
Zach Malhas · @FSN_Nien

14th May 2015 from TwitLonger

To expand on my tweet earlier, i don't hate double or anyone on CLG, i understand the frustration double felt from constantly losing and never winning any games that mattered. I could've been much more proactive in helping the team environment but i got too caught up in how i was playing and how i felt like i was letting my team down, something i really really hate doing. I think double is a good player, he definitely wasn't the best teammate but at the end of the day it was clear that he truly wants to win. I want to crush him not out of vengeance but moreso because I want to prove to myself and to you guys that I can do it double and aphro are both extremely solid in lane, and throughout my career that has been my weakness, so beating them is a temporary goal of mine. who knows when i'll get the opportunity to play vs them again in a real setting though.

Thanks for reading, I didn't want you guys to think that double is a terrible person or that i hated him with my previous tweet, I just want to beat him for the fun of beating my old rival/person i looked up to a lot before joining CLG for his strong play. Not only that, maybe me crushing him would motivate him to try to become as good as he once was, because he's definitely fallen off a lot compared to before when he was one of the top 3 ADCs in the world.

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