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[–]Denmark1976 37 ポイント38 ポイント  (24子コメント)

  • Building 7. I presume we have all seen the video? It completely collapses in a few seconds, falling at 98% free fall speed most of the way down. It is clearly a demolition job. The Physics doesn't add up, the official story is blatantly wrong.

  • A Boeing 767 E200 can't fly 510 knot at sea level, the wings and tail would simply fall off. The top speed at 30.000ish feet is however 500ish knot, but air resistance at that altitude is far less of an issue. If a Boeing 767 E200 could fly 510 knot at sea level, then it would be able to fly at sonic speed at 30.000 feet (you may laugh now). The Physics doesn't add up, the official story is blatantly wrong.

  • Where did all the molten steel come from? There are several video recordings and 100's eye witnesses. Thermal satellite images from the WTC area, take the next day, clearly show the surface in the area, where the 3 buildings stood, having a very temperature. Fire fighters reported that their shoes would melt, when they walked across certain sections of the rubble, and that it continued like that for days. Why would fire fighters report seeing pools of molten steel beneath the WTC ruin for weeks after the attack? Jet fuel doesn't even burn at that high a temperature! The Physics doesn't add up, the official story is blatantly wrong.

There are 100´s of odd things and coincidences. The whole "official story" is gibberish and wouldn't even pass a D grade in applied physics in your average high school. And the corporate owned media keeps ignoring the facts while they mindlessly repeat the government "conspiracy" propaganda.