





We dare you to say we don’t live in a rape culture.

Amazingly, not The Onion:

“[W]e now have young men telling Bloomberg News that they basically view their female peers as rape bombs just waiting to explode and ruin their lives.”




i swear to god youre all idiots. did you even read the fucking article?

first of all no. we do not live in a rape culture.

  Rape has actually decreased by over 80% since 1979, despite an increase in the willingness of victims in reporting it, and an increase in the overall number of rapes that were reported at allprior to discovery.   The “1 in ¾ women” “statistic” being passed around on places like Tumblr is hilariously FALSE.  Female scholars and other journalistshave written off the concept as nothing more than a form of mass hysteria.   The leading organization devoted to helping victims of rape discourages the notion from being taught on college campuses, as it tries to take blame off of the actual rapist, and place it onto some poorly-defined, imaginary boogeyman. 

so now that we’ve put that myth to rest lets actually look at some of the stuff in this article.

Last year, a study presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association found that less than 30 percent of college students had more than one partner in the previous year.

now i dont know about you but one lay a year isnt really enough for me. shit if i dont have sex at least once a month i get moody. 

this article is criticizing a Bloomberg piece about mens fear of being falseley accused as rapists. which by the way is a very realistic fear.

Men who are accused of rape on a University campus can have their right of due process and trial by a jury of their peers stripped from them. In place of it, they can then be “convicted” by the university if the investigating body believes there is a 50.0001% chance that the man committed the rape.

In addition, the accused is not allowed to seek any outside legal counsel, also taking away his right to an attorney. what this means is that men are literally stripped of constitutional rights to an actual investigation and can have their entire life ruined just because some dumbass sorority girl falsely accused them. and lets be real here who do you think they’re gonna side with? thats right. the girl. nobody’s gonna side with a college guy. people already think they’re the scum of the earth right? and now they’ve got some poor girl with crocodile tears enforcing that belief. that guy is pretty much fucked.

Pollack said a patient recently told him about making out with a girl at a party. Things were going fine, the student said, when suddenly a vision of his school’s disciplinary board flew into his head.

“‘I want to go to law school or medical school after this,’” Pollack said, recounting the student’s comments. “‘I said to her, it’s been nice seeing you.’”

basically what this dude is saying is that he’s scared of even kissing a girl because she might report him for sexual assault if he hurts her feelings.

Earlier in the piece, Gill said he no longer offered female classmates beer at parties because he doesn’t want to “look like a predator … it’s a little bit of a blurred line.”

this dude wont even offer people beer at parties because girls automatically assume guys are rapists. 

and this article up here. all its doing is basically spouting nonsense saying that men are blaming rape on the victim. but thats not whats happening. MEN ARE JUST SCARD TO HAVE THEIR FUCKING LIVES RUINED FOR SOMETHING THEY NEVER DID.

and all of you fucking bought it. you just bit the hook and reblogged it without even reading the fucking thing so that you could laugh at an injustice men face. i mean its bad enough that we dont even have fucking rape legislation. and on top of that we have our constitutional rights taken  away by our college just so they can ruin our lives based on a rumor. and all you’ve done is make fun of it. 

fuck your erasure of anything that isn’t all about women.

fuck your political ignorance.

fuck this article,

and fuck you.

Wow, Draumboy literally just copy-pasted a large section of a post from TenaflyViper. Way to think for yourself, buddy.

Addressing this “debunking” of rape culture:

  • The fat that rape is less common than it used to be does not somehow mean it is not a problem.
  • The “1 in 4” statistic is debatable, and I would argue that it does hold more water than people give it credit for (C0nc0rdance did a wonderful examination of the statistic here), but regardess of how true it is or was that’s not actually relevant to whether or not rape culture exists. Rape culture simply means that rape is normalized, that it’s just something that happens naturally, and that the victims of rape are not taken seriously at all.
  • Making a point that it’s female journalists who are writing it off as “mass hysteria” gives me the impression that you (or rather TenaflyViper since these were originally her words) are banking on them being female somehow makes them more credible. In essence this reads as a very bizarre appeal to authority.
  • This report gets brought up a lot, but I don’t think it says what a lot of you folk think it does. If you’ll look at their exact words, they say this: “While it is helpful to point out the systemic barriers to addressing the problem, it is important to not lose sight of a simple fact: Rape is caused not by cultural factors but by the conscious decisions, of a small percentage of the community, to commit a violent crime.” This does not actually seem to me to be denying the existence of cultural attitudes that can make addressing rape more difficult (which again, is exactly what rape culture is), but rather saying that these attitudes should not be considered the sole cause. I actually agree with this statement: rape culture doesn’t cause rape, but it does allow rapists to get away with it. This interpretation seems more plausible when you consider how Scott Berkowitz later said in an interview with Jessica Valenti that the term “muddies” the conversation; suggesting that RAINN’s problem with the rape culture is the language, not the concept.

Now that we’re done with that, let’s move onto the article. You claim that these men are afraid of being falsely accused of rape. Okay, sure. The question is, though, is that fear enough to justify never hooking up with a girl?

I would argue no, it isn’t. I agree that Title IX is a rather massive regulatory fuckup, and I will say that there does deserve to be a better option for addressing the problem of campus rape. But you have to understand, it is actually very, very unlikely for a rape accusation to be false. The commonly accepted statistic for false rape accusations by most people is 2 to 8 percent, and while plenty of studies have found higher ratings, a 2006 paper found that these studies hold numerous flaws, such as misapplying “no crime” or “unfounded” criteria, or surveying police who judged rape allegations as false based on flimsy justifications or treated rape victims with unjustified skepticism because they have fixed ideas of how a victim should react.

This paper gives us some insight as to what the biggest problem regarding rape is; that people are far, far to quick to assume that a woman is lying about her rape. MRAs and antifeminists love to go on about “innocent until proven guilty”, but the truth is that it actually goes both ways; if a victim can’t prove that she was raped, then instead of presuming that both the accuser and the accused are innocent they immediately presume the accuser is lying. Do false accusations happen? Of course they do. But it should be very obvious at this point that the people who deem whether an accusation is false have their own prejudices and should not be trusted to report accurately on their prevalence.

So that brings us back to the article itself. Sure, maybe these guys have a right to be afraid of being falsely accused of rape if they try to hook up with a girl. But then again, maybe that’s not the biggest problem here.

Maybe the biggest problem isn’t that girls assume guys are rapists; it’s that guys assume girls to be vindictive liars.

…I am astounded that you have been on tumblr this long, and still believe that last sentence.  Did you somehow miss all those posts saying things such as equating dating men to eating a bowl of tainted M&Ms? 

College-age men are very justified in being afraid of false rape accusations.  In fact, false accusations of rape are at an all time high, and do a lot more damage to a person’s life than those abusing the term of “feminist” would have us believe.  There’s also the fact that people on tumblr alone have shown us multiple goddamn times that they are not at all above fabricating their own false stories of assault just to “prove a point".  That’s not even getting into all the other shit that’s been pulled on this site by people claiming to have the interests of all human beings at heart.  And hell–look what happens to women who don’t consider themselves “feminists”.  Here’s one who lost her job because “feminists” decided to harass her boss via email (she has since gotten her job back).  And have you forgotten all those “feminists” that saved and circulated child pornography onto 8chan, where such content is not only forbidden, but where the site users openly cooperate with the FBI to BUST anyone trying to post it?  What about all the people who have been doxxed, and had their personal information posted on the internet by “feminists”?  Oh, and let’s not forget those “feminists” that hacked a fundraiser to promote women in gaming, simply because “icky MEN” had donated tens of thousands of dollars to it.  And of course, let’s not forget the disgusting tendency for “feminists” to openly victim-blame rape victims that disagree with them

You’re under the very false impression that women won’t make up astounding amounts of bullshit, or go to incredibly repulsive lengths, to further their own agenda.

You make the claim about us living in a “rape culture”, and that it’s so much easier for guys to “get away” with rape, and yet you don’t seem to want to acknowledge the fact that women in general tend to get away with lighter sentences for pretty much ALL infractions of the law, including cold-blooded murder (in fact, mothers are also the most frequent killers and abusers of children).  This society favors women to an absurd degree, because in this country, women are privileged as fuck.  In a society where we automatically view women as victims, it becomes far too easy for such a position to be abused, which is exactly what’s happening.  If this were a “rape culture”, it wouldn’t be an acceptable mitigating circumstance in some states to murder someone that you’ve caught in the act of raping another person.  As for your insistence that there’s any merit to the false “1 in 4” nonsense, I’ve already addressed this with you previously.  I’ve also previously addressed the fact that violent criminals are not a product of “culture”, but of psychological and biological factors pertaining to brain function, and parental influence at an early age.  A person who commits rape is not going to be dissuaded from doing so if there’s a sudden change in language use.  They already know that what they’re doing is wrongEven if there was a worldwide banishment of certain words, phrases, and humor; even if we attempted to “sanitize” our society, these problems would still exist, because there will always be human beings that are mentally disassociated from others, and lack the capacity for remorse.

Getting back to those “statistics”, the woman who conducted the original surveys the “1 in 4” nonsense came from did so with a very extreme bias, and disregarded the actual feelings of the women she questionedNot only were consensual one-night-stands that the subjects later regretted considered to be “rape”, but this article notes that even a kiss was classified as “sexual assault”When you have to lie about the prevalence of a crime, you’re not doing women any favors.  All of this unnecessary panic has officially pushed men and women farther apart than ever now, despite the fact that the real numbers regarding rape aren’t anywhere NEAR what we’re being force-fed by third-wave “feminism”.  It’s a glorified recipe for disaster.

You say you don’t believe it’s “mass hysteria”?  Because I’m pretty sure that people in this country have believed in and perpetuated some seriously goofy shit in the past, despite never having a shred of evidence behind it.  It wasn’t that long ago that people believed a gag article about a new Disney movie featuring two gay princes, despite that a simple Google search would turn up a Snopes article as the very first link.  I mean, for fuck’s sake, look at the millions of idiots who seriously believed that MERMAIDS were real because of a program on the Discovery channel that was entirely theoretical, and even had a disclaimer in the closing credits.

And, I’ll note once again, in the late 1980’s - early 1990’s, there was a massive scare about sexual abuse in daycare centers, which also branched off into related concerns of Satanic ritual sacrifice of children.  Once again, no evidence of such practices were ever discovered, but the media sure made it seem like there were.

In 1999, there was a worldwide panic about contaminated cases of Coca-Cola.  No contaminants were ever found.  Does that mean contamination of food products never happens?  No.  Does that mean that sexual abuse never happens?  Clearly not.  However, what this does illustrate is the tendency for human beings to wildly exaggerate the severity of a problem.  It is no better than the emails that used to go around about HIV-infected needles being taped under gas pump handles, or gang initiations involving flashing your headlights at passing motorists.

These are only a few examples of how a suggested scenario can cause worldwide panic over something that isn’t even really happening.

You can believe something, or believe in an exaggeration of something, but that doesn’t make it true.  And I’m pretty sure that arguing against evidence that discredits that belief qualifies as a form of delusion.

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