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Dear Jeremy Renner, Can You Not?

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US actor Jeremy Renner poses on the red carpet for the European premiere of the film 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' in London on April 21, 2015. AFP PHOTO / JUSTIN TALLIS (Photo credit should read JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP/Getty Images) | JUSTIN TALLIS via Getty Images
Dear Jeremy Renner,
We need to talk. I know you're a little tired right now. Doing press for "The Avengers" is hard. Being a movie star is hard. Few among us truly know what it is like to wear a leather vest while pretend-fighting with arrows. But it's time to take a nap and get it together, Jeremy! Being tired is not a good enough excuse for slut-shaming Black Widow. Again.
The first time you put your foot in your mouth with a "slut" comment, you graced us with a grand non-apology, saying you were "exhausted" and clarifying that Black Widow is fictional. We know that Black Widow is fictional, Jeremy. Apparently, the other thing that is fictional is your sorriness.
Now you've gone and resurrected your original comments in an interview with Conan O'Brien, because apparently you are still confused why no one finds them hilarious. Here's what you said (in case you are too exhausted to remember right now): “Mind you, I was talking about a fictional character and fictional behavior. But, Conan, if you slept with four of the six Avengers, no matter how much fun you had, you’d be a slut, I’d be a slut.”
Jeremy, Jeremy, Jeremy.
Conan would not be a "slut." You would not be a "slut." Has anyone in your whole entire life turned to you and said, "Oh, my God, Jeremy. You are such a slut." If the answer is "no," then I hate to break it to you, but that's not just because you haven't slept with four of the Avengers. (Also, holy Smurfette Principle, Black Widow hasn't slept with four of the Avengers either. But that's besides the point.)
I mean, based on the shock with which you regard sleeping with four people, I don't know, Jeremy. Maybe you lead a very chaste life. That's your choice. In general, when men (fictional or otherwise) sleep with multiple people (Avengers or otherwise) they are called "studs" or "players" or some other outdated '90s terminology congratulating their conquests. Or, you know, their sexual history isn't commented on at all. Only women are called "sluts." That's the real problem here, Jeremy.
You cannot brush the whole thing off by saying you "got in Internet trouble." Honestly, Jeremy, I cannot even begin to know why you insist on discussing the Internet like you are Donald Trump at a Republican bake sale. You did not get in "Internet trouble." You were sexist and then you got called out by people who were able to amplify their voices through the Internet.
I can't believe I have to explain this to you right now, but the idea that "boys will be boys, and girls will be sluts" is one of the most invasive double standards women deal with. Author Leora Tanenbaum explained the (sexist) logic behind it: "For most people, 'slut' means a woman who is disgusting, shameful and out of control sexually ... Men are expected, even encouraged, to be sexually active -- even in an uncontrolled manner -- while women are expected to be minimally sexual."
Do you get it now, Jeremy? It's not about how many partners you have, or how much "fun" you have while having sex. The point is that calling women "sluts" is just another way of judging and attempting to control female sexuality. If this is still in any way confusing, a very simple rule to live by: Do. Not. Call. Women. Sluts. Another option would be to just stop talking.
P.S. Maybe chat with Mark Ruffalo? It seems like Mark Ruffalo gets it.
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  • Bonnie Clark · Top Commenter · Hogan High School
    Seriously. It is a fictional character. Get over it and quit trying to make outrage happen where there shouldn't be any.
    • Melissa Murphy · Top Commenter
      way to miss the bigger picture: media is a reflection of society. Intersections matter. I know you really don't want to think it matters because that involves some critical thinking and that's hard. so hard. EDIT: looks like the person i responded deleted her comment: It was the typical 'Big deal! Its only a fictional character' Cowards and Trolls deleting their comments.
      Reply · Like
      · 8 · Edited · 3 hours ago
    • Bonnie Clark · Top Commenter · Hogan High School
      Melissa Murphy really, this attitude is more damaging than his comment. I am no victim of his comments. Those who feel they need protection from every perceived slight is going to have a hard time making it the world. The person who over-thinks every single comment and cries outrage at everything they can extract from every spoken word is going to have heart attack.Personal responsibility starts with the ability to discern what's important and what is not.
      Reply · Like
      · 7 · 3 hours ago
    • Melissa Murphy · Top Commenter
      Bonnie Clark lol wut? personal responsibility? so its MY fault he says offensive and demeaning things for media attention? or are you just flailing around at this point. check this out; people have every right to voice displeasure - media is a reflection of society's attitudes and things need to change. Just because YOU don't want things to change doesn't mean others can't be vocal.
      Reply · Like
      · 3 · 2 hours ago
  • Lloyd Loganathan · Top Commenter · Toronto, Ontario
    Clearly from Renner's comments, he uses "slut" as a gender neutral term for anyone who's sexually promiscuous. Anything about the double standard between men and women in regards to sex is something you're projecting on to his joke.

    Four may not be considered a lot of partners to many people, but if you have sex with 4 out of the 5 available members in a group (a group of friends, for instance), people are going to make observations whether you're male or female.
  • Dominic Gamble · Junior Auditor at Heritage Canada The National Trust
    This writer is rediculous. The guy is just joking around. And again its a fictional character! unbunch your panties and cover some real news
    • Al Smith · Top Commenter
      What's ridiculous is your lack of spelling skills. If he had used a racial epithet while "just joking around" would that have been ok? No. So using language that specifically degrades women isn't ok either.
      Reply · Like
      · 4 minutes ago
  • Johnny 'Scruffbag' Díxon
    Wow . . . there's 5 minutes of my life I'm never going to get back. What a gigantic steaming pile of misandry waffle.
    Everyone offended by this particular quasi-offensive term needs to go face the corner and have a group un-bunching of their underwear.
  • Heather Hoggins
    IF it was a man who did this, he'd be a stud.. Complete double standard here. Jeremy needs to get over it.
    • John Hunigan · Top Commenter
      Also, by this logic, we should stop listening to Richard Pryor or George Carlin records.
      • Chris McCoy · Equipment Maintenence Manager at Reiman Corp
        I've never liked Jeremy Renner as much as I do now after reading this article.
        • John Hunigan · Top Commenter
          Lauren, no offense but you are not someone at a party I would find fun to hang around. It's make believe and he has not done anything in his personal life to purposely demean real women. As said in "Stripes" "Lighten up Francis!"
          • Melissa Murphy · Top Commenter
            Mens Rights Advocates and other nuckle-dragging mouth breathers rejoice for their new king. Renner needs to stop trolling and sit the f**k down.
            • Donna Walch · Top Commenter
              You can't even get one point across without calling people names yet you are taking this actor to task for calling names. Irony at it's finest.
              Reply · Like
              · 3 · 3 hours ago
          • Marc Monzeglio · Top Commenter
            Get over it already

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