Sometimes, a chair is just a chair.

To all SJWs: you need to relax. A place for those of us sick of social justice warriors to come together and wait for them to enter the real world where they will be laughed out of existence. Note: Black out urls before submitting. Submissions and asks do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the blog mods.The purpose of this blog is not to bully nor sink to the SJWs level, so please use discretion. We don't support sending anyone hate or doxxing.
Pro-equality. Pro-LGBT+. Anti-racism.
Please read the FAQ before sending asks.

- currently not accepting new mods-

. .
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  • hating everyone will get you nowhere
  • actual depression fucking sucks
  • having low self esteem isn’t cute
  • you are as pretty as you believe you are
  • cigarettes will kill you
  • even the best/most moral argument will be met with resistance if it is presented in a spiteful and immature way
  • no one person can speak for an entire group
  • there is a difference between embracing and exploiting/romanticizing
  • Shouting does not mean you’re right.
  • Appealing to emotion does not mean you’re right.
  • Most things in life are not as simple, straightforward and black and white as tumblr will make you believe.
  • Most people are too complicated to be reduced to simple labels.
  • Everyone screws up. Including you. You’re not perfect, you’re as flawed and inconsistent as everyone else. The sooner you learn this the better.

(via abbysucks)

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