Happy puppy out of Chicago. You can find me chasing the nearest tennis ball. Arouuuuu!!! *wags and licks* Pics not to be used without consent.  You can find me on Recon and Twitter as well.







It was so nice out yesterday, so puppy had to get out amongst the crowd too! *wags*

Cute puppyyy! Just be careful not to bark at the passersby, haha. ^^ *aroooo*


omfg and the rest of his blog is disgusting as well, he literally stated that he didn’t care if children or rape victims got uncomfortable when he’s walking down the street basically naked in his fucking leather mask?? this is why I hate men, they are so fucking entitled to the whole fucking world that they love to show their kinks to fucking children??? is it the only way they can get it off?? like why don’t he understand that we hate fucking kinksters when he literally doesn’t care if he hurts women and children?? I would have called the fucking police if I saw him in the streets

My goodness, you must have forgotten how to read when you visited my page or you have some sort of victim complex.  If you actually did read my blog, I stated numerous times that I don’t go out in public naked and initiate contact with people who don’t want to be involved.  As a quick aside, I get uncomfortable when there’s a rock in my shoe.  Please don’t operate under the idea that everyone in the world is entitled to just walk down the street and shame/destroy anything that doesn’t fit into their own ideals, because if that was the case, progressive movements wouldn’t be a thing and we wouldn’t even have platforms to have this unfortunate conversation.  To give you a little perspective, this is how you sound:  “Seeing black people on the street at night makes me uncomfortable, so they should just be required to stay inside”

2.  Your assumptions that I don’t care about rape victims and children are absolutely appalling and insulting.  Read the things I write and don’t misquote me, if you actually care to learn and understand what it is that I do.  You seem pretty content to shame me with no context though and jump to conclusions because you misinterpreted something.  

3.  “This is why I fucking hate men”…. Really?  And you’re a ‘feminist’?  Think about how you’re representing the movement you think that you are helping.  

 To generalize and make these massive group assumptions about me (and men in general, seriously can’t even wrap my head around this ridiculous leap that you’ve made and thought was justified) based on things that you pulled out of your own head without any contact with me or anyone within my community is extremely irresponsible and disappointing from somebody who advertises t that they stand for feminism, equality, etc.  I question your commitment to any sort of progressive movement based on how reckless and ineloquently you speak.  You deserve no credibility.

4.  The police… for my being outside in a hood and a harness?  The police force doesn’t exist to make you comfortable.  That’s like calling the police on your neighbors because their tree blocks out your living room’s sunny view. They exist to maintain the laws of this country, none of which I am breaking by being outdoors with a piece of leather on my head.

I am sorry to real feminists that this person has attempted to affiliate with you, because they will never understand what progress is.

@feminafelis, educate yourself on topics before declaring your hate.  If you still hate it, that’s fine.  Differing opinions on topics are absolutely OK to have and contribute to make our society a better place. To generalize and lump 50% of the people in the world together because of your colorful imagination is absolutely one of the worst things you can do.

To anybody reading this, please refrain from going to her page and posting hateful messages and comments.  That is not the way to help.  Thank you.

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    My goodness, you must have forgotten how to read when you visited my page or you have some sort of victim complex. If...
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