Watch: A TV host brilliantly shut down his audience for laughing at a male domestic violence survivor
(While host Jeremy Kyle’s response to this particular incident was a strike against sexism, it’s worth noting he doesn’t have a perfect track record the issue.)
Men laugh at women being hurt all the time so stop with the ‘what is the roles were reversed’ bullshit. It also doesn’t make sense for him to jump off the balcony if he was stuck in the apartment he could just call for help or wait. He didn’t have to jump off the balcony. He wasn’t in immediate danger.
Men laugh at women being hurt all the time so stop with the ‘what is the roles were reversed’ bullshit.
one more time
Men laugh at women being hurt all the time so stop with the ‘what is the roles were reversed’ bullshit.
And also? They jerk off to it. It literally gets their dicks hard.
“It also doesn’t make sense for him to jump off the balcony if he was stuck in the apartment he could just call for help or wait. He didn’t have to jump off the balcony. He wasn’t in immediate danger.” <— This is victim blaming.
This is literally the most blatant stomach-turning disgusting example of victim-blaming I’ve seen in a long time.
You are literally telling an abuse survivor who was seriously injured escaping from his abuser that it’s his own fault for getting injured and that he doesn’t deserve sympathy. You don’t know anything about his situation. You don’t know if he had food or any means to call for help, you don’t know how long he tried to do so, you don’t know if he was afraid she’d return with a weapon. A person was abused so badly they landed in the hospital and you’re making excuses for their abuser and suggested they deserved their injuries. I don’t even have words for how sickening that is.
And, yeah, in fact there are lots of people who would never laugh at a woman being the victim of abuse which landed her in the hospital who did in fact start laughing when this man told his story. There is absolutely a fucking double standard here and you exemplify it, unless you also vomit this derailing self-serving victim-blaming bullshit at female abuse survivors (in which case, well, still fuck you).
Let us also not forget that had a man did this shit he would have been locked up with the key thrown away. Also I want to know where the phrase “men don;t only laugh at it they get off to it” this is called BDSM and not everyone is in to it. You are taking a fetish out of context to further your nonsense.
For people who act like they give the slightest of shits about all genders whenever a man gets hurt and people belittle him y’all are the first ones to jump to the defense of the people making fun of him.
Pay attention and read both mine and the person abve me’s resopnse celtyradfem and notcisjustwoman because YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.
We weren’t talking about bdsm we meant porn in general.
Men do this shit to women all the time and get off with a slap on the wrist.
There aren’t ‘all genders‘ there are women, men and intersex people.
Also bdsm is sexualised violence and recreates heirarchies. The fetish all about abuse, violence, dominance and ‘discipline’ these are kind of attitudes encourages abuse. It is no surprise the bdsm community has high levels of abuse, rape and violence rates. You would be better off looking at kink/bdsm than hyperfocusing on the rare female offenders. That might help fixing the problem of male violence and make society healthier.
Male violence is the problem not women who point out the inconsistencies of wall punching men’s stories. Though I do like to make problems for misogynists.
Also why do the ‘women do it toooo‘ assholes usually defend bdsm and other forms of violence but lose their shit over the minority of violent female offenders?
“BDSM creates harmful hierarchies!!1″
In proper BDSM relationships, there is a sense of dependence. The Sub usually WANTS to lean on someone, and lets the Dom take action. In the end of the session, the Dom tends to make sure that the Sub’s alright and wasn’t hurt. 50 shades is not equal to real life.
Also, you might want to link the BDSM=high abuse rates stat, cause there’s nothing I could find proving this.
“Porn is harmful to women!!1″
I guess that women seeking a career that can make them a lot of money, if they make it big, is wrong now. Huh, I thought you might like for a woman to seek her own path.
Oh, and aren’t feminists the ones whom try to stand for trans people?
If you really want to look at sexualised violence, try sadism, or, y’know, the ACTUALLY HARMFUL act of rape?
TL;DR: Celty: I don’t like that fetish, so it’s violent.
Me: Let me explain what it actually is, based on experience. Oh, btw, you don’t need to do what you don’t like in bed.
No bdsm is violent and abusive by nature the s in the acronym stands for sadism the m stands for masochism (this justifies abuse ‘she wanted it’).
Sadism was named after a Marquis de Sade who was a sadistic rapist who kidnapped women and girls and raped and tortured them then wrote about it. Go look up who bdsmers support.
The practice of submission and dominance is based on hierarchy that is the point. bdsm recreates pre existing hierarchies and sexualises them (the majority of doms are male and the majority of subs are female).
The bdsm community has a rape problem even some bdsm orginisations admit it (though they pull the no true scotsman fallacy). I have done my research on bdsm (not 50 shades) and yeah it is violent, abusive, misogynist and has it’s roots in slavery (whips, chains, torture devices, master/slave etc.)
Porn is harmful to women that has been proven a thousand times over. There is a lot of information on this. This isn’t up for debate.
Feminism is for women, girls and trans men (female people) it is for us and the ideology and politics behind transgenderism is anti feminist and sexist.
I am going to post some radfem writing on bdsm.
“BDSM is violent and abusive by nature! the s in BDSM means sadism!”
And the M stands for masochism. In other words, only the ones whom WANT the pain actually get it, and even then, they usually only participate in “violence” during sex. The “she wanted it” abuse is not a thing. Claiming that she wanted it cause she was undressed is a lie, and unacceptable in court. Now, this was off topic, so I’d better get back into the topic. In BDSM, FULL CONSENT is given before an act fitting into the BDSM category is done. BDSM stands for Bondage, Discipline, Domination/Submission, Sadism/Masochism. Notice the separate categories, implying that a Dom is not necessarily a Sadist, and a sub is not necessarily masochist.
“Sadism was named after Marquis de Sade who was a sadistic rapist who kidnapped women and girls and raped and tortured them then wrote about it.”
I have gone on Google for about an hour, and found no evidence for your claims, other than the fact that sadism was named after him. You might need a source.
“The BDSM community has a rape problem” You might need a source for that one too.
“the majority of doms are male and the majority of subs are female.” I do not understand how that is a problem. Are you saying that it’s bad for there to be a difference between the two binary genders? You need to accept the biological differences in the genders.
“I will post some radfem writing on bdsm!!!1″ Yeah, personal experience and trustworthy stats kinda bring down personal bias. Instead of posting something from a biased source, try to do the opposite.
“Porn is harmful to women that has been proven a thousand times over. There is a lot of information on this. This isn’t up for debate.” Yeah, just cause some guy or gal thinks that what happens in porn works IRL doesn’t mean it’s harmful. A proper sex ed will help a lot more than taking porn out. You should be really busy looking for trustworthy sources, since you seem to just say whatever fits your POV.