walking the road of life.

Call me Ray!

This blog is for me to foster my creativity and document my self discovery.

About for more details!

I am an otherking insolekin/tinykin to be specific, but I'm still learning about myself every day. Feel free to ask questions but leave hate at the door!
Ask me anything

i spend a lot of time thinking about what the world would be like if everyone accepted otherkin as they were without question. People can accept crazy religions all the time, but they can’t acknowledge what a person KNOWS about themselves?

today i was spending time in a local shoe store, as an insolekin it makes me feel comfortable to be around shoes. a person working there came up to me and asked me if i was going to buy anything, so i tried to explain to him why i was there. he had the NERVE to look it me like i was some sort of freak while he had a cross tattooed on his forearm!

i woudn’t judge him for going into a building and singing to some invisible god but he gets to judge me for trying to connect with my past life. i know not many people can understand what it means when i say i know i was an insole (or tiny) in the past life, but i’ve had regressions, i KNOW what it means. 

i left the store but i was fuming all the way home, i ended up sitting in my room for an hour trying to make myself as small as i could and trying not to cry. i don’t need truscum validation, i know who i am and anyone who tells me otherwise can fuck off and die.

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