to help unemployed men.

Feminists lie to a girl to set up a fake sexual harassment video. They also lied to the men and told them they were shooting a comedic video, only to portray them as rapists.

Buzzfeed senior editor is a feminist and self admitted female supremacist.

Feminists launch campaigns to help girls only while boys are doing worse in every facet of education.

Males who were raped as a child still have to pay child support.

Women should have the right to put a child up for adoption before the father gets custody.

Feminists against beyond reasonable doubt when it’s male rapists.

5 rights feminism ignores for men.

Feminists blame males for their abuse.

The primary aggressor clause where only men get charged with abuse.

Shame men into going to war.

Feminists dismiss female child rapists.

Feminists say men can’t talk about domestic abuse.

Feminists mock a man who has his dick cut off.

Strawmanning MRA members.

feminists attack church. Feminists attack peaceful protesters.  Again.

Feminists transphobia

Feminists silence opposition by screaming and yelling.

By pulling fire alarms.

Feminists slander the MRM


And again, Part 4.

Call them terrorists.

Feminists shut down a festival about gender equality for including men.

Try to shut down MRA meetings.

Most Americans aren’t feminists.

Feminists against royal family having a son.

Feminist and Nazi parallels.

Feminists say women should only serve community sentences.

Feminist Mary Koss denies male rape victims.

Yes doesn’t even mean yes. How all sex is rape. According to California campuses. Feminist Harriet Harman has publicly requested employers to hire women in preference to White men if both job candidates are equally

Feminist article on why men are obligated to fuck them.

Equality Minister,feminist Patricia Hewitt, was found guilty of breaching the Sex Discrimination Act by “overlooking a strong male candidate for a job in favour of a weaker female applicant”.
Feminist fought a law against  Paternity Fraud.
Erin Pizzey had to flee the UK because she and her family received death threats and her dog murdered all because feminists didn’t like that she discovered women were equally as violent as men.
Also Suzanne Steinmetz and her children received death threats and bomb threats she discovered that  the rate at which men were victimized by domestic violence was similar to the rate for women.
Richard Gelles and Murray Straus  have all received death threats from feminists, simply for publishing their findings (that female-to-male family violence was equal to the rate of male-to-female violence).

Feminist run site includes advice on how to bleed husbands dry during a divorce.

Feminist doxxes and harasses male journalist. By sending him dick pics… he was gay.

Feminists shut out open discourse.

List of feminism’s crimes.

Feminists being assholes.

Once had a feminist tell me…

Feminism’s quotes from prominent members.

Feminist quotes on due process.

Bra don’t fit? Kill all men.

Women killed baby? Fathers fault.

Baby a boy? It’s cool, just hate it.

More feminists being assholes.

Still more.

Tv show staring one person who is a guy? Sexist.

Over 30 REAL type of feminists.

Women who hate men

Feminists hope MRA’s die.

Feminists against fathers day.

Feminist makes up fake assault stories.

Feminists refuse to accept evidence.

Feminists exploit rape victims.


Website called “Ihatemen” has 300,000 members and counting.

Feminist  circular

    circular        circular
circular                   circular
    circular         circular
              circular  Logic.

Black people have no reason to be angry towards white people, 

Because white people have no reason to be angry towards blacks.

Killed for being white.

Being too white.

Black panthers want to kill all white people

That includes infants.

They used terrorism scare tactics to deny people the right to vote.

Racism against whites article.

Study on anti-white attitudes.

White man at anti police brutality protest gets face smashed in by black rioter.

Murdered for supporting Obama while being white.

Two black men target white family and shoot 5 year old daughter.

Raped and stoned to death for being white.

Raped and murdered for being white.

Teenager killed for being white.

Marine beaten and hospitalized as revenge for Mike Brown.

Mobs of black criminals attack white neighborhoods nationwide.

4 month crime wave justifies by venting against whites.

White hate crime list.

Two black women force tenets out of apartment at gunpoint because they’re sick of white people moving in.


Genocide of whites.

Another white genocide.

White genocide in south Africa.

List of black on white crimes.

Racial fueled crime statistics.

Destroy the white race.

Who’s country?

Black people kill 2.5 times as many white people as vice versa, despite making up 1/5 the population.

Crime stats by race, table 42

Why you can be racist against white people.

trending social media tags

US universities favor Black and Hispanic applicants.

Anti-white hate crimes.

Interracial violence.

trans people have no reason to be angry towards cis people etc etc.

Like some of them don’t give cis people a reason to be angry at them


Suicidal trans person can’t see why “die cis scum” Could trigger people.

Transgender murderer.

Transgender murders man.

Transgender kid naps 3 men.

Transgender tortures and kills boy.

Transgender shoots man.

Transgender prostitute murder.

Transgender blames murder on male headmate.

It’s always funny to me how people want to make it sound like “your behaviour makes feminism look back, you man hater” is a new thing.
Like feminists haven’t been accused of hating men forever.

Its more pointing out how you idiots haven’t managed to fix the damn problem in generations, but clearly you don’t see blatant hypocrisy and sexism as a problem. So that explains it.

In my most flower crown, man loving feminist stages I was STILL accused of being a man hater. 

Because you probably were still an asshole then. 

So holding people who are justifiably angry responsible for why people will further oppress and marginalise them is so fucking ridiculous.

No that’s actually called holding people to the same standard to which you hold yourself. That’s called fucking equality, but you assholes don’t want that. You want to threaten and bully people into giving you what you want.

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