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Baka-Tsuki Translation Community
About Us
Baka-Tsuki (BT) is a fan translation community that hosts translations for light novels in the Wiki format. Founded in 2006 by Thelastguardian, Baka-Tsuki has since expanded to become the largest fan-based English light novel agglomerate on the Internet. Apart from physically hosting 253 projects in 26 different languages, Baka-Tsuki aims to promote the popularity of light novels and serve as a hub to connect readers with fan translations of East Asian light novels on the Internet.

Baka-Tsuki is not a translation group. Independent translators come to Baka-Tsuki and voluntarily upload their translations to the Wiki for public sharing. Baka-Tsuki does not control what translators choose to translate or how fast they translate. Do not ask when the next chapter will be updated. Read More
Light Novel Translation Projects

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News & Announcements

BakaReader EX Update: Should our BakaReader EX drop support for older versions?

Vote for change!

[Poll should BakaReader EX drop support for Android < 4.0I]

Baka-Tsuki Forum: Comment! feedback!

--Onizuka-GTO 20:55, 20 April 2015 (CDT)


Nine years!!! Can you believe it?! Almost a decade!

I would like to say more, but i'll save that for the blog post... (HERE!)

But the short of it is....

Thank you. I have watched Baka-Tsuki for nine years. I've seen it grown from a single website for one Light Novel to dozens. maybe hundreds of light novel fan sites and blogs.

We have come a long way and we would not be here without you. Our readers, our contributors, our translators and our critics.

It was something worth fighting for, i know our fallen brethren, virtual and in real life, who are't with us today will be smiling on us.

Let us welcome the future, no matter where the path may lead us, let us enjoy the journey together, but if you don't mind, would you let this old man ramble beside you, if only for today? haha.

Baka-Tsuki Banzai.

--Onizuka-GTO 01:10, 15 April 2015 (CDT)

Policy Clarification (External Translation Groups)

NOTICE: Baka-Tsuki Administration has updated a rule pertaining to External Translation Groups linked to or hosted on Baka-Tsuki.

The amended portion of the rule reads as follows:

External Fan Translation groups engaging in commercial activity cannot be affiliated with Baka-Tsuki (hosted/linked).
External Fan Translation groups with licensed projects on their website cannot be affiliated with Baka-Tsuki (hosted/linked).

Linked or hosted projects currently in violation of these amended rules have one week after being notified by Baka-Tsuki staff to remove their content and links from Baka-Tsuki. --Cloudii (talk) 12:07, 4 April 2015 (CDT)


Additional Information can be found here
All materials' copyrights reserved by their respective authors and the associated publishers. Please respect their rights. Works will be deleted upon request by copyright holders.

Under Section C of the TLG guidelines:
Under no circumstances would you(b3) 1. take full and/or portion of the (translated) works(a) in this wiki(0) and use them(a) to engage in any commercial activities such as, but not limited to, rent, sell, print, auction, broadcast etc. 2. claim translated works(a) in this wiki(0) as your(b3) own products of translation unless you(b3) are qualified as defined in (b2).