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Today I Am Releasing Ten Million Passwords
points by m8urn  7 hours ago   150 comments 26 top all
tptacek 6 hours ago 5 replies      
Barrett Brown was not convicted merely for linking to data on the web. He was convicted for three separate offenses:

1. Acting as a go-between for (presumably Jeremy Hammond) the Stratfor hacker and Stratfor itself, Brown misled Stratfor in order to throw the scent off Hammond. Having intimate knowledge of a crime doesn't make one automatically liable for that crime, but does put them in a precarious legal position if they do anything to assist the perpetrators.

2. During the execution of a search warrant, Brown helped hide a laptop. Early in the trial, in advancing the legal theory that hiding evidence is permissible so long as that evidence remains theoretically findable in the scope of the search warrant, Brown admitted to doing exactly that, and that's a crime for the same reason that it's a crime when big companies delete email after being subpoenaed.

3. Brown threatened a named FBI agent and that agent's children on Twitter and in Youtube videos.

The offense tied to Brown's "linking" was dismissed.

Brown's sentence was unjust, but it wasn't unjust because he was wrongly convicted by a trigger-happy DOJ; rather, he got an outlandish sentence because he managed to stipulate a huge dollar figure for the economic damage caused by the Stratfor hack, which he became a party to when he helped Hammond.

LeoPanthera 5 hours ago 7 replies      

    $ export LC_ALL='C'    $ awk '{ print $2 }' 10-million-combos.txt | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 20    55893 123456    20785 password    13582 12345678    13230 qwerty    11696 123456789    10938 12345    6432 1234    5682 111111    4796 1234567    4191 dragon    3845 123123    3734 baseball    3664 abc123    3655 football    3330 monkey    3206 letmein    3136 shadow    3126 master    3050 696969    3002 michael
Edit: I used Wordle[1] to make a wordcloud of the top 1000 passwords: http://i.imgur.com/FImcPiG.png

[1]: http://www.wordle.net

meowface 6 hours ago 6 replies      
I don't understand exactly why it's necessary to release usernames along with the passwords, or why it's ethical to do so. Stripping the domain portion of email addresses does absolutely nothing when you can find the real email, and other accounts of the victim, by Googling the unique part of the email address.

How does tying each password to its corresponding username help with password research, and does the value gained outweigh the cost of someone using this list for malicious purposes?

I'm not saying this should be illegal, but I'm struggling to understand the intent here.

sandworm 57 minutes ago 0 replies      
It was a mistake to release this today.

Everyone knows that legally questionable moves should always be made on a friday. That allows everyone in government to cool down for a couple days. By the time the weekend is over all the news outlets have moved on to whatever war just started up. You don't want some hothead prosecutor tweeting out a threat, forcing himself to follow through later in the week. Nobody picks a fight when 15 minutes away from a weekend.

Watch the NSA/CIA/MIB admissions. They always stage their spying/torturing me culpas on friday afternoons.

dj-wonk 6 hours ago 2 replies      
Forgive me for doing so, but allow me to ask some possibly ignorant questions and perhaps play the devil's advocate for a moment. What about this release will help? What are the compelling research problems in the space?

We know users pick bad passwords. It seems to me the most compelling "problem" is hardly a research question -- isn't it about finding ways to encourage users pick strong passwords, not share them between sites, and not put them on sticky notes on their monitors.

Ok, putting my charitable hat again... My best guess is that researchers would like some idea about how long it takes to crack some percentage of accounts; e.g. with rainbow tables or other techniques?

The author mentioned "Analysis of usernames with passwords is an area that has been greatly neglected and can provide as much insight as studying passwords alone." What directions might a researcher take this?

srcole 34 minutes ago 0 replies      
What sorts of analyses are you guys planning? Maybe:-clustering of passwords. are aspects of the username biased towards certain clusters?-distribution of alphanumeric characters at each position of a password (e.g. 1 is a disproportionately common final character)-differences in password strength between usernames with male and female names
zaroth 3 hours ago 1 reply      
There is an annual 'Passwords' conference [1], which I attended in 2012, and was blown away by quite how much researchers are able to do with these password lists.

Unfortunately, I was equally impressed with what attackers are able to do with them as well. An important point is that attackers tend to have better lists, because they are the ones stealing and cracking them, and these lists make them increasingly better at cracking passwords. Defenders use the lists for all sorts of analysis on how exactly users pick passwords.

For example, "complex password policies" have become increasingly popular. But do they actually increase the entropy of the chosen passwords? Surprisingly little, since users will "defeat" the policy by applying easy to guess "munging rules". Humans being human and such. The thieves have the lists, and learn to apply the munging rules and defeat the policies. Researchers need these lists so they can discover the same weakness and try to react.

More recent research looks at things like how effective the password strength indicators are at actually helping users choose stronger passwords. We also learn about how users choose different strength passwords based on the sites they visit and such. This is absolutely fertile ground for research which can improve how we perform authentication.

Yet another good use of the lists is in defending against online attacks. E.g. Failed attempts that follow the general probability distribution of the lists are easier to identify as bots.

[1] - I think all the talks are posted, although I'm not sure there's a central archive, each conference is identified as Passwords^[Year], e.g. Passwords^14 https://passwordscon.org/

stevecalifornia 6 hours ago 3 replies      
When I first got on the Internet in 1994 I used the same password for everything for the next decade before I became security conscious (now I have a random, strong, unique password for every service).

Anyways, that password is not in this list. I have found it in other password dumps before. So, I don't know what to think.

totony 5 hours ago 0 replies      
From the law quoted in the article, wouldn't it be illegal to simply make a course about computer security?

The teacher willfully (and knowingly) teaches the student about "possible means of access to a protected computer."

Note: According to http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1029 teaching is defined as trafficking information ("the term traffic means transfer, or otherwise dispose of, to another, or obtain control of with intent to transfer or dispose of; ")

charlespwd 6 hours ago 2 replies      
For the lazy:

  grep -i <password> 10-million-combos.txt

avid8 4 hours ago 0 replies      
Even if this release has no implications for security, I think it may raise legitimate concerns for users' privacy. No doubt most users expect that their passwords will be known only to themselves. Many of the usernames contain real names, and many more could probably be traced to them. Ian Watkins was found to have "gloated" about his crimes in his password. With time and attention, I wonder whether such "dark secrets" could be found in this list.
uptown 4 hours ago 0 replies      
How are things like Twitter accounts hacked? Are they generally brute-forced with a list like this, or how do so many of them get compromised?
igonvalue 1 hour ago 0 replies      
Is there an http download link that would allow downloading from the browser (or with curl)?
gayprogrammer 3 hours ago 2 replies      
Woah you are REALLY optimistic about law enforcement agencies wanting to focus on real criminals.

But Barrett Brown is not the first or only example.

Aaron Swartz is the only example I need to understand what to expect from the various US law enforcement agencies.

Kenji 6 hours ago 2 replies      
I could be relieved that my favourite password isn't in there but it's already been leaked by stupid, stupid engineers working for Riot (League of Legends video game) who stored it in plaintext and a hacker got it. It is a good practice to regularly change passwords anyways: If you're worried that your password is in there, you're doing it wrong in the first place.
camhenlin 6 hours ago 5 replies      
Man, I hope my password isn't in there.
vaibhavmule 3 hours ago 1 reply      
Is your password and username in that list?
forgotX2 6 hours ago 2 replies      
Could someone describe the dataset for me? Is it just two columns with one for usernames and another for passwords? Or is there any other info included? I'm on mobile right now or else I'd grab it myself.
20kleagues 6 hours ago 0 replies      
Way to go buddy! This research is indeed necessary and releasing such a dataset will be beneficial. Maybe it will also bring light to how outdated password based authentication really is.
sarciszewski 6 hours ago 0 replies      
> He was close to Anonymous and was in fact their spokesman.

Err, no he wasn't. He just managed to get a modest amount of attention.

bikamonki 5 hours ago 3 replies      
It seems very useful for research and also practical uses, like how about a REST API with this dump? get <password> will not only return true if it exists but how common and how weak it is, or will return a false for unique. Is there such a service out there?
pbhjpbhj 3 hours ago 0 replies      
So this guy found a zero-day that works across different unzip binaries, or what ...!?
yeukhon 1 hour ago 0 replies      

I thought of exactly the same. I was motivated by the password strength meter out there. How can you actually tell a password is strong or not or whether a password is known to attacker or not if you can ask (I was thinking along the line of private information retrieval) privately and get a probability rather than a yes/no based on all the known stolen credential out in the Internet (there are many Gbs files you can download)...

failed_ideas 6 hours ago 3 replies      
This is great, but if you use a password manager, it's very difficult to determine which, if any, of your accounts would be compromised. For myself, this would just be doing a dump and looping a few greps. But for family and friends, does anyone have any ideas for a less technical audience?
jacobsimon 5 hours ago 0 replies      
_ everyone frantically searches for their own usernames _
julianpye 6 hours ago 2 replies      
Everyone knows the whole email/password concept is broken. I believe that overall OAUTH is needed, but it needs a much stronger consumer facing view.
Has modern Linux lost its way? Some thoughts on Jessie
points by fpgeek  3 hours ago   41 comments 13 top all
geofft 1 hour ago 5 replies      
If you're running an up-to-date GNOME/KDE/etc. desktop, and not running systemd, for better or worse you're using a less-supported configuration. There's going to be other stuff that systemd will break, but in the long run you're better off using the upstream-recommended configuration.

That aside... I think it's pretty clear that modern Linux is not losing its way. If you go back even five years, and complain that your latest pre-release version of Debian won't suspend properly because it needs a password, you'll get laughed at by all the people who try to suspend their laptop and have it crash in some way or another.

We're now in the uncanny valley of software progress. If suspend weren't working, you'd feel hardcore and learn it and deal with it. If it worked perfectly, then you wouldn't think about it. (What was the last time you thought about how OS X or Windows does suspend, or handles permissions on mounted drives, or whatever? When was the last time you read a manpage about launchd or one of its helpers? Hint, the manpages are useless.) If it has almost all the complexity to work perfectly, you get neither of these benefits.

But it would help things immensely if someone were to document all this, from a busy sysadmin's perspective, not from an upstream developer's. There are occasionally manpages, but they're written like git's. Lennart's "systemd for administrators" series is a start, but that's more of a pitch for why you should want to build your new systems on it, and it only covers systemd. Docs on how to figure things out when they go wrong would be most useful.

AceJohnny2 2 hours ago 3 replies      
I've been having similar issues and thoughts. I'm not a greybeard by any reasonable measure, having started using Slackware in '99-'00, quickly switched to Debian, and never looked back.

I think it all stems from D-Bus, which has become the primary mechanism of command and control on desktop Linux. To address the OP's initial issue of user mounting disks, it's managed via Udisks, which is mostly accessible via D-Bus.

I have trouble reconciling Unix's notion of "everything is a file" and how a modern Linux desktop operates via D-Bus. Don't get me wrong, I think D-Bus very powerful and flexible. I just wish it was easier to explore and test via file-based tools. Maybe a FUSE layer?

Anyhow, if the OP thinks that Linux was once "clean, logical, well put-together, and organized", I can only laugh at his rose-colored glasses. Linux is and always was a cobbled-together mess of orthogonal paradigms (no better illustrated than by the design philosophy clash of XWindows vs Unix). Maybe earlier Linux was simpler because it was still playing catch-up with other Unix clones out there. Nowadays it's leading the pack in innovation, and so things are changing, and fast. I don't know if documentation really is worse now that it used to be, I'm afraid to fall in the same nostalgia fallacy.

Ultimately, I see this rant as nothing other than "things are different now and I'm scared and confused". Not that I don't sympathize, being in roughly the same place. However, I decided I can't stop technology, and sucked it up and sharpened my google-fu.

rlpb 28 minutes ago 1 reply      
The traditional user/group system may be simple, but it is limited. For example, it fails when you have a multi-user desktop system when some people login in locally, and some people login in remotely. What should the permissions on on the camera be? And what about hotplugged USB devices? It's no longer possible to have a fixed device node with fixed permissions and fixed user group membership.

The same applies to suspend. The local user perhaps should or should not be able to suspend the machine. Presumably remote users should not be able to do so at all.

What about wireless network connectivity as the machine moves? Who should have permission to manipulate that?

If we did not have more a more complex dynamic permission system[1], some would be saying that modern Linux is outdated and unable to cope with the more modern reality of much more dynamic needs like this.

Instead, the article seems to be saying that it's become too complicated.

We can't have it both ways.

[1] http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/multiseat/

qznc 1 hour ago 0 replies      
I think it is a old-timer issue. I'm using Linux on my desktop for ca 15 years. I also had a mysterious permission problem after my last Ubuntu upgrade. In contrast, to 10 years ago, I do not like hours of debugging to get USB working anymore. It was fascinating then.

For the record, my permission problem was solved via "sudo pam-auth-update --force". Thanks Arch Wiki for giving me the crucial hint.

swhipple 1 hour ago 1 reply      
I used to be able to say Linux was clean, logical, well put-together, and organized.

I don't think this was ever really the case, but I do think software is evolving to meet the list of constantly updating use cases.

Of course managing one network interface with all your peripherals connected at startup required less complexity. But if your target audience also has use cases of wanting their USB drive to "just work" when plugged in, being able to connect to a new wifi access point under their normal user, etc., you will want some extra layers of abstraction that aren't available if you limit yourself to FDs and Unix-style permissions.

In addition, some software is cross-platform and doesn't always care about maintaining consistency with the conventions on a single platform.

thekevan 1 hour ago 1 reply      
I don't think speaking about "modern Linux" and then referencing one user's experience with one distribution is indicative of the entire movement.
aceperry 1 hour ago 2 replies      
It's funny to hear the the name Debian associated with the label "modern." I don't mean to diss Debian, it's a solid distro and has a lot going for it, but it is seriously behind all of the cutting edge distros that I'm used to.

Personally, I enjoy new technologies and systems in linux. I used to run Gentoo and other distros that constantly brought out cutting edge software. And I'm used to somewhat alpha/beta quality software that mostly works. And because it works well compared to my experience with windows software, so I wasn't too bothered.

Maybe it's because my background is in hardware, but all of the new software had always taken awhile for me to grasp and appreciate. But in the linux community, I've always been able to find info and solve problems that I've come across and learn about the system. Windows problems usually can be solved because large masses of people tried so many things, but I wouldn't get any enlightenment about computers or software when fixing Windows problems. Maybe my world view has been skewed by comparing linux to windows, but I've always felt that I'm able to learn and understand more with linux vs Windows.

Scarbutt 1 hour ago 1 reply      
Another thing that bother me in Debian was subpixel-hinting and font-smoothing, it wasn't enable by default (or it wasn't capable and adding a font config half fixed it), is this still an issue in Jessie? That was really bad UX.
forkandwait 2 hours ago 1 reply      
For simplicity and clarity of design, may I suggest FreeBSD? Though I am not sure I would want to run Gnome or any of those crazy things -- I run Joe's Window Manager, jwm, because all I need from a window manager is to manage windows, not handle file types or show me a directory tree or emulate the the MS task bar or whatever.
aosmith 42 minutes ago 0 replies      
I was a debian / ubuntu user fro many years. I switched to fedora / gnome when unity started to become standard and have never regretted it.
sandGorgon 1 hour ago 0 replies      
for everyone wanting to use a modern day Debian - I recommend Linux Mint Debian Edition 2 "Betsy" [1]


tbrock 2 hours ago 1 reply      
I've never had a problem with Arch linux. Why not run a stable rolling release instead?
guylhem 1 hour ago 1 reply      
Relevant quotes for TLDR:

"It worked, but I dont know why"

"I dont even know where to start looking."

"Thats about as comprehensible as Vorlon poetry to me"

Potentially non politically-correct answer to the article title: maybe it's not Linux who lost its ways, but some old-time users? (who forget the beginner's spirit to look for answers on forums, manuals, to try to understand before casting a judgment)

Linux has always innovated around the paradigms, taking inspiration from everywhere. It was never "clean, logical, well put-together, and organized". It has always been messy, but in a good way.

When I first discovered linux, I had to adapt to all these new things. That was in 1992. When I decided to use again a modern linux distribution on my laptop in 2014, I had to adapt - again. I have no doubt I will have to keep adapting in my lifetime.

The error would be to consider that the "right ways" are fixed, and that innovation should be stopped.

There will be many new things, some will be kept, some will be discarded. Change is the only thing one can constantly bet on.

$500k of Azure credit for YC startups
points by sadfaceunread  11 hours ago   146 comments 50 top all
mbesto 10 hours ago 5 replies      
Microsoft is also giving YC startups three years of Office 365, access to Microsoft developer staff, and one year of free CloudFlare and DataStax enterprise services.

Free Office365 and CloudFlare are probably the best part of this announcement, since they are "easily migrate-able" by most startups. Migrating from DO/AWS/Linode isn't fun and productive. Even though they are negligible (in terms of money and value) they are the easiest "sticky" points for early stage startups.

That being said - for DevOps people with experience across AWS/DO/Linode and Azure, this would be a good time to start the cold calls and sell your services to YC companies. Paying someone $5-10k on high ($2k/month) AWS bills to free services is a no-brainer.

EDIT: On that note, if any DevOps people want me to do the hustling (aka sales, lead generation) for them, let me know.

EDIT2: Anyone know if the $500k goes for 3-years? If it's only 1-year, then this may not beat the 1-2 years and ~$10k you get from Amazon via their platform: http://aws.amazon.com/activate/portfolio-detail/

felixrieseberg 10 hours ago 1 reply      
We have a bunch of Microsofties at YC today, but reach out to Steve or me directly at (founders@microsoft.com) if you're a Winter 2015 batch company and for some reason not at YC today.

It's also worth pointing out that our $60k offer for YC companies is still around, if you're in one of the older batches.

kriro 33 minutes ago 0 replies      
Free stuff is great but I wonder if there'll be any subtle nudges to use this for the next badges. "Your hosting estimates seem high, why don't you just use Azure"? "Well we considered it but long term we'd rather use another hoster for reasons X,Y,Z"..."Well yeah but 500k more runway is a lot."

I'm probably worried over nothing since YC investors are smart and tend to leave tech choices to the founders but I'd like to hear some feedback on this from people that pitch in the future.

Either way Microsoft seems to make pretty good decisions lately (from my humble POV). Seems like they are essentially playing the same power law as (other) investors, hoping that the next XXX will be run on Azure.

On a somewhat realted note...I worked in IT in Africa for a bit and it was pretty strange how locked into Microsoft server stuff they (Africa is big but it was true for all countires I had work relations in) are. I naively assumed that Linux/BSD would be more wide spread there but my very subjective conclusion is that MSxx-certificates are really widespread there and piracy is kind of tolerated so it's easy to learn. It was a little bit harder than expected to find Linux admins for example. I've always wondered if this was active corporate policy or just an "accident".

sz4kerto 11 hours ago 3 replies      
This reminds me of the old joke:

Nietzsche: God is dead.

God (couple of years later): Nietzsche is dead.

pg: Microsoft is dead. http://www.paulgraham.com/microsoft.html

Microsoft (couple of years later): Here's some gift* for your startups. :)

(*: please don't start explaining that it is not a gift, etc. -- I know. :) )

pallian 9 hours ago 3 replies      
Just FYI - the $60k/year Azure offer is technically available for any startup just willing to ask nicely (not limited to just incubators). My company, http://trippeo.com just qualified for it last month (we get $5k/mo free hosting).
aceperry 10 hours ago 5 replies      
Microsoft has been really trying to entice devs for the last few years. My experience with their cloud service has been terrible, although I haven't used it in a couple of years. It was seriously bad then, and some of their recent missteps haven't done much to change my mind. But MS is definitely trying, so I wonder if Google or AWS will respond to this latest move.
mark_l_watson 10 hours ago 1 reply      
Great offer.

I was accepted into Microsoft's BizSpark program last year so I get $150/month free Azure credit. Azure is very nice to use. So far, I have just been using Ubuntu Linux VPS instances (similar to AWS EC2) and everything works similarly to other providers I use like AWS, IBM BlueMix, Digital Ocean, and Google's cloud services. Really, these are all very good services, so use the one you can get for free or at a low cost.

I used to be pretty much down on Microsoft, but now they are doing a lot of stuff right in my opinion: providing solid Linux support on Azure and providing an unbelievably good deal on the family edition of Office365. It seems like they are buying themselves into the cloud market, but with all of their cash on hand, that seems like a good strategy!

Anyway, if you have a business idea you want to try then look into BizSpark.

ing33k 1 hour ago 0 replies      
Our Startup is part of BizSpark and I have no doubts in saying that its great ! .Big win for MS and Equally a good deal for YC Startups.
h43k3r 11 hours ago 2 replies      
I read somewhere that Satya Nadella is an active reader of Hacker News.
markolschesky 10 hours ago 1 reply      
How long do companies have to utilize the $500K?

In the BizSpark Plus days, your company would receive $60K of hosting but could only use it to pay 100% of your bill in the first year of BS+. In the second year, you could use it to pay 50% and then in the third year you were paying full price for Azure. It was a pretty good deal, but if you are already spending $30-60K (or $250-$500 K) on infra in your first year or two, you're in a select breed of companies.

vyrotek 3 hours ago 0 replies      
Azure has been great for our start-up (http://iactionable.com). We've been with them for over 4 years. There have been ups and downs but we're fans of C#/.NET and it was a great fit for our team. We store and crunch a lot of real-time data with ServiceBus Queues and SQL Server. It has scaled well so far. We also went through the BizSpark program which REALLY helped jump start things.

We were invited up to Redmond in the past to meet with teams from various Azure services and participate in private previews of some cool features. They're really working hard to make a great platform.

Satya, please don't have them mess things up with the next portal release! The whole sideways scrolling gives me a headache.

imperialdrive 11 hours ago 0 replies      
That is some serious credit... I should share that having access to Azure MFA (formerly PhoneFactor) alone has been worth the R&D time. Their support, although a little tough to nail down 1-on-1 time with, is very friendly. I chose that word carefully, it's not super professional, but I actually had a good time going through a migration with them, for what's it's worth.
moe 9 hours ago 2 replies      
Is there anything in the fineprint to stop the startups from reselling those credits?

Passing them on at a 20% discount would make for a sweet ~$400k runway extension.

nullspace 11 hours ago 3 replies      
This is incredible! 500k is a big amount. Realistically speaking most startups would get free hosting for ~3 years out of this.

For the future YC batches - depending on what your company is going to be doing, it would make very little financial sense to NOT host on Azure.

forrestthewoods 8 hours ago 0 replies      
I hope all startups are made aware of Microsoft BizSpark. You get a pretty spectacular line up of freebies. And freebies that stay free even after you graduate. Free copes of Windows, Windows Server, SQL Server, Visual Studio, Office, etc. It's damn near everything. A++++ would recommend.


andhofmt 7 hours ago 0 replies      
Azure also offers a small business "BizSpark" program. http://www.devfactor.net is hosted on Azure thanks to BizSpark, where it gets $150/mo for three years. It was enough to handle the front page of Reddit.
milesf 10 hours ago 0 replies      
How is this any different than their previous "free" access to server products for a few years? The idea being build it at low cost, then flip the company?
theuri 2 hours ago 0 replies      
May be helpful to clarify/reword - sounded like $500k total from the headline, but is actually $500k per company. Sweet deal...
garazy 10 hours ago 0 replies      
Might help to compete against Amazon as they and Akamai have the lions share of YCombinator sites - http://trends.builtwith.com/tech-reports/Y-Combinator/hostin...
patternpaul 5 hours ago 0 replies      
Reach out to me if you need help with the PaaS side of things for Azure. I am currently a DevOps lead at my company and we deploy approximately 35+ micro-services to Azure about a few hundred times a day. I'd love to talk!
jorgecastillo 10 hours ago 0 replies      
Wow amazing, I am not the biggest Microsoft fan & I would never have what it takes to be part of a YC startup, yet just reading this got me all excited. This is truly great for those startups that qualify!
pdknsk 10 hours ago 1 reply      
Makes the 1-year $100K credit by Google look not so good now.


empressplay 7 hours ago 1 reply      
In case anyone here missed this, Microsoft gives a bunch of free stuff (including an MSDN subscription) to any new startup through their BizSpark program: http://www.microsoft.com/bizspark
efiftythree 10 hours ago 1 reply      
It will be interesting to see if Microsoft uses this to push their PaaS offerings. All too often people jump into cloud services with IaaS whereas the Azure Websites offering will provide a lower cost for run while allowing easier scale out, management, and tie-ins with other Azure services like Azure Storage (various types), HDInsight (Hadoop), and Azure Machine Learning.
bobbles 9 hours ago 1 reply      
Ahh suddenly it all makes sense.

I wondered why my company after 18 months of effort to get going on AWS with certain apps has had a shift to get on Azure 'without compromise' in 2 months.

I doubt these sort of offers are only going to start ups, Microsoft is taking on web services hard core.

philip1209 10 hours ago 0 replies      
This is a smart move for Microsoft. Most companies will not utilize the credit, a few will use some but not all of the credit, and there will probably be one or two breakout companies from the batch with huge computing costs. If they snag one of these breakout unicorns, $500K in free computing is a reasonable expense.
eob 9 hours ago 1 reply      
This would be against the spirit of the offer, but I wonder if there is any easy way to arbitrage that credit into cold hard cash with low effort.

E.g., boot up a bitcoin mining cluster (though this particular idea would obviously yield low return since it would be running on off the shelf hardware)

kevinschumacher 11 hours ago 2 replies      
WOW that is a lot of credit. How does Azure stack up "in the real world" compared to Amazon, Rackspace, Google?
rl3 9 hours ago 0 replies      
I wonder if Azure competitors will increase their free offerings to YC companies as a result of this.

The PaaS front is of particular interest. For example, it's not immediately evident that Heroku even offers anything similar, beyond a small free tier available to anyone.

grandalf 10 hours ago 1 reply      
This is pretty cool but I'd still prefer to use Google Apps and Gmail. The MS office web apps are pretty poor in comparison and unless you're a dedicated windows shop or have a lot of ex-finance people there is little benefit to the office suite.
photorized 9 hours ago 0 replies      
This is huge for Microsoft, because this is how Azure is finally starting to get accepted by the startup/VC community. They never had difficulty selling Azure to the enterprise, but for startups - AWS had always been the default choice.
minimaxir 11 hours ago 4 replies      
This seems like a Catch-22. If a startup is successful enough to get into YC, wouldn't they have a stable tech infrastructure already?

This would only benefit YC startups who already use Azure. (Unless the switching cost from AWS/Rackspace/Google is low enough nowadays.)

hinicholas 10 hours ago 5 replies      
I'm not sure how Azure intends to compete in this space. I've used Amazon, Rackspace, Google Cloud, Azure, and a bunch more.

Professionally, for simplicity I'd choose Rackspace or Google. For Scalability and price I'd choose Amazon. For personal projects I love Digital Ocean.

I dislike Azure's control panel and VM setup, and find their VMs slow. I'd only really consider them if I planned to implement a project that required leveraging the entirety of the Microsoft technology stack.

I can't see technology companies embracing Virtual Windows Server RTs and MSSQL Servers. Startups enjoy technologies that are easy to manage and scale with smaller teams. Enterprise level companies still need inhouse dedicated hardware for security.

Azure is kind of an oddball in the virtual hosting space.

maxbrown 11 hours ago 2 replies      
Any idea on the LCV for Azure of the average YC startup? I know the average YC startup is going to be a cut above, but are a large percentage of them going to break the $500k in an early stage?
sadfaceunread 10 hours ago 0 replies      
In addition to the Azure credit I'm interested in the CloudFlare and DataStax enterprise services value. Cloudflare at least reports an average for enterprise services at $5k/mo.
reagan83 10 hours ago 1 reply      
"The relentless nagging from partners to grow faster we throw in for free."

Is this sentence constructed poorly or did a private comment slip in?

rajacombinator 9 hours ago 0 replies      
That's a pretty impressive offer. As an AWS user, it would get me to look at Azure at least.
dlu 10 hours ago 0 replies      
I'm surprised Dropbox or someone similar hasn't tried this already
hristov 8 hours ago 1 reply      
Does Azure offer Linux images nowadays?
rjurney 8 hours ago 1 reply      
rebootthesystem 6 hours ago 0 replies      
If Microsoft truly wants to transform they need to launch an intensive secret project. Let's call it "Project Redmond". The goal of the project would be to develop "Quantum", the next Microsoft OS. Quantum aligns MS with Linux by effectively building Windows on top of Linux as well as all the tools necessary to, as automatically as possible, migrate existing Windows code into Quantum.

With a move like this Microsoft becomes THE Linux company as the millions of non-tech and tech businesses who are Windows based migrate to Quantum over time. They could make the underlying souped-up Linux OS FOSS and sell the Quantum OS layer (or whatever works).

I am thinking in terms of the next 50 years, not 5. In the long term I just don't see how the existing MS model can prevail. A move like this Quantum OS concept would instantly align them with web development and provide a solid alternative to Apple on developers desktops and perhaps even Ubuntu at the server level.

forgotAgain 9 hours ago 0 replies      
If you have the money, it's a great way to prevent being voted off of the front page of hacker news.
gregimba 8 hours ago 1 reply      
Bitcoin mining startups?
aledalgrande 10 hours ago 0 replies      
When a free HoloLens?
bolonomciz 10 hours ago 0 replies      
mucrosoft goin ham
higherpurpose 10 hours ago 1 reply      
Figures that the HN server would die at the same time of an Azure announcement. Azure isn't exactly best known for its uptime.
orliesaurus 9 hours ago 0 replies      
This smells like desperation from 100 miles away
Nux 9 hours ago 0 replies      
How do you call a startup running on Windows? A shutdown. LOL!
rjurney 10 hours ago 0 replies      
anonbanker 3 hours ago 0 replies      
The fact that HN doesn't view Microsoft's known complicity with NSA programs (partner of PRISM data collection since before 2007, _NSAKEY[1] before that) as a human rights violation is troubling, to say the least, but it's absolutely unnerving that anyone would trust them (including YC members) to store sensitive data post-Snowden.

Does anyone actually trust cloud services in Five-eyes jurisdictions anymore? Is there a company in those jurisdictions that people could use that is more dangerous to trust than Microsoft?

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSAKEY

The Island Where People Forget to Die
points by ridgewell  3 hours ago   15 comments 5 top all
EarthLaunch 37 minutes ago 0 replies      
> Its easy to get enough rest if no one else wakes up early and the village goes dead during afternoon naptime. It helps that the cheapest, most accessible foods are also the most healthful and that your ancestors have spent centuries developing ways to make them taste good. Its hard to get through the day in Ikaria without walking up 20 hills. Youre not likely to ever feel the existential pain of not belonging or even the simple stress of arriving late. Your community makes sure youll always have something to eat, but peer pressure will get you to contribute something too. Youre going to grow a garden, because thats what your parents did, and thats what your neighbors are doing.

Great article. This importance of pervasive cultural factors was the key insight for me. I follow an unusual diet that happens to consist of 100% unprocessed foods. I allow myself to sleep when I'm tired. I live somewhere I can enjoy long walks and other fun exercise. I'm never late because I don't set schedules.

> In the United States, you cant go to a movie, walk through the airport or buy cough medicine without being routed through a gantlet of candy bars, salty snacks and sugar-sweetened beverages. The processed-food industry spends more than $4 billion a year tempting us to eat. How do you combat that? Discipline is a good thing, but discipline is a muscle that fatigues. Sooner or later, most people cave in to relentless temptation.

This is the trouble with following a different lifestyle; almost every aspect of it conflicts with modern culture. Buying vegetables at a store, there's tasty frozen pizza across the isle. Going out with friends, for variety and a normal social atmosphere, modern-influenced food is the only option. Walk into a gas station and there's the chips. Look at cat pics on the internet and there's pictures of beer and bacon. Everyone wants to set a schedule, out of habit if not the belief that stress increases productivity. People call to talk late at night.

Even after forming good habits, every instance of conflict with the culture requires some willpower, and socially, each requires an explanation. The only way I've succeeded is when living a more isolated lifestyle, somewhere remote. That leaves out cultural enjoyment and reinforcement.

Stratoscope 1 hour ago 1 reply      
Olives, hummus, and sourdough bread.

Herbal teas, coffee and wine.

Goat's milk and honey.

Wild greens, beans, and olive oil.

Work in the fields, gathering it all.

A nap in the afternoon, and plenty of sex.

This is a recipe for a long life.

calcsam 17 minutes ago 0 replies      
frik 2 hours ago 2 replies      
As the side note says: "The key to Ikarian longevity is not simply a healthful diet; daily socializing may be just as crucial." And taking a daily nap and drink vine.

This is probably true and helps a lot. But who created the statistics? The pension system there is widely misused. People keep their death parents "alive" on paper to receive their pension for many years. It was so widespread and the loss so great in Creek (and some other EU countries) that the European Union intervened.

petercooper 2 hours ago 2 replies      
I don't know if his story checks out, but I was intrigued by the idea of cancers going away on their own, as if they were a typical illness. It turns out, sometimes they do: http://bigthink.com/videos/can-cancer-cure-itself-4 - and even weirder (to me), many cancers are self limited in nature and more harmful to treat than just leave in place: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/30/health/cancer-screening-ma...
Is Persona the Authentication System That Weve All Been Waiting For? (2012)
points by ianlevesque  2 hours ago   discuss
Hello HTTP/2, Goodbye SPDY
points by Nimi  14 hours ago   145 comments 19 top all
drderidder 10 hours ago 5 replies      
I got a copy of Paul-Henning Kamp's critique "HTTP/2.0 - The IETF is Phoning It In" off the ACM website before the link went dead. Here's a bit of what he said about it:

"Some will expect a major update to the worlds most popular protocol to be a technical masterpiece and textbook example for future students of protocol design. Some will expect that a protocol designed during the Snowden revelations will improve their privacy. Others will more cynically suspect the opposite. There may be a general assumption of "faster." Many will probably also assume it is "greener." And some of us are jaded enough to see the "2.0" and mutter "Uh-oh, Second Systems Syndrome."

The cheat sheet answers are: no, no, probably not, maybe, no and yes.

If that sounds underwhelming, its because it is.

HTTP/2.0 is not a technical masterpiece. It has layering violations, inconsistencies, needless complexity, bad compromises, misses a lot of ripe opportunities, etc. I would flunk students in my (hypothetical) protocol design class if they submitted it. HTTP/2.0 also does not improve your privacy. Wrapping HTTP/2.0 in SSL/TLS may or may not improve your privacy, as would wrapping HTTP/1.1 or any other protocol in SSL/TLS. But HTTP/2.0 itself does nothing to improve your privacy. This is almost triply ironic, because the major drags on HTTP are the cookies, which are such a major privacy problem, that the EU has legislated a notice requirement for them. HTTP/2.0 could have done away with cookies, replacing them instead with a client controlled session identifier. That would put users squarely in charge of when they want to be tracked and when they don't want toa major improvement in privacy. It would also save bandwidth and packets. But the proposed protocol does not do this.

[He goes on to tear a strip off the IETF and the politics behind HTTP/2.0 ...]

drawkbox 6 hours ago 1 reply      
HTTP/2 might have version 2 syndrome.

Another better way would have been keep SPDY, as there is usefulness there, separate and then on HTTP/2, to incrementally get there, and use an iteration of something like AS2/EDIINT (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4130) which does encryption, compression and digital signatures on top of existing HTTP (HTTPS is usable as current but not required as it uses best compression/encryption currently available that the server supports). This standard still adheres to everything HTTP and hypertext transfer based and does not become a binary file format but relies on baked in MIME.

An iteration of that would have been better for interoperability, secure and fast. I have implemented it directly previously from RFC for an EDI product and it is used for sending all financial EDI/documents for all of the largest companies in the world Wal-mart, Target, DoD as well as most small and medium businesses with inventory. There are even existing interoperability testing centers setup for testing out and certifying products that do this so that the standard works for all vendors and customers. An iteration of this would have fit in as easily and been more flexible on the secure, compression and encryption side, and all over HTTP if you want as it encrypts the body.

anderspetersson 13 hours ago 1 reply      
Looking forward to when HAProxy support for HTTP/2 lands since they refused to implement SPDY support.

Here's a list of common servers support for SPDY/HTTP2: https://istlsfastyet.com/#server-performance

therealmarv 25 minutes ago 0 replies      
Does somebody has good nginx configurations for HTTP/2? Good that browser go this directions but at the moment I have no clue on how to implement HTTP/2 (is there a SPDY fallback?) on my nginx server :(
klapinat0r 13 hours ago 1 reply      
SPDY came and went before I had to implement it. Phew.

On a serious note: it's nice to see ALNP being used in HTTP/2

jjcm 13 hours ago 0 replies      
Are there any good reverse proxies out there that support HTTP/2? Right now I'm using varnish, but I'd love to switch over to something supporting this.
xpose2000 10 hours ago 2 replies      
Does anyone know if Cloudflare has plans to implement HTTP/2? RIght now they support SPDY.

I found the answer from their blog:

"Part of the service CloudFlare provides is being on top of the latest advances in Internet and web technologies. We've stayed on top of SPDY and will continue to roll out updates as the protocol evolves (and we'll support HTTP/2 just as soon as it is practical)."

fletchowns 12 hours ago 1 reply      
Anybody know when nginx will support it?
hannob 10 hours ago 0 replies      
Unfortunately right now apache doesn't support HTTP/2 at all. There was a mod_spdy, but it's pretty much dead. Apache took it over from google some time ago, but since then nothing happened.
mahouse 12 hours ago 1 reply      
Is HTTPS mandatory on HTTP/2 like it was on SPDY?
est 7 hours ago 1 reply      
Well how about the fate of the cute little protocol called QUIC?
fdsary 13 hours ago 3 replies      
What happens if someone built a service based on it? Should they never trust browsers keeping alive even the shitty (in comparison to free and standardised HTTP/2) features? What's great about the web is that now 20 year old services still are working in the latest runtimes (browsers).
donatj 8 hours ago 2 replies      
Can someone explain to me the actual upside of header compression? I work on a fairly major educational site and calculating now our request + response headers comes out to 1,399 bytes. Gzipping them they come out to 1,421 bytes. A small net increase.

Am I missing something? Do some people have so many cookies that this makes a difference or something?

amelius 11 hours ago 3 replies      
Anybody aware of a good C++ server framework supporting most of HTTP/2, including websockets?
drawkbox 9 hours ago 4 replies      
HTTP/2 is an ugly mess of taking something simple and making it more complex for minimal benefit. It could have been so much better than a binary mess.

As engineers, the ones that take simple concepts and add complexity, those are not engineers, those are meddlers.

It could be as long lived as XHTML.

I was hoping for more SCTP rather than a bunch of cludge on top of what is a pretty beautiful protocol in HTTP 1.1. Protocol designers of the past seemed to have a better long view mixed with simplicity focused on interoperability that you like to see from engineers.

jcoffland 10 hours ago 1 reply      
Google just loves exerting their power. It will take more than Chrome devs declaring it a done deal to make this happen. The browser is only half the issue. Web servers must get on board for this to matter. Obviously Safari, FireFox and IE have some say in this too.
itsbits 13 hours ago 0 replies      
Hardly a surprise..
ommunist 12 hours ago 0 replies      
@klapinat0r - welcome to the club. I was just about to say the same.
striking 11 hours ago 3 replies      
I'm not ever supporting HTTP/2. For something "monumental" enough to be called the whole second revision of HTTP, what have we really gained? A Google-backed "server push" mechanism and some minor efficiency additions? Add to that the fact that SPDY was pushed through as HTTP/2 because nothing else was ready.


Downvoters: although I don't usually do this, I'd ask you to enter into a discussion with me instead of just hitting the down arrow. Do you honestly think my discussion is worth being silenced?

Apple's libc shells out to Perl to implement wordexp
points by devbug  2 hours ago   20 comments 6 top all
dxq 1 hour ago 2 replies      
This is source code from 2011. Checking http://opensource.apple.com will show that it's not longer implemented this way in 10.10.

Here's the current implementation: http://opensource.apple.com/source/Libc/Libc-1044.1.2/gen/Fr...

cnvogel 1 hour ago 2 replies      
As it's already written in the manual...


wordexp, wordfree - perform word expansion like a posix-shell

So, the implementer decided to take the short route, and just spawn a shell which, essentially, gets passed the input data to wordexp(), to do the work. But, of course, having something that starts with such a comment...

/* XXX this is _not_ designed to be fast (...) wordexp is also rife with security "challenges", unless you pass it WRDE_NOCMD it must support subshell expansion, and even if you don't beause it has to support so much of the standard shell (all the odd little variable expansion options for example) it is hard to do without a subshell). It is probably just plan a Bad Idea to call in anything setuid, or executing remotely. */

...in your standard C library wasn't such a smart idea to start with. Scroll down, there are many more gems in the comments!

Sometimes it's better to just implement it as

        void wordexp() {                fprintf(stderr,"wordexp() is a security nightmare. Not implemented.\n");                assert(0);        }
or decide to deliberately only implement a safe subset of the full functionality specified (e.g. only ~user-homedir expansion and $VARIABLES), to at least cover the common use-cases without creating a security nightmare.

(EDIT: typos)

melling 1 hour ago 1 reply      
Well, you are warned:/* XXX this is _not_ designed to be fast */
dunham 1 hour ago 1 reply      
They appear to be using a "wordexp-helper" in Yosemite. I found this in /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib (and no references to perl).

    [ $# -gt 0 ] && export IFS="$1";/usr/lib/system/wordexp-helper

ryan0x00 1 hour ago 1 reply      
sometimes you have to get shit done
Intermernet 1 hour ago 1 reply      
Sorry, I don't have a Mac to check, but does the OSX build of Perl depend on libc?

Also, that code seems to be from 2008 (or at least that's the latest year in the copyright header) despite the commit being from 2012. Does anyone know if this has been updated? Inserting a NUL byte between each word, and at the end doesn't sound like it requires Perl...

A simple Minecraft written in Rust
points by gnocchi  12 hours ago   43 comments 11 top all
kibwen 12 hours ago 1 reply      
Last I heard, Hematite was more of a Rust-based renderer of Minecraft worlds than an actual game. For example, I don't think it currently supports construction or destruction of blocks.

Piston, the project that's backing Hematite, is very interesting in that it's an attempt to explore idiomatic approaches to game engine design in Rust. I'm not sure how many game developers will value Rust's memory safety over C++'s sheer flexibility and mature tooling, but I commend the Piston developers for taking a chance on a new and unproven language!

EDIT: If you'd like to take a closer look at game development in Rust, be aware that there exist dedicated communities for this on reddit ( http://www.reddit.com/r/rust_gamedev ) and IRC ( http://client01.chat.mibbit.com/?server=irc.mozilla.org&chan... , a.k.a. #rust-gamdev on irc.mozilla.org).

ConfuciusSay 10 hours ago 1 reply      
Nice job, now if you can make a simple Rust in Minecraft I'll be even more impressed!
gnocchi 12 hours ago 0 replies      
Lots of other examples here too https://github.com/PistonDevelopers and website available here http://www.piston.rs/ for those who want to get started with piston
kvark 12 hours ago 0 replies      
Note that Hematite uses gfx-rs for rendering, it was mentioned on HN earlier:


toqueteos 12 hours ago 1 reply      
Build appears as broken but it should be working, Travis is doing its thing. EDIT: Green Travis again :)
anonbanker 2 hours ago 0 replies      
I hope Microsoft plays nice with these clones in the future. Especially when they use official assets.
mjfl 10 hours ago 2 replies      
Something I always wonder for games not made with C++: how is the performance?
donpdonp 10 hours ago 1 reply      
If you're looking to play a open source minecraft-like game, without worrying about microsoft copyrights on world files, http://minetest.net/ is a lot of fun.
Navarr 7 hours ago 1 reply      
Next up: A simple Rust written in Rust.
idunning 11 hours ago 2 replies      
How is that dependency graph plotted in the README?
abtinf 12 hours ago 0 replies      
First person to say something like "This isn't minecraft, minecraft is way more than just placing blocks!" loses.
Show HN: A Global Co-Living Subscription for Nomads
points by brunooo  14 hours ago   147 comments 36 top all
archagon 13 hours ago 10 replies      
This is a really interesting idea, though maybe a bit too expensive and, ah, "hip" for my tastes. (Currently hopping from Airbnb to Airbnb flatshare, paying $1000 or less a month for housing with internet and utilities included. Would be even cheaper if I wasn't in Western Europe.)

I've been thinking lately of where I would like to live for most of my late twenties and early thirties. I'm definitely a bit of a loner, but at the same time, I like living as part of a close-knit community. I wish I could find a little "tribe" of self-directed folks roughly my age in an old, creaky house somewhere in the mountains... or on a remote island... or in a forest, or something. Just people working on their projects, tending to their garden, raising some chickens (or maybe some kids), enjoying the fresh air, and mostly living away from the rest of society. An art commune for the 21st century, I guess.

Unfortunately, if such a place exists, I doubt it has a website, and I especially doubt they'd take in strays. Guess I'd have to organize it myself. It's too bad I don't know anyone else who'd want to live like this. (And even if I did, who knows if we'd get along?)

Maybe I'll just go and become a hermit.

larsberg 13 hours ago 2 replies      
You've probably already thought about this, but you might want to make sure clients understand the legal side of things. We've certainly had some cases at Mozilla where remote workers had to be "reminded" that we could only pay them if they maintained residency in their official company of employment, that they would be in violation of the tourist visa they had traveled to these other locations under if they worked there for 3 months, etc.

It's a bit of a minefield, and I only know the warnings that legal/HR tell managers :-)

unfortunateface 13 hours ago 2 replies      
Have you considered having some storage in the house that automatically follows you around the world as you move from place to place ? i.e. your belongings just turn up at the house you are currently staying in without you having to deal with shipping?

Edit: to clarify/simplify

jballanc 13 hours ago 1 reply      
Wait...you've named your startup "Caravanserai" and you don't have any destinations on the actual historical Silk Road? For shame!

Turkey is an amazing place to work and live, there's an incredibly vibrant hacker community, and the people are some of the most welcoming in the world (especially if you're a visitor). Istanbul rents on the European side can run pretty high, but on the Asian side (and with the way the exchange rate is going these days), I think you'd be remiss to leave it out.

If not Istanbul, Ankara has a bunch of universities and rents are considerably cheaper. Bodrum, too, has relatively low rents and absolutely amazing natural beauty. Ok, enough ranting...

Seriously cool concept, though. I look forward to seeing where you take it!

titanomachy 13 hours ago 3 replies      
Not to rain on your parade, but isn't it a bit disingenuous to compare your cost with living in NY or SF? I mean, of course it's much cheaper to live in Lisbon or Mexico City, regardless of the particular accommodation.
gwbas1c 13 hours ago 3 replies      
Sounds like someone just renamed "timeshare."
paulftw 7 hours ago 1 reply      
While not sure about this particular business model, it is the first good use case for container hotel rooms I've ever seen.

Standardized rooms all over the world, run as a network of independent providers adhering to the international code of practice, advertised and paid for on AirBNB (because we already have hassle free hotel check in experience, why build another one).

... and stuffed with IKEA furniture we all know and love :)

Red_Tarsius 9 hours ago 1 reply      
Excuse my language, but this is fucking awesome. As an aspiring technomad and serial minimalist, I want to thank you for such great idea and execution. My only fear is that the current service might be quite steep for the average nomad.
nathan_f77 1 hour ago 1 reply      
This looks awesome, I'm definitely interested.

I also found Coconat [1] on HN, and got in touch with them over email. Hopefully my wife and I will be visiting them when they open in July.

[1]: http://coconat-space.com/

KevinBongart 14 hours ago 4 replies      
The concept is really nice!


lukasm 14 hours ago 3 replies      
I was hoping that AirBnB would do something like that. Great initiative! I'll add this to my list https://github.com/lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job
tomp 13 hours ago 1 reply      
This is a neat idea, but seems quite expensive, also the price comparisons are a bit unfair.

I can't speak for NY, but in London, you could get a nice room in a shared flat for 890 GBP (=1356 USD) on the edge of first zone, so the commute (monthly Underground ticket for zones 1&2) would be a much more reasonable 130 GBP (=200 USD), far from 698 USD as listed on the site.

guard-of-terra 12 hours ago 1 reply      
This is a very nice idea already.

What should they do to make me really happy? Be able to invest some sum of money (or an existing property?) and enjoy a lifetime of co-living (they need much more destinations, of course). This can be a nice mode of rapid growth, property in exchange to co-living promise.

awch 13 hours ago 1 reply      
I had been hoping that this would eventually emerge from the nomad community - it's a great idea.

The inclusion of a moped or shared vehicle in each location would seal the deal for me.

nutate 3 hours ago 2 replies      
You might want to look into localizing your numbers. Having amounts in USD/mo and then showing it using a decimal as the thousands separator feels silly, even though it makes sense in MX. Something like http://formatjs.io/ can help.
hruu 14 hours ago 1 reply      
Interesting ProjectQuestion: How can you make sure, that every Nomad has a place to stay in each destination? If you limit the time one can spend at a destination, the living costs would be exponentially higher as the flight costs technically affect the flat rate.
deerpig 2 hours ago 0 replies      
Isn't this just a new twist on time sharing, but in places that people who haven't lived abroad think are "cool"?

$1,600 is more than a little pricey....

codecamper 12 hours ago 2 replies      
Internet in Indonesia is ridiculously cheap. For $500 a month you'll have a very nice place in Bali. No need for a year lease.

3g Internet in Portugal is a little bit expensive. Not too bad -- about 2 euro a Gig. 500 euros a month will get you a nice place. Not sure about how long a lease you'd need to sign.

Mexico City. Why on earth would you want to go to Mexico City?

peterfa 2 hours ago 1 reply      
Why did you decide for subscription model? It makes sense for me if you have a network of 10+ locations.
justizin 14 hours ago 0 replies      
Sign a simple lease, travel the world? This is incredibly tempting. ;)
rajacombinator 7 hours ago 0 replies      
Cool concept if I understand correctly but of course would have to see how it plays out in practice. (Wonder how easy it will be to switch locations in practice.) The price sounds a bit high for those interested in nomadism. Beautiful website but I'd suggest taking "Hahaha" off the utility price and just put a 0 or included.
tonyhb 12 hours ago 3 replies      
I can't wait to do it. Definitely in. It's awesome that you're taking the leap to make your spaces connected across countries. And a +1 for the idea of moving boxes around from country to country.

As an aside I can't understand why, as a first step, co-working spaces in different locations haven't partnered up to offer this to people looking to move around and sort out their own accommodation. Having the availability of, say, Regus offices, with the entrepreneurship and tech focus found in current co-working spaces would be a huge plus.

jmknoll 4 hours ago 1 reply      
Pretty cool idea, and beautifully designed website. Any idea on what this type of design would be called and/or how its done?
AYBABTME 13 hours ago 1 reply      
This is an awesome idea and I'm very interested.

- Are there more locations that are considered?

- Is this meant to grow with demand, or be limited to a few first-come/first-served offering?

- It's not clear to me (maybe I misread) what happens when I move to another country. Am I holding a lock on the rooms everywhere, or am I allocated a room on request?

I work remote, and currently in school but once done, I totally want to start moving around the world for periods of times. Q1 2016 is about when that should start happening.

rohunati 13 hours ago 0 replies      
It took me a while to realize that I was supposed to scroll. I spent like 15 seconds trying to click something. Might want to make that more obvious.
sixQuarks 14 hours ago 3 replies      
cool concept, but not sure Mexico City is a good location. I've heard it can be very dangerous, especially in the evenings.
tosh 14 hours ago 0 replies      
If they can provide decent internet I'm in.
lucaspiller 12 hours ago 1 reply      
It's an interesting idea, but it's also pretty obvious this is a for-profit venture by OP. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I'd like to see something similar in more of a cooperative legal structure.
cfontes 13 hours ago 1 reply      
Nice idea... But I definitely would not live for more than a week or 2 in 2 of the 3 places listed (Mexico City, Ubud). Lisbon is fine thought.

Why did you choose Ubud instead of other places in Bali?

desdiv 13 hours ago 1 reply      
Minor discrepancy:

On the global map, Mexico City is linked to SF, NY, and Bogot, while the text description says: "SF, NY or Caribbean for a day".

blhack 6 hours ago 1 reply      
Can I split the cost with my partner?
stockkid 4 hours ago 0 replies      
This is great.
elif 13 hours ago 1 reply      
Can my girlfriend come?
lbotos 13 hours ago 1 reply      
The biggest question becomes: income taxes.

Any ideas how that will play out?

mlady 12 hours ago 1 reply      
Something, something globalized gentrification.
chisleu 13 hours ago 2 replies      
I just don't dig the locations. I'm not going anywhere close to large groups of Muslim Extremists, or Narcoterrorists.

I guess I'm just spoiled by the relative safety of the US.

Be not brave
points by benbreen  4 hours ago   2 comments 2 top all
woah 42 minutes ago 0 replies      
> and terrorists might indeed be guilty of having what might be called the cowardice of their convictions an excessive fear of being viewed as cowardly in the eyes of their god, or by the light of their cause.

This is a dumb quote. What it describes in terrorists is what the rest of the article describes in general. If a terrorist deserts, he is a coward (to the rest of his compatriots).

sheensleeves 3 hours ago 0 replies      
I'm reading _Battle for the mind: a physiology of conversion and brainwashing_ (William Sargant, 1957). His conclusion is that only the psychotic insane soldiers (very few) during the world war could escape PTSD, if the stress was sustained for long enough.
Instruction Synthesis Is Fun and Weird
points by luu  8 hours ago   5 comments 2 top all
eru 5 hours ago 0 replies      
> Of course, at some level this isnt very different from what compilers have been doing for ages, if we consider the source language program to be the specification, but when were doing synthesis the connotation is that the specification isnt directly implementable using standard compiler techniques.

I guess compiling lazy functional languages was synthesis at one point, too, before people really figured out how to do that efficiently via eg the tagless spineless g-machine.

I wonder whether synthesis is like AI: whenever we understand how to do something, like play chess, it's no longer AI.

EDIT: Comments on the site delve into that very topic.

colinshark 7 hours ago 2 replies      
Can I get a less intense summary?
Translating Mathematics into Code: Examples in Java, Python, Haskell and Racket
points by lelf  13 hours ago   27 comments 4 top all
j2kun 7 hours ago 5 replies      
> Mathematics has no side effects.

I'm aware the author is a professor of CS, but this is a statement I always see people originally trained as programmers claim, and as a mathematician and a programmer I respectfully disagree.

Mathematics does what you define it to do, and if you can communicate your idea to another person it doesn't matter whether you "mutated" a variable or not. Likewise, you could say that there's no such thing as mutation in programs because the value of a variable in a language that supports mutation depends implicitly on time; you just don't express that in the source code. It's a matter of perspective, and more perspectives are often better than fewer. In math if you want to index a variable to have "pretend mutation" to avoid confusion you can, but there's no rule about it. If you feel the best way to communicate that idea is with mutation, then that doesn't stop it from being mathematics.

brudgers 4 hours ago 2 replies      

    public Node(SortedSet<T> left, T element, SortedSet<T> right) {      this.left = left ;      this.right = right ;      this.element = element ;
Isn't really mathematics. Nodes have a label. Any record attached to the node is business logic. It doesn't matter if the tuple is (first, last, address, department) or (value left, right), these are not part of the mathematics. Sure (value, left, right) looks like math, but it's just a convenient place to cache the edges describing a particular form of graph.

A graph is defined mathematically G = {V, E}. A single vertex with no edges is a graph. A set of vertices with no edges is also a graph. These may or may not be interesting, but edges are dependent on vertices. The converse is not true.

This example with Node(value, left, right) is standard object oriented fair. It's worse than Car(model, manufacturer, color, year). The Car simplifies something complex. Node(value, left, right) makes something simple more complicated. It's an implementation not an abstraction.

Animats 3 hours ago 0 replies      
The article doesn't mention matrices, which map to multidimensional arrays. One of the basic features of FORTRAN, all the way back to the original version for the IBM 704 in 1954, was multidimensional arrays. Yet C, C++, Go, and Rust all lack them. They all have "arrays of arrays", or some hack involving macros and templates and a multiply for every array access.(Yes, there's a sort of multidimensional array capability in C99, but it is not used much.)

For Go and Rust, this subject has been discussed.[1][2] In both cases, the participants in the discussion got tangled up with how slicing syntax would interact with multidimensional arrays, and ended up doing nothing.

The number-crunching community is mostly using Matlab/Octave, and Python with NumPy.

[1] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/golang-nuts/Multi...

[2] http://internals.rust-lang.org/t/difficulty-with-rfc-439-and...

mrcactu5 8 hours ago 0 replies      
Mathematical constructions can be difficult to interpret as code or visualize. I have tried quite a few:


Native Americans Say Facebook Is Accusing Them of Using Fake Names
points by jpatokal  4 hours ago   34 comments 9 top all
jasonjei 2 hours ago 2 replies      
I'm reminded of being unable to schedule Genius Bar appointments because my last name was a banned name. Given my Cantonese romanization, Jason Hung was apparently denied AppleCare support from geniuses.

(I do understand why'd they regex for bad names since at one point Apple publicly showed who was enqueued for support, but not very helpful to tell someone their last name isn't good when they already need help! Not trying to be sensational, but they could have just flagged it for human review to see if the name was an obvious joke, or better yet, not display names publicly)

Edit: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/1491462

jameshart 3 hours ago 3 replies      
One more to add to Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names (http://www.kalzumeus.com/2010/06/17/falsehoods-programmers-b...): Real names don't contain combinations of normal words like 'creeping bear' or 'lone hill'...
timothya 3 hours ago 1 reply      
This isn't really too surprising; this is the kind of problem you have when you try to automatically enforce real name policies. When you try to create a system which separates real names from made up ones, it's a lot harder when real names can have common English words which aren't ordinarily found in names.

Google+ had similar problems, if I remember right, and they ultimately solved the problem by getting rid of the real name policy entirely.

sgift 49 minutes ago 0 replies      
"Are you a gift shop? Our shop sign up is over here." - no, I'm not, thank you very much. It is German and means something I'd like to use on you if you don't stop bothering me ...
Dylan16807 2 hours ago 1 reply      
>Native Americans Say

That's an odd phrasing for something that should be very easy to verify.

geoffpado 1 hour ago 0 replies      
Meanwhile, my Facebook profile is entirely faked, with clearly false data and the name of a literary character; I've never been questioned about it once. Beyond an attempt to combat impersonation (which is likely going to be impersonation of real names anyway), where do Facebook or their users even benefit from the real name policy?

It seems like a lot of hassle to try and automatically enforce an obviously difficult problem with little upside. Human behaviors, try as we might, are never going to conform to rigorous standards. :)

williamcotton 3 hours ago 2 replies      
You have one identity, he emphasized three times in a single interview with David Kirkpatrick in his book, The Facebook Effect. The days of you having a different image for your work friends or co-workers and for the other people you know are probably coming to an end pretty quickly. He adds: Having two identities for yourself is an example of a lack of integrity.
owly 2 hours ago 1 reply      
Solution: don't use FB. Create your own social network.
yummybear 30 minutes ago 0 replies      
"It looks like that name violates our name standards" != Accusing native americans of using fake names
A Coq development of a theory of lightweight cryptographic ledgers
points by kushti  13 hours ago   4 comments 3 top all
socrates1024 6 hours ago 0 replies      
I wrote a paper called "Authenticated Data Structures, Generically" [1] that's closely related to this. It shows how to automatically make a "merkleized" version of any (pure functional) data structure. The original motivation (and a case study in the paper) is making Bitcoin verifiers that don't require much storage, similar to this.

I don't fully understand the compact tree proposed here. I used balanced red-black trees, and others have suggested tries since the element size is fixed (160-bit address, or 256-bit tx hashes). I think you're basically proposing a trie. It would be possible to make invalid addresses that incur the worst-case cost to check (00001, 00002, 00010, 00020, and so on) but this is maybe splitting hairs.

Anyway, this is awesome to use Coq for formal verification of cryptocurrency components. We need way more of this.

[1] http://www.cs.umd.edu/~amiller/gpads/

gtank 7 hours ago 0 replies      
I've been interested in formal treatments of ledgers for a while now. Does anyone know if other work has been done in this area?
qarterd 3 hours ago 1 reply      
It's nice to see a formal proof of lightweight ledgers, but this concept of account states in a merkle tree with merkle path verified state deltas is nothing new.

As the author states, lightweight ledgers are well suited to proof of stake. I'm working on such a crypto 2.0 that also uses the Python VM for smart contracts and is multichain scalable with cross-chain contracts.

See Qointum: https://qointum.com

How I Start: Nim
points by kungfooguru  17 hours ago   15 comments 6 top all
perturbation 16 hours ago 0 replies      
What I really like about this post (that's somewhat different from others that I've seen about Nim) is that it goes beyond the syntax of the language and macros to dive into tooling (nimble, editor plugins) and popular libraries (docopt.nim). When I'm trying to get up to speed with a new language, it makes it a lot easier to focus on the language if I'm not fighting with my tools.

I wrote the 'init' feature for nimble - it's so awesome to see it being used!

rdtsc 15 hours ago 0 replies      
BTW check out other howistart articles:


You'll find a sampling of Go, Erlang, Haskell and a few others.

Here is the repo: https://github.com/howistart

And of course many thanks for Tristan for curating it!

afarrell 16 hours ago 1 reply      
Some might think it unnecessary to include the line about how to install git with apt-get, but I really like it. It shows that he's going to actually walk the user through start-up. In a world of frustrating install processes and tutorials that need two more rounds of polish, that is comforting.
ch4s3 16 hours ago 0 replies      
This is an exceptional post, good enough that I'm going to follow along later even though I'm not super interested in Nim per se. At first brush it was interesting enough to pique my interest in the language.
porker 15 hours ago 0 replies      
An excellent article, well written and incredibly easy to follow along and understand what's going on. We need projects to start doing documentation like this.
swah 13 hours ago 2 replies      
Law of Marketing for Successful Programming Languages: the basic examples should teach sockets, websockets or http servers.
China fines Qualcomm $1B
points by jacobsimon  10 hours ago   28 comments 11 top all
k_sze 8 hours ago 3 replies      
It makes more sense if China wants to protect the Chinese consumer.

No, it doesn't. Just like every other neoliberal economy out there, since when has China's government started caring about the consumers?

The Chinese government is "punishing" Qualcomm for monopoly, yes, but it has nothing to do with the consumers.

"fueling concern that the country -- the worlds second-largest economy -- is using such inquiries to boost its native enterprises."

No shit. Look at all the local clones/"competitors" that have started doing very well after the original companies have been eliminated from the market (Google, Dropbox, just to name two obvious cases).

It's all about lobbying, the kind that you don't find in public records - i.e. bribing and corruption.

JohnTHaller 9 hours ago 2 replies      
Odd that they state that "For handsets sold in China, Qualcomm will charge a licensing rate thats similar to the royalty rates it charges elsewhere in the world, countering concerns that it would be forced to offer a discount to settle the investigation."

And then immediately follow with "While the percentage being charged is similar, the value of the handsets -- used as the basis for the calculation -- will be assessed at 65 percent of the devices total price for phones sold in China, Qualcomm said."

If read right, that means Qualcomm is forced to effectively discount licensing fees in China based on this decision, meaning the Chinese government has engaged in a bit of price-fixing relative to the rest of the world on the patent fees.

shmerl 3 hours ago 0 replies      
Qualcomm is a known patent abuser. They attacked Opus codec with fake claims which were refuted: https://datatracker.ietf.org/ipr/1520/

But Qualcomm refused to withdraw those claims. Just to be nasty. So I don't feel sorry for them.

freyr 8 hours ago 1 reply      
Qualcomm's IP portfolio is sufficient that the company can demand royalties from virtually any company that wants to produce a cell phone. It had a stranglehold over CDMA technologies, and has a great deal of valuable LTE-related IP.

I don't know how China defines a monopoly relative to the U.S. definition, but Qualcomm seems like a natural candidate.

johnpmayer 9 hours ago 1 reply      
...Qualcomm will offer licenses to 3G and 4G essential patents and will no longer require the bundling of those rights with other patents in its portfolio...

Wow, is that a common tactic? No wonder antitrust was on them.

noonespecial 4 hours ago 0 replies      
At this level isn't a "fine" simply a tax, custom made just for you by the government of the country you'd like to sell your stuff into?
mark_l_watson 6 hours ago 1 reply      
OK, Qualcomm puts a good face on this and their stock goes up, but:

It is starting to really annoy me when powerful countries like China and my country, tha USA, throw their weight up against companies just doing business. This article is about one example with China, and my personal pet peeve is the USA under FICA laws brutalizing (sometimes small) banks in developing countries for not keeping up with the paperwork demanded by the empire.

It seems to me that the world needs an effective way for small countries to not get rolled over, including unfair patent portfolio attacks. If this article was about a small developing country vs. Qualcomm my reaction would be different.

nharada 8 hours ago 3 replies      
Somewhat unrelated to this specific case, but what happens to all that money? The government can't exactly budget for influxes of cash like this, so what do they do with it and who gets to spend it?
drawkbox 8 hours ago 0 replies      
The $1B fine might be one reason why they suddenly are charging for Vuforia AR SDK in version 4.0. They maybe rushed the change to pay licenses.

EDIT: Yes slightly off topic but Vuforia is owned by Qualcomm and recently surprised all SDK developers with the bait and switch to licensing from free for commercial. But it has happened so drastically that there is no way to find out what it costs, "contact sales" is the answer but no response from them yet. It was very rushed see here: https://developer.vuforia.com/forum/vuforia-40-beta/prices-a... This is a good example of how not to introduce pay commercial licensing on something that used to be free.

JohnLen 5 hours ago 0 replies      
Business in China. You need to evaluate all aspects before you decides.
eva1984 7 hours ago 0 replies      
I heard that Qualcomm's record on monopoly is not good either.
Netflix Comes to Cuba
points by WestCoastJustin  10 hours ago   36 comments 10 top all
lordbusiness 10 hours ago 4 replies      
This has to be a symbolic gesture, and hopefully one that rewards Cuban Internet interests. Currently, this isn't a viable offering for the average resident. I've travelled around plenty of Cuba, and Internet there will not support streaming media. Think poor dialup speeds from the early 1990s, flakey timeouts, dropped connections constantly, and you're imagining Cuban net access.

I've not sampled the connections available to government officials, but until Cuba gets a huge overhaul (read, installation) of a proper internet infrastructure, and peering to multiple countries, they won't be able to make use of this.

corin_ 6 hours ago 4 replies      
A few interesting stats from The Guardian's article [1]:

- Average monthly wage in Cuba is $17

- 2.8m people with access to internet (26%)

- 3.3m people with computer access (31%) "at home, work or school"

- "A modest computer with a monitor costs $722 in Cuban stores, and at least $550 on the black market", so I suspect more at work/school than at home

- "The country has 53 broadband internet accounts today"

[1] http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/feb/09/netflix-launche...

pg_bot 1 hour ago 0 replies      
This article and the press release by Netflix fails to mention anything about their DVD rental service. Since Cuba's current internet infrastructure has not been developed, streaming videos seems a bit premature. Some may dismiss this as a token gesture, but I believe it would be smart for Netflix to expand in Cuba as they did originally in the US.
drnex 7 hours ago 1 reply      
A few years ago, I read that cuba had like 250 MBPS for the entire island. A cuban guy told me that dial up was as expensive as a cheap appartment. (I dont know if their band has broadened, because Venezuela said publicly that they would connect a cable to them, but never heard of it actually happening).

Considering the extremely little bandwidth they have, a homebrew wireless 'cable' from Florida or Mexico would be a game changer for Cuba.

api 10 hours ago 0 replies      
I'd love to see the inverse too -- Cuba coming to Netflix. Would be fascinating.
aceperry 5 hours ago 1 reply      
Funny, I think it was 60 minutes which had a story about Cuba that mentioned there was no internet in the country. Reporters seem to get a lot of facts wrong.
mmariani 9 hours ago 1 reply      
Hey Netflix, what about Italy?
rahimnathwani 9 hours ago 4 replies      
"Internet access (which still isnt ubiquitous in the U.S.)"

Wait, what?

tn13 4 hours ago 0 replies      
I guess this is more of a symbolic gesture than anything else but I will take it as reminder that we take for granted so easily the fruits of a free market economy like united states while actively encouraging government involvement for the so called "fairness". Cuba is probably most fair among all countries. Almost everyone is pretty much destitute.
gbraad 7 hours ago 0 replies      
"Itll still require an international payment method for now, as well as Internet access (which still isnt ubiquitous in the U.S.)"

U.S. ???

My experiences through GrubHub's IPO from start to finish
points by dmarinoc  16 hours ago   46 comments 6 top all
ilamont 3 hours ago 2 replies      
If everything goes perfectly and the company has created a lot of buzz and momentum, there is interest to buy at a price above what has been printed on the S-1. As the pricing approaches, the company responds to this interest by increasing the price. Then the investors respond to the new price. This cycle repeats two to three times as the date approaches.

So, the price was not based on fundamentals of the business, but rather buzz, hype, and tactics like restricting the number of shares. The common stock price has since risen but it's now running a P/E ratio of 135 (1).

Who is getting the short end of the stick when reality kicks in? Mom and pop investors? Mutual funds and pensions?

Also, what's with the "bootstrap" banner at the top of the page? Grubhub took $84 million in funding (2).

1. http://research.investors.com/quotes/nyse-grubhub-inc-grub.h...

2. https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/grubhub

nemo44x 12 hours ago 3 replies      
If your company goes public and you have valuable equity but face a lockup of 6 months you can still "lock in" some price...if your company gets publicly traded options that is.

Sell calls at the price you want to sell for the month that the lockup expires. If your shares get called away you got the price you wanted and some premium. However, you miss out on a huge gain if it goes far beyond your call level. Also, if the stock tanks in that time you keep your now less valuable shares but you got some premium.

So, after selling calls you can take that money you made from the premium and buy puts with it at around the same price. You've created a spread here and have locked in a selling price and gave yourself some downside insurance - all for very little cost to you over all since the covered call premium paid for most, if not all of your puts. Your only risk now is that the stock goes through the roof and you miss out on some upside - but that makes sense as you've eliminated risk for very little out of pocket cost. So maybe you do this on 1/2 or 2/3 of your position or whatever you're comfortable with.

Of course the difficulty is if you have a ton of stock and the option market for your company isn't very large and therefore illiquid.

psuter 14 hours ago 4 replies      
Very interesting and educational read. Even if you know a little bit about how IPOs work, reading through the complete timeline helps understand the roles and the steps involved.

One question that came after reading:

    The underwriter wont move forward unless they get a very    high percentage (99-100%) of employees/shareholders to sign    a lock-up.
What are the incentives for employees to sign such an agreement? It sounds like the only point in the process where an (organized) group of employees could have some leverage?

jackgavigan 14 hours ago 3 replies      
It's a pity he doesn't talk about how the stock was priced. GrubHub closed up 31% the day it IPO'd, which means that they left $59.2m on the table.
ShellfishMeme 13 hours ago 2 replies      
I'd be interested in experiences with what IPO means for internal processes, especially in the software engineering parts of the company.

Any more supervision? Did the way development and deployments work change? I can imagine when you're publicly traded the higher ups might suddenly care much more about being on the safe side of things and try to enforce stricter rules.

knivets 15 hours ago 2 replies      
Read at first as GitHub's IPO.
Snowblowing is NP-complete
points by johndcook  15 hours ago   11 comments 5 top all
rcthompson 5 hours ago 0 replies      
Now I feel less bad about the vague suspicion that I was mowing my dad's lawn suboptimally for all those years.
amelius 8 hours ago 0 replies      
Reminds me of Sokoban, which is NP-hard [1]

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sokoban

douche 7 hours ago 2 replies      
I don't understand the reference to lawn-mowing being NP-complete - I thought I had a good algorithm: mow once around the outside, blowing grass inward, to get the edges without hitting things with the exhaust chute, then afterwards mow concentrically, blowing grass outward. Once the width is less than the turning radius of the mower, switch to only mowing along the long axis of the area.

Now, when there are rocks, stumps or trees within the area things get more interesting, depending on your tolerance for having to sharpen the blades...

exabrial 6 hours ago 0 replies      
What if you're raking wind rows... how does that affect the mowing problem? :)
snissn 6 hours ago 2 replies      
I don't think the author understands what np complete actually means. I don't think that it is easy to verify that a snow Blown path is optimally efficient. It's interesting to discuss the complexity of day to day tasks, but optimal cleaning seems to be np hard, not np complete. You may think that you have the optimal solution until a friend of yours shows you his solution.
Another 34000 People Are About to Put Their Future in the Hands of an Algorithm
points by evanb  15 hours ago   22 comments 12 top all
trhway 29 minutes ago 0 replies      
>where the students will do their residencies three to seven years or more of supervised training, usually in a hospital. Since you cant get a license to practice medicine in the United States without completing a residency, this is a high-stakes game.

at least in CA (and majority of other states) the requirement is only 1 year of post-med-school training:


" How much training must I complete before I am eligible for licensure?

A US/Can must complete 12 continuous months of training in a single program to be eligible for licensure. Further, a US/Can must be licensed by the end of the 24th month of training. "

So going into 3rd year of residency one must already be licensed.

The rest of states:


Note: That is not to dismiss the importance of residency. As one can see from the above, its importance goes way beyond of just getting the license.

cbd1984 4 hours ago 0 replies      
An algorithm is still an algorithm if a human is running it. Therefore, humans put their futures in the hands of algorithms being run by impartial humans all the time; partiality is only nice when it's acting in your favor, after all, and we don't want to be at the mercy of people who might not like us for some undefinable reason.
diego 6 hours ago 1 reply      
This is the kind of title that I would edit. The article is about how the National Resident Matching Program will use an implementation of the Gale-Shapley algorithm for matching medical students and residencies. The title makes it sound much more significant than it is; virtually all of us "put our future in the hands of an algorithm" countless times every day. Everything we do that leaves a trace in a database somewhere will affect our future to varying degrees.
jrapdx3 3 hours ago 0 replies      
The "matching program" isn't new--goes back to the 60's if not further. Sounds like the idea hasn't changed even if the "algorithm" is machine-implemented in recent times, no surprise there.

Used to be the student would put on his/her list the residencies in order of priority, and so would the institutions rank the candidates. Let the matching begin!

A thing to note is that not all residencies were in the mix and there were always a good number of students who weren't selected or maybe didn't even participate. That left room for students to find vacancies to fill.

AFAIK there weren't any students who couldn't get into a residency somewhere even if not among their top choices. Besides by the end of the first year of training there were always plenty of residents shifting to other programs so "holes" migrated around to an extent.

Chances are the situation is not at all dire for the current crop of graduating medical students. It tends to all work out.

rrauenza 8 hours ago 0 replies      
Numberphile has an episode on the Stable Marriage Problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qcv1IqHWAzg
dchichkov 2 hours ago 0 replies      
Based on work of "Lloyd Shapley and David Gale". Can somebody explain why is it better than just solving good old "Assignment Problem"?
dj-wonk 2 hours ago 0 replies      
My hunch is that a lot of value could be added -- and perhaps money made -- by rethinking the resident matching process. This would be much more than an algorithm redesign.
dj-wonk 2 hours ago 0 replies      
I'd be interested to know if the algorithm can be audited, and if so, by whom and why what process.
harmegido 5 hours ago 1 reply      
The last section of the article was really interesting to me. Some points from it:

1) Students need a residency to become a Doctor.2) Residencies are funded by congress.3) More doctors -> cheaper healthcare

So why don't we fund more residencies? And why is the government the one funding them?

Fomite 4 hours ago 0 replies      
There are, for the record, often unfilled residencies in infectious diseases. This specialty tends to end up on the bottom of physician pay scales however.
virulent 7 hours ago 0 replies      
Why is this an article anyway? They use matching algorithms here in Canada for university co-op (intern) jobs as well. Lots of people don't get jobs, but that's no fault of the matching algorithm.
dragontamer 9 hours ago 3 replies      
A bit click-baity. The "algorithm" is the same vein as the "algorithm" that runs our voting system. (add up the votes and choose the winner).

I don't think the "matchmaking algorithm" in the blog post actually matches the colloquial meaning of the word "Algorithm".

The San Francisco Suicide Club (1977-82)
points by drjohnson  12 hours ago   28 comments 10 top all
devindotcom 11 hours ago 3 replies      
Nowadays I'm afraid it would be secretly sponsored by Red Bull or GoPro and filmed for virality. I like the idea, though you would have to keep it very secret, like no names no phones secret if you want it to really work.

The name likely hearkens back to the Robert Louis Stevenson (edit: Robert, not Robery) story of the same name in which (minor spoiler warning) a group gathers regularly composed of men who want to end their lives but lack the minerals to do it, so they arrange murders based on the deal of a deck of cards. Really wonderful story, really, part of his "New Arabian Nights," which you can find online here:


subdane 11 hours ago 2 replies      
I had heard of Cacophony Society, John Law, reference to parties on(in?) The Golden Gate Bridge and their connection to Burning Man. But I hadn't known about Cacophony Society's origins in Suicide Club... which sounds like a Chuck Palahniuk book, which isn't surprising as he was apparently a member of Cacophony Society. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cacophony_Society
tomphoolery 2 hours ago 0 replies      
From Wikipedia...

"The "leave no trace" mantra of Burning Man was borrowed from the Suicide Club and the philosophy of Warne."

That's really cool to learn exactly where the LNT philosophy came from. I suppose something like it would have been established eventually but that idea is a core part of Burning Man and in burner lifestyles in general.

bri3d 7 hours ago 1 reply      
I think modern Urban Exploration clubs check a lot of the boxes mentioned in this writeup. Urbex is a lot less high concept, of course, but the hijinks are often similar in the end.
slester 6 hours ago 0 replies      
It reminds me a bit too of The Institute (I watched the documentary on Netflix: http://www.theinstitutemovie.com/). I'd really like to play a game like The Institute, but this seems a little darker, or at least the name kind of implies that.
tensafefrogs 6 hours ago 0 replies      
For those of us in NYC, I recommend keeping an eye on the nonsensenyc mailing list:


There's usually a handful of interesting events going on around the city and will often lead you to strange new places (in a good way).

gcheong 10 hours ago 0 replies      
Interesting, I've been participating in the annual Chinese New Year treasure hunt that seems to have been resurrected and organized by a former member.
ForHackernews 10 hours ago 0 replies      
readymade 10 hours ago 2 replies      
Reminiscing about the byegone days of San Francisco's cultural relevance on HN is the height of irony.
justizin 11 hours ago 0 replies      
Why didn't I invent this?! :D

Srsly, this is fascinating and sounds like a lot of fun.

The Classic Super Star Trek Game
points by ingler  12 hours ago   12 comments 10 top all
kernelcurry 27 minutes ago 0 replies      
Watch! if you don't want to play it !


JoeAltmaier 4 hours ago 0 replies      
Upon seeing this game, Tom Nelson and a friend wrote Begin, a tactical Star Trek simulation. It's been in C for over a decade, and still has a following. You can find it on Abandonia and other places. Even has a Wikipedia page. Though as far as I know it ISNT based on the Star Trek Battles paper game as suggested there. I'll ask Tom tomorrow.
gcb0 20 minutes ago 0 replies      
meh. this game was painful to be played after the 80s.

here is the usual sessionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-XWl9x13PU

every time i started that game because people around me said it was fun, it reminded me of the "typical novice's session with ed" after a while.


     Let's look at a typical novice's session with the mighty ed:  golem> ed  ?  help  ?  ?  ?  quit  ?  exit  ?  bye  ?  hello?   ?  eat flaming death  ?  ^C  ?  ^C  ?  ^D  ?
If you still want to play it, you distro probably have a package called bsdgames on the main package repo.

DavidPlumpton 53 minutes ago 0 replies      
I learned programming by reading the source code of this game in the fantastic book by David Ahl. I still remember an array called K which contained the X,Y coordinates and shield strength of each Klingon warship.
aceperry 5 hours ago 1 reply      
Wow, this is one of the first computer games that I played. It was running on an HP minicomputer connected to a teletype device with a paper printout.
jes 7 hours ago 0 replies      
I remember playing this game as well, many, many years ago.

If memory serves, I was playing it on thermal printer that eventually became the TI "Silent 700" series.

I believe the program was written in what was called "Super Fortran" at the time.

It was a great deal of fun.

[1] http://www.digibarn.com/collections/systems/ti-tymshare-100/...

ourmandave 8 hours ago 0 replies      
I remember playing Star Trek on HP teletypes connected to the Peoria mainframe in the high school math lab. Jeez we burned through a lot of paper.

A friend modded a version to automatically fire photon torpedoes when you entered a sector with Klingons. It calc'd the trajectory so it never missed.

Of course the downside was the blow back if you shot one right next to you. Or if there was a star in the way. Or there were >3 Klingons that would hammer you while the computer is cycling through the auto firing sequence.

madengr 4 hours ago 0 replies      
Great game. I played it recently in CPM on my Altair clone.
ForHackernews 8 hours ago 1 reply      
> In December 2013 I added three new commands -- CLOAK to cloak the Enterprise...

A true Star Trek fan would know this violates the Treaty of Algeron: http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Algeron

irascible 4 hours ago 0 replies      
Emscripten .js port Plz.
The 2011 DARPA Shredder Challenge
points by jarcane  17 hours ago   25 comments 8 top all
otaviogood 2 hours ago 1 reply      
I was on the team that won the shredder challenge. I talked to one of the UCSD people afterwards and he practically convinced me that my team did it. After a while I realized that it was so damn easy to sabotage their effort that I didn't really care if my team did it because that's what happens when you invite the whole internet to your party. Now I guess they managed to clear us of that. :) Unfortunately, when this Adam guy wrecked their program, he wrote them a letter which simultaneously implied that he was our team and the group "Anonymous" at the same time. Some people at DARPA seemed to believe that claim (even though I used my real name to sign up) and so DARPA was very hesitant to announce that we had won the competition. It was a fun competition though.
steven 14 hours ago 2 replies      
Interesting response from Harper Reed, who led Obama's 2012 online campaign.


crimsonalucard 12 hours ago 0 replies      
If you think about it, corporations are essentially crowd sourcing machines with sophisticated recruiting, hierarchies, regulations and rewards. One could say that corporations are on the far right of the spectrum while the contest itself with minimal rules, regulations and vetting for participants is at the far left.

Which is more efficient Corporations or crowd sourcing? Perhaps the sweet-spot is somewhere in the middle. Just add some rules and structure for vetting the players or distinguishing the saboteurs and maybe it might work!

noobiemcfoob 12 hours ago 0 replies      
"Game theorists have found that systems where individuals can build up a good reputation, are (probably) not as prone to devastating attacks from within.

But wily humans are good at finding their way around even the most secure digital systems."

/me eyes HN's karma system suspiciously...

codingdave 12 hours ago 2 replies      
So a crowdsourcing platform that knew it had security holes, but decided to risk it anyway... got trolled.

Interesting, and a good story, but it hardly invalidates the concept of crowdsourcing.

willvarfar 11 hours ago 1 reply      
I wonder if self-organisation can help?

If people can reenforce matches, and people who match alike are probable to see the same board, then the trolls will most match the other trolls and be invisible to the serious competitors?

I've played with collaborative filtering for sites like HN and I wonder if the same approach might sort trolls from the serious in these kinds of things?

http://williamedwardscoder.tumblr.com/post/15581427232/self-... <- my blog on collaborative filtering and trolls

Aardwolf 10 hours ago 2 replies      
Does anyone know why a high end shredder would shred the paper in such regular pieces, and of such size that there are still letters visible on each piece?
lifeformed 13 hours ago 1 reply      
Interesting article but a completely hyperbolic title and paragraph headers. "The end of crowdsourcing?"
Learning Smalltalk from Pharo by Example
points by sebastianconcpt  12 hours ago   13 comments 7 top all
rlander 6 hours ago 0 replies      
As a diehard functional programmer (who used to shun OOP as a fad) who's been dabbling with Pharo over the last few weeks, I must say I'm impressed. And, like the article pointed out, I'm having the same "seeing the light" experience that I first had with Lisp and Erlang.

After experiencing what OOP is really all about, an interactive environment with live objects sending messages to each other, readily available to be inspected and manipulated [0], I find it a drag to go back to Python and Clojure (less so) on my day job.

I now feel like every other OOP implementation (without the live environment) is just a horrific bastardized version of Smalltalk.

[0] http://simberon.blogspot.nl/2013/01/swimming-with-fish.html

muraiki 4 hours ago 0 replies      
Going through Pharo By Example, and especially the similar book "Dynamic Web Development with Seaside"[0] (a smalltalk web framework), really helped me to understand many concepts in OOP. Seaside is worth checking out simply for how differently it does things (the author describes it as a "heterodox" framework). As others have said, once you experience the joy of the flow of programming in Smalltalk with a great environment, it's difficult to not miss it when using other languages.

[0] http://book.seaside.st/book

Edit: Actually, I guess some of the things done in Seaside are now more common, such as building up a webapp from reusable components that have code and some local state coupled with a view.

iso-8859-1 7 hours ago 0 replies      
It is worth noting that there is also a book on Seaside, a continuation-based web framework that runs in Pharo: http://book.seaside.st/book
jhancock 3 hours ago 0 replies      
Last year I added a touch of programming to my 9 year old son's home school activities. We tried several learning tools, starting with Scratch. I don't have anything negative to say about the various options we tried. However, the most positive exercise was him going through the "Prof Stef" tutorial built into Pharo. He really got into exploring and interacting with objects using tradition Smalltalk inspectors and workspaces (Do it, Show it, Inspect it). He loved that he could close the environment and open it the next day with all his play right where it was.

As a father, I loved that I didn't feel like a fraud as I could easily help him dig around and answer just about any question on what's really going on.

echoless 1 hour ago 3 replies      
Can Pharo/Squeak programs utilize multiple cores? Last I checked, they used green threads and there weren't any plans to add true multi-threading.
sivanmz 2 hours ago 0 replies      
I didn't really get oop until I learned Smalltalk, working through this book, and subsequently through the Seaside one, was a revelation.

It ruined things for me, most everyday tools and languages look messy and inelegant next to Smalltalk.

mark_l_watson 6 hours ago 0 replies      
Good article. I was at first taken aback though by the negative comment in the second to last paragraph about the book being out of date. But, the book is a little out of date.

I am mostly programming my current passion project in Clojure and Clojurescript, but, I shadow my project with a version in Pharo. I love the environment for experimenting and the visibility to what is going on in a computation is a refreshing change from trying to figure out when something goes wrong in my Clojurescript code.

Show HN: A Simple terminal-based video chat renders in ASCII and has audio
points by emgram769  1 day ago   41 comments 17 top all
bwy 1 day ago 2 replies      
This is awesome! Wonder how it compares with mine (github.com/billyeh/termchat). Would love to share notes with the maker, since audio was something I did not even consider while I was making it. The image processing part is fun, though!
onderkalaci 23 hours ago 0 replies      
Its one of the most interesting github projects that I've seen so far!
atmosx 15 hours ago 0 replies      
> p2pvc does not get around NAT, so you may need to port forward. It uses ports 55555 and 55556 for audio and video respectively.

Nice use case for IPv6.

chappar 20 hours ago 0 replies      
Looks very cool.Sorry for nitpicking, there seems to be off by one at "ascii_values[min((intensity + 40) / 9, sizeof(ascii_values))];" :-)
rhgraysonii 16 hours ago 1 reply      
:( Anyone get the error

"VIDIOC_STREAMON: Invalid argument libv4l2: error turning on stream: Invalid argument

Can't seem to get it to work trying anything on github etc and want to get enough around to file a real issue.

ivan_ah 1 day ago 1 reply      
Who needs skype when you've got ascii...
thewizardofmys 23 hours ago 0 replies      
Amazing. Is the image(frames of the video) converted to ascii text in the server or on the terminal?
Alfwich 1 day ago 1 reply      
Needs ncurses headers

sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev

ledzep2 1 day ago 2 replies      
It would be awesome if it supports XMPP/SIP. And btw is there a image previewer for terminal?
dangayle 1 day ago 2 replies      
Wouldn't something like this be easier to encrypt for transmission than normal video? Plus, in the case it comes up, "that ascii representation doesn't look anything like me and you can't prove it was me."

I like it.

zaroth 1 day ago 1 reply      
It's almost too high fidelity. Wow.

One request - what's the bitrate? (I know it's probably possible to measure in 1 line of shell)

aregularguy 23 hours ago 1 reply      
This would be awesome with audio. Stream audio over ssh and into a dependency like mplayer, and you have full a full, terminal chat application!
eridal 9 hours ago 0 replies      
great project!!

I remember watching the world cup on an ASCII terminal


imcn 1 day ago 0 replies      
Really cool. I like the idea a lot.
shitgoose 1 day ago 0 replies      
Very nice!
CoryG89 23 hours ago 0 replies      
I made something like this once. Doing it in color is pretty awesome though.
failed_ideas 20 hours ago 0 replies      
That's pretty awesome, now if I can fins a decent terminal browser that supports javascript and vim keybindings and the equivalent of chromes devtools, I can spend all of my time in the terminal (save design of course, but that wouldn't even make any sense). It's probably unreasonable to think that I'll fin that, but I'll keep looking.
points by    ago   discuss
Filenames and Pathnames in Shell: How to Do It Correctly (2010)
points by thefox  16 hours ago   18 comments 7 top all
deathanatos 1 hour ago 1 reply      
Today I learned globbing happens after word-splitting.

Can someone explain the following:

   for file in ./* ; do        # Prefix with "./*", NEVER begin with bare "*"     if [ -e "$file" ] ; then  # Make sure it isn't an empty match
1. Why prefix with a "./" ? Is that just to help avoid the `cat $filename` scenario? (i.e., that $filename will be "./-n" instead of "-n", and that

  cat -- *
is perfectly valid?)

2. What's the -e check for? It says "an empty match" -e means that the file exists, but * would only return files that exist, so -e must (with some caveats) be true. (The caveat being that there's a race condition between the globbing and the test, but with the added test, there's _still_ a race condition between the glob, the test, and the command execution. Are we just attempting to minimize the amount of race-condition by testing?)

Adaptive 11 hours ago 2 replies      
One of the reasons I like zsh is its copious expansion flags. If you aren't wedded to POSIX or bash syntax, consider zsh for this reason alone.

In the case of the first example he shows, the cat -n problem, you can do the following in zsh to expand the results of the wildcard globbing automatically:

    cat *(:A)
This will give cat full paths. Not significantly different from the PWD referenced with ./* in his example, but more universal in applicability, particularly when you start to use things like the file type filters:

    cat *(.:A)
giving you only files, not directories, and also expanding to absolute paths, while

    cat **/*(.:A)
does the same for plain files in the working directory and all subdirectories as well.

Remember to test your patterns with a print statement first:

    print -l **/*(.:A)
before passing them to a command.

bch 1 hour ago 0 replies      
Note also that some[1] commands will have a "--" (dash dash) flag indicating "end of flags", so (eg): "cat -- -n" really would cat a file called "-n"[2].

[1] on my BSD system, many internal Tcl commands honor this convention. Damned if I can find a section 1 shell command that uses the convention, but I'm sure I've seen them.

[2] my version of cat doesn't have a -- flag, so my example is contrived; not sure if GNU cat differs.

EDIT: typo, perl(1) supports "--". See perlrun(1) for details.

white-flame 9 hours ago 2 replies      
The original strength of Unix also ends up being such a commonly frustrating feature: Everything is marshalled through strings.

With human-manageable strings comes ambiguities, especially in concatenative situations like commandline expansion and SQL injection susceptible code.

There's really no good universal solution. Judiciously adding explicit boilerplate as the article describes, or using less open-ended syntax which ends up adding common syntactic overhead as well, are both more painful to the user in common cases.

Scaevolus 9 hours ago 0 replies      
Shellcheck will find a broad variety of unsafe shell operations, including most (all?) of the issues on this page: http://www.shellcheck.net/
swatow 3 hours ago 0 replies      
First step for doing things correctly:

  import shutil

artmageddon 10 hours ago 2 replies      
I'd love to know if there's a Windows equivalent to this.
Watson now brings cognitive speech capabilities to developers
points by pesenti  12 hours ago   33 comments 9 top all
mind_heist 11 hours ago 4 replies      
Hmm ... I along with a couple of my friends spent the last two days at the DeveloperWeek hackathon trying to explore Watson's capabilites. IBM's PaaS solution is called BlueMix and all of Watson's capabilities are available as Services for you to use.

We tried using the "tradeoff Analytics" service for the project - and I must say , the tools and help available around it, the API and its documentation is pretty bad , convoluted and unusable. This is true too other services available through watson too.

We looked into IoT ( Internet of things ) as well . And once again , ran into a ton of dead ends without being able to proceed. The API documentation and examples just suck . If you are used to playing around with well documented APIs / Tools / Languages - this is going to be frustrating.

If the OP is the person who actually wrote the article , please please please go back to Watson Dev Cloud or BlueMix and try it out your services and APIs an a consumer.

frik 11 hours ago 2 replies      
In 1999 IBM released a free version of ViaVoice (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_ViaVoice). IBM sold ViaVoice in 2003 and all distribution functions passed to ScanSoft, now called Nuance (http://www-01.ibm.com/software/pervasive/viavoice.html). Does IBM still own the whole stack, or is it based on Nuance code?

Are there plans to open up parts of the older voice technology and contribute it e.g. to CMU Sphinx?

oomkiller 9 hours ago 2 replies      
The ability to create your own models is very important to use this, as your existing ones do a bad job of processing my normal speech. To test I just tried reading a few simple phrases and the error rate is pretty high. The Web Speech API did a great job with the same phrases https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/demos/speech.html
ilyaeck 3 hours ago 1 reply      
It looks like IBM is getting serious about Watson, but still not serious enough. To create an ecosystem and incentivize developers to work through all the issues, IBM should probably create an investment fund for startups who build their products based on Watson. Any such plans?
reledi 8 hours ago 1 reply      
Live demos that you can play with:

Speech to Text: https://speech-to-text-demo.mybluemix.net

Text to Speech: http://text-to-speech-demo.mybluemix.net

z3phyr 4 hours ago 0 replies      
By cognitive speech, do they mean 'understanding' the natural language? Can somebody please explain how is it different from other solutions?
Yhippa 11 hours ago 2 replies      
Has anyone used Bluemix past the 30-day trial? It looks like you get 375 GB-hours. That sounds like quite a lot of time. It sounds like as a developer I can mess around with their beta services and not worry about paying anything.
mind_heist 8 hours ago 1 reply      
There is some thing else I would like to point out as well , IBM folks on this thread can answer the question. This is regarding the "user modeling service" of Watson. I spoke to a couple of IBM folks and asked what are some of the coolest Apps they had seen that was built using Watson - and someone mentioned the following MSNBC article . It's Watson perception about the State of the Union Speech .What the user modelling service does - is to take text as input and sentiment analyze it ( and give outputs around it)


What the folks @ MSNBC did was to pass the last 10 SOTU speeches to Watson and collate the results over a graph.

But, Here is why I have trouble believing Watson's perception. Try passing the following input to Watson - (or any other gibberish)

"jkldsjglkfdsjgdfls kg;jsf g dsfg fdg jsdfjgdfskg dfsgj df gfgdflg;dfg g;fkgljsdfgk;gjldfg dgkjldfgdhfgkjdfhjgfkldskf;ksdlf;ksdlfks jkdhfkhsdjkfhksdhj ljfsdjfhdsjkfjskdhfkjsdhfsdfkls;dkfl; dkfl;sd;fsk roweruoweuroiweuroiwe uweoruweoruweo ruweuro kjgsfgjkldfsjgsklfgjfdsl gjfdlkg fd jkldsjglkfdsjgdfls kg;jsf g dsfg fdg jsdfjgdfskg dfsgj df gfgdflg;dfg g;fkgljsdfg kjgsfgjkldfsjgs klfgjfdslgjfdlkg fdjkldsjglkfdsjgdfls kg;jsf g dsfg fdg jsdfjgdfskg dfsgj df gfgdflg;dfgg;fkgljsdfg kjgsfgjkldfsjgs klfgjfdsl gjfdlkg fd jkldsjg lkfdsjgdfls kg;jsf g dsfg fdg jsdfjg dfskg dfsgj df gfgd flg;dfg g;fkglj sdfgkjgs fgjk ldfsj gs klfgjfds lgjfdlkg fd jkldsjg lkfdsjgdfls kg;jsf g dsfg fdg jsdfjg dfskg fsgj df gf gdflg;dfg g;fkglj sdfg kjgsfgjkldfsjgs klfgjfd slgjfdlkg fd jkldsjglk fdsjgdfls kg;jsf g dsfgfdg jsdfjgdf skg fsgj df gfgdflg;dfg g;fkgl jsdfg kjgsfgjk ldfsjgsklfgjfdslgjfdlkg fd jkldsjg lkfdsj dfls kg;jsf g dsfg fdg jsdfjgdfskg dfsgj f gfgd flg;dfg g;fkgljsdfg kjgsfgjkldfsjgs

fkldskf;ksdlf;ksdlfks jkdhfkhsdjkfhksdhj ljfsdjfhdsjkfjskdhfkjsdhfsdfkls;dkfl; dkfl;sd;fsk roweruoweuroiweuroiwe uweoruweoruweo ruweuro kjgsfgjkldfsjgsklfgjfdsl gjfdlkg fd jkldsjglkfdsjgdfls kg;jsf g dsfg fdg jsdfjgdfskg dfsgj df gfgdflg;dfg g;fkgljsdfg kjgsfgjkldfsjgs klfgjfdslgjfdlkg fdjkldsjglkfdsjgdfls kg;jsf g dsfg fdg jsdfjgdfskg dfsgj df gfgdflg;dfgg;fkgljsdfg kjgsfgjkldfsjgs klfgjfdsl gjfdlkg fd jkldsjg lkfdsjgdfls kg;jsf g dsfg fdg jsdfjg dfskg dfsgj df gfgd flg;dfg g;fkglj sdfgkjgs fgjk ldfsj gs klfgjfds lgjfdlkg fd jkldsjg lkfdsjgdfls kg;jsf g dsfg fdg jsdfjg dfskg fsgj df gf gdflg;dfg g;fkglj sdfg kjgsfgjkldfsjgs klfgjfd slgjfdlkg fd jkldsjglk fdsjgdfls kg;jsf g dsfgfdg jsdfjgdf skg fsgj df gfgdflg;dfg g;fkgl jsdfg kjgsfgjk ....


And Watson rates it as the following.

Big 5

Openness100%Adventurousness100%Artistic interests2%Emotionality1%Imagination100%Intellect100%Authority-challenging100%Conscientiousness93%Achievement striving94%Cautiousness57%Dutifulness1%Orderliness1%Self-discipline81%Self-efficacy3%Extraversion1%Activity level1%Assertiveness1%Cheerfulness1%Excitement-seeking2%Outgoing1%Gregariousness1%Agreeableness1%Altruism1%Cooperation1%Modesty1%Uncompromising1%Sympathy1%Trust1%Emotional range11%Fiery1%Prone to worry10%Melancholy34%Immoderation24%Self-consciousness6%Susceptible to stress9%




Conservation78%Openness to change5%Hedonism15%Self-enhancement76%Self-transcendence11%


Its plain gibberish , and you still get some results. I tried passing other text transliterated to English and Watson still gives results like this. I would expect it to atleast call it out as gibberish-text.

npalli 11 hours ago 1 reply      
What are the plans to release native versions of the api that can be plugged into iOS and Android apps.
Symantec must pay $17M to Intellectual Ventures
points by paralelogram  12 hours ago   27 comments 7 top all
jobu 6 hours ago 4 replies      
"IV was originally created as a "patent defense fund," getting investment cash from big Silicon Valley companies like Google, Apple, and Cisco. Soon, IV moved its focus to patent enforcement, and the firm is generally disliked in Silicon Valley."

"Disliked" is certainly an understatement.

It's interesting though, in all of the coverage of Intellectual Ventures nefarious court adventures I've never heard it reported that they started out as a patent defense fund. Is that really true?

jaguar86 7 hours ago 3 replies      
Intellectual Ventures is a patent troll. They shouldn't even exist. Laws must ban those organizations that merely collect patents and waiting to sue people. Creativity killing machines!!
asn0 6 hours ago 2 replies      
Did Symantec try to challenge the '142 patent during this trial? Has this patent ever been challenged?

There's so much prior art (procmail, sendmail, cc:Mail, UseNet, routing tables, and probably plenty more) I don't see how this patent could survive a challenge.

IvyMike 5 hours ago 2 replies      
> While jurors sided with Intellectual Ventures, they awarded the patent holder less than six percent of the $299 million its lawyers sought, according to a Symantec spokesperson. The verdict form indicates the company was also asking for ongoing royalty payments, which the jury rejected.

I'm having trouble reconciling $299 million with these patents, which appear to be gigantically obvious. The second patent, US6073142 A, appears to basically be a description of procmail circa 1990. I challenge anyone to figure out where the $299+ million idea was.

Slartibreakfast 4 hours ago 1 reply      
I'm so sick of software patents. The solution seems pretty simple - the approval process for software patents should consist of running the idea past three people off of the street. If they say "Well, duh..." in response to being presented with a complex idea like "Method for Storing Phone Number With a Name" or "Method for Buying Something by Clicking On It" then you don't get your freaking patent.
zetong14 6 hours ago 0 replies      
i wonder how many of you still use non-free virus program on your personal computer
rajacombinator 6 hours ago 0 replies      
This is why I rooted against the Seahawks.
Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification [pdf]
points by fchollet  13 hours ago   11 comments 3 top all
Animats 3 hours ago 0 replies      
That's an impressive result, considering how simple the algorithm really is. (The learning algorithm isn't obvious, but it's not a lot of code.)

Can this algorithm be run in reverse, to generate an image from the network? That's been done with one of the other deep neural net classifiers. "School bus" came out as a yellow blob with horizontal black lines.

An interesting question is whether there's a bias in the data set because humans composed the pictures, and humans like to take pictures of certain things. (Cats are probably over-represented.) Images taken by humans tend to have a primary subject, and that subject is usually roughly centered in the images. It might be useful to test against a data set taken from Google StreetView images, which lack such a composition bias.

svantana 9 hours ago 1 reply      
Interesting, I've long wondered why parametric nonlinearities are not used more often. It adds very little to the overall parameter count (the number of units is most often dwarfed by the number of connections), but it should increase expressibility a lot (e.g. adaptively using soft or hard nonlinearities). Taken to its extreme, I've been toying with the idea of combining DNNs and Genetic Programming - using a large number of arbitrary symbolic expressions with high connectivity and many layers.
dwiel 7 hours ago 2 replies      
It seems that this might mean that ImageNet is becoming less useful a benchmark dataset. Some of the images have labels which I would have never guessed myself, and not because I don't know the difference between two types of stingray, but because I would have never said that the topic of the image was a seatbelt. It would be interesting to know how many errors are actually due to outputting a label which does exist in the image, but isn't in the labeled truth data and how many are plainly not in the image.
cached 10 February 2015 08:02:04 GMT  :  recaching -2126h 59m