Ok, fixed.
Thank you for the bug report!
I see two problems with .today: it is longer and the URLs are not clickable sometimes:
If there would be many users who prefer .today, I will change it back.
Not sure if they will make it publicly available, looking at how they handle robots.txt (for instance, compare https://archive.is/www.chillingeffects.org and http://web.archive.org/web/*/www.chillingeffects.org).
And I am not closing down.
I took new snapshot of this page (https://archive.is/F3Jxu) and it fits well with no horizontal scrollbar.
It is not easy due to the paradoxical fact that the snapshots are not stable enough. They are changing over time with the changes in the post-processing code.
If you compare https://archive.is/Ho3nb/image and https://archive.is/Ho3nb you may notice that the former has the popup with warning about the cookies but the latter is not.
At https://archive.is/Ho3nb you may notice that the images embedded in tweets (which are cropped on twitter.com until clicked) have their full height on the snapshot. As the snapshots are not interactive we have to make little changes in the webpage layout in order to make semi-hidden content visible without requiring action.
One more example: at https://archive.is/53wIp the transcript is shown as though “READ TRANSCRIPT” button has been clicked.
All this magic is performed by the post-processing code. What you see and what you can download in .zip-files are the output of the code. Every change in the code would change the content and the control sum of all the .zip-files and would require all the .zip-files to be signed again.
Yesterday I did not disclose the page which «Gransy s.r.o» was willing to remove in order to avoid unnecessary Streisand Effect.
Here (copy, copy) «Gransy» is answering the questions of their fellow Czech hosters and, although not saying that directly, tries to make suggestion that the page in question is somehow related to the childporn abuse (of course, as any webpage from the Internet can be stored on Archive.today, child porn abuses can happen and do happen, although they unlikely can reach attention of the Registrar or ISP, as we asked Horká linka to send child porn abuses directly to us and they do).
The page in question has nothing to do with «child» nor with «porn» nor with «abuse», it is https://archive.today/gabrielle.be (exactly this page, not the snapshots listed on it).
The very fact that «Gransy» is not apologizing but defending itself dropping gentle hints to the childporn abuse displays that the threatening with blocking the domain was not a mistake of a fresh hired employee from the Level-1 support but the established business practice: they even have a special slang shortcut «bububu» for it.
The domain registrar «Gransy s.r.o» (AKA «regtons.com» AKA «subreg.cz» AKA «regnames.ua») was threatening us with blocking «archive.today» domain if some webpage were not removed from «archive.today» website.
This page is not related to Wikileaks, nor to the Gamergate controversy, nor to the war in Donbass. Not even to the copyright. They wanted to remove the snapshot of a deactivated LGBT-clothes shop.
We can only guess why the «Gransy s.r.o» employees consider this case so important - against the background of all the hot controversies that use «archive.today» to preserve the proofs which many people want to disappear - to renege on registrar’s neutrality and arrogantly use such a dirty method as threatening with blocking the domain in their intention to censor the client’s website content.
I have moved «archive.today» to another registrar.
Also mirror on «archive.is» is still active and I registered «archive.li» where I am going to set up an additional mirror.