Black College Student Gets Turned Away By Academic Adviser For Seeking Help With Class (VIDEO)

Kevin Bruce, an exercise science major at Kennesaw State University, was having trouble getting in touch with his academic adviser over email, so he did what any student would do in the same situation, he waited to be seen in the school’s “advising waiting room.” Apparently, you’re not supposed to do that.

Instead of being helped, an adviser by the name of Abby Dawson came out and straight-out accused him of harassment, of all things. She didn’t offer to help, reschedule another time to see him, nope. Instead, she thought this warranted getting student police involved. Since the video was posted on Twitter, several people are calling this prima facie racism, at its best.

The exchange took place, as follows:

“I’m not harassing no one,” said Bruce.

“I can call security,” says Dawson. “You can fill out the form just like everybody else does.”

“I’m just waiting to talk to someone,” Bruce tells her. “I’m not harassing no one, though.”

“Sitting here until somebody’s available is harassing them,” she insists. She then says, “Would you like for me to call campus security?”

This isn’t the first encounter he’s had with Mrs. Dawson, though. In an email exchange from earlier in the school year you can clearly see Mrs. Dawson’s style of “academic advisement,” if you wish to call it that.


Pic via Twitter.

But, it turns out, students of all colors are having similar issues with Mrs. Dawson. This isn’t so much about race, as much as it is about her just being a horrible educator.

Pic via Twitter.

Pic via Twitter.

Pic via Twitter.

Pic via Twitter.

So far, though, it hasn’t been reported that she has done something so over the top such as this with any other students. But, there are numerous reports of her being downright rude, and just overall unconcerned with helping students, in general, with their problems.

The video (below) pretty much speaks for itself, but what led up to the encounter is equally as important since it’s best not to take things out of context.

Bruce was actually trying to speak to Margaret Tilley, his go-to adviser, when a department staff member suggested he end up talking to Dawson.

Also, the only reason Bruce even showed up in the first place was because the scheduled appointment he had was canceled, and he had tried several times to schedule a meeting, with no success.

It’s just inexcusable that this is the reaction he received for sitting in the waiting room, trying to get help with his education.

Here’s a fun fact:

Only 15 percent of KSU students graduate in 4 years. 

This is a ridiculous number. School officials should be embarrassed. Maybe it’s time this university review its policies, and not consider it harassment to patiently wait in a waiting room to see your academic adviser. That 15 percent might just go up a couple notches.

Here is the video that’s causing such an uproar. Take a look at the worst academic adviser, EVER:

Featured image: via screen capture from Twitter

  • Roberta Carpenter

    Please tell me she got fired for not Doing her Job, and turning people away from getting help

    • Sunwyn Ravenwood

      Or bonking someone.

    • Richard Sweeney

      She probably gives all the male teachers head.

  • skywryter

    This woman is a nut job. The opposite of a student advisor..She’s a student caution.

  • JustTheFactsMa’am

    Hopefully campus security had more sense – or at least didn’t shoot him!

  • LostKoala

    another totally worthless employee, rude to the very people she is supposed to be helping—how does this moron keep her job???

  • Richard Sweeney

    I wonder if campus security shot and killed him. That stupid broad should be fired.

  • Jason Kaeser

    My response would be simple: You’re employed by me. I paid for this education so that makes you my employee and I am your boss. I will see my academic adviser any time I see fit to do so.

  • Franklin Radcliff

    15% graduation rate? This school should lose their accredition.

    • JustSomeone

      I agree that 15% is an awful number. This doesn’t tell what their overall graduation rate is though. I am currently in college and will not graduate “on time”. I am a single mother, of teenagers luckily so I don’t have to worry about childcare costs. I am a full time student, but I don’t take the 5-6 classes per semester that my school recommends. As a full time mother, who is working at the same time, I can’t handle that kind of course load. I will say, I have never heard of anyone having trouble meeting with an advisor where I go, and my advisor understands my situation and helps me plan my semesters taking my needs into consideration.

    • tdsthomas

      You should learn to spell Acreditation. I guess you’re school only had a 10% graduation rate, eh?

      • Zaidi

        YOU NEED SPELL CHECK, AS WELL. “you’re” should be “your”. Go back to school and stop judging others for those things you, too, don’t know!!

      • Tom Fleet

        Not only are you obnoxious but you are wrong too. Accreditation (correct spelling) has two ‘c’s and your use of you’re is terribly wrong. So quit judging others until you get YOUR own act together.

        • tdsthomas

          uh, NO. It has the word CREDIT in it. They get CREDIT. Lame.

      • Jum

        It’s spelled accreditation. Exactly as Franklin spelled it. Perhaps you never took an English class.

        • tdsthomas

          uh, NO. It has the word CREDIT in it. They got CREDIT. Lame.

      • atg8446

        What is this… I don’t even…

  • disqus_a3cEEbCswW

    Who wrote this story? The grammar and usage are horrible!! Its so bad, it buries the lead!

    • imakemyowndecisions

      They graduated from this school.

    • lipreader

      You meant to say buries the “lede”. 😉

      • Ellis8118

        Thanks! Who says you can’t learn something legitimate from the internet?

  • Tillmann Puschka

    WHY is she an academic advisor? How is it even possible?

    • OldDog

      Oh, it’s possible. It is also possible that she’ll keep her job and all of this will be swept under a rug somewhere. This is academia, and how academia operates at the staff level. “Once hired, never fired”. They’ll find a place to shelve her out of the public eye.

  • Beth Stubblefield

    The woman is off her meds, obviously. Or badly in need of some. That’s completely insane!

  • Terry

    This is gross neglect of her duties as an adviser. She needs to be fired and lose her license to teach if she has one

  • Steven Levy

    I am really happy that my son has decided NOT to go to KSU if this is how students are treated when asking, begging for help! If I were this boys parents, I would sue the school and ask for my money back! This is not only disrespectful to the student, but a very poor reflection on the school.

  • devrie

    This situation is TERRIBLE!! I’ve gotten more direction from online education that this poor kid is getting. I definitely understand his frustration. It is really possible that this one woman is the reason for the school’s deplorable graduation rate!! Why not just give him an appointment. Why not ask him to fill out the form and tell him she’ll make an appointment for him for that day so they can talk? Why just tell him to fill out the form and call security? “Waiting until someone is available is harassment?” Really? In a business? We’ve all done that when we’ve had a question or gotten no response.

  • Lori Fleener-Powers

    Terrible so glad that student filmed this but my guess the school had an inkling how incompetent she was and this isnt an isolated incident.

  • SaveTheWorld

    Maybe these children are so used to their parents bending over backwards to hear that they stubbed their toe she is giving them a taste of the real world. Her response to him seemed fine, she said she had supplied all the needed info before… maybe his puppy ate it? It is an advisor’s job to advise not be their wet nurse.

    • Elizabeth S

      Apparently she did not or he would not have questions.

      • SaveTheWorld

        Whether you want to believe it or not some people are just stupid.

        • cwordwoman

          I agree that some people are just stupid. They are stupid enough to agree with how the worthless so called professional acted toward the young man. Any person who believes that calling the police on a student for quietly sitting in a waiting room until someone is free to assist him is “a taste of the real world” has some big issues.

    • Tom Fleet

      This is college and a Student Advisor is there to give the student advice in classes at ALL times and not harrass him like she did. She should either be fired or you should have to transfer to that school and deal with her. Lots of luck with that you dumbas.

  • Жад Саркис

    That was disgusting. She’s hot though

  • jr61020

    What an idiot this self righteous, arrogant women is

  • runnerin1

    She hates her job and needs to be relieved of it.

  • chickadee

    She’s horrible, yes, and should be fired immediately, but how did these kids get into college using that horrible grammar? Seriously! “I’m not harassing no one” (he said it twice); “The world is finally gettin to see what I have went through” from a tweet.

  • John Cross

    Back when I went to college student advisors were there to… advise the students! WOW! Has the definition of “advise” turned to “Bitch” in such as short time? Get rid of this deadweight or students wil switch major and colleges.

  • Zaidi

    Well, we now know the reason why this school has a 15 percent graduation rate, and it’s name is ABBY DAWSON!!

  • Phillip Mitchell

    Abby Dawson
    (470) 578-6068
    Lecturer of Exercise and Health Science
    Department of Exercise Science and Sport Management
    HS 1011