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[–]shitlordsunited2015 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (7子コメント)

TL;DR of life:

19 years old, born in the Netherlands. Pretty wealthy parents so ive been living a chill life for most of the time. Spent 1 year studying in France and now i'm back and trying to figure out what i want to do.

Age: 19

Current profession or education: Studying IT at Erasmus University in Rotterdam



Main Skill-sets:

  • 1: Programming

Above Average skill-sets:

  • 1: Hiking
  • 2: Guitar
  • 3: CSS

Minor skill-sets:

Not really sure what to write here.

Skills that you are currently and actively trying to learn:

  • 1: Started going to the gym.

So yeah, this maybe is a bit of a hollow introduction but i dont have very much right now. Im hoping this sub can help me change that.

[–]Ztiller1[Mod]Martial Arts/Skydiving/STEM/Drummer/PUA[S,M] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Alright, so this is not ok. First of all, you have almost no pictures whatsoever to prove anything of what you're saying, nor did you timestamp the only one you had.

Second of all, there is almost nothing to prove. Your verification is void of almost any content. Even if i were to accept it, what kind of flair would you get? "Programming?" If you want a flair around here, you need to work a lot harder for it. Flairs are earned, not handed out.

Not to mention that you consider the wealth of your parents something worth talking about. Their wealth does not automatically make you a better person. Here we care about what YOU have done, not your parents.

Lastly, i have over and over again said that this sub is not for beginners. This is for people who have their life on track, and want even more. This does obviously not apply to you.

There are many other beginners subs out there, this is not one of them. You're not welcome here.

[–]shitlordsunited2015 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (4子コメント)

I'm not comfortable posting pictures of myself online, ok? not sure why you even need them to begin with. As i said im turning my life around. Of course its empty right now and thats what i want to change!! You say in the rules that you think all things are equal, so i dont get why money isn't something worth mentioning.

So yeah, fuck you. I came here hoping i could get some tips on how to get my life back on track and you tell me im "not good enough" to be here. Thats so fucking wrong on so many levels, telling someone he isnt welcome in a self improvement sub because he isnt good enough yet.

Go fuck yourself

[–]Ztiller1[Mod]Martial Arts/Skydiving/STEM/Drummer/PUA[S,M] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (3子コメント)

What exactly are you embarrassed about? What do you think is going to happen if you post a picture? The photos are there to verify that you're a fit and active person, simple as that.

You can turn your life around elsewhere. This is not the place for that.

Yeah, all Skills are equal. Your parents money does not say anything about your skills.

There is nothing wrong about having standards, and on this sub we put the bar high. This sub was made to give people an opportunity to surround themselves with like-minded and aspirational individuals. Obviously this does not include you.

You're right, you're not welcome here. You're free to lurk as much as you want, but don't post here again until you have got your life on track. Which is unlikely to be any time soon.


[–]1151234411 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Lol youre such a fucking douche. I saw your self post. You think you have the right to judge me and tell me im not good enough? This sub is nothing but you trying to pat yourself on the back for how good you think you are. Asshole.

[–]Ztiller1[Mod]Martial Arts/Skydiving/STEM/Drummer/PUA[S,M] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh god... I really have better things to do than to argue with you.

You failed the test. Not because the test was too hard, but because you didn't prepare enough for it.

Go away.

[–]TotesMessenger 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

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